More Design Patterns In Delphi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More Design Patterns In Delphi


Output is an abstract syntax tree, where each node represents an element of the language ... 'Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: More Design Patterns In Delphi

More Design Patterns In Delphi
Session Code D3.03 Track Delphi
  • Jim Cooper
  • Falafel Software

  • Discuss some lesser known patterns from the GoF
  • Examine example code for an application
  • Somewhat contrived, but we only have an hour
  • Assume some knowledge of patterns
  • Most important point is that a pattern is not a
    code template

  • A necessarily small piece of software
  • Read and display CSV files
  • Read and display XML files
  • Will automatically detect the type of file being
    read, and parse it appropriately
  • Used refactorings on this code. An example is in
    the Refactorings paper

Parsing CSV files
  • Comma delimited text
  • Stuff,123,More, with comma,,Last
  • Often would use a state machine
  • Models a set of states
  • From each state, particular inputs cause
    transitions to other states

Finite State Machine
  • This example is from ToD, with the kind
    permission of Julian Bucknall

State Pattern
  • Allow an object to alter its behaviour when its
    internal state changes. The object will appear to
    change its class
  • Cannot actually change class, so we mimic that
  • Participants are context (interface to external
    systems) and states.

State Pattern - Code
  • Context is TCsvParser
  • All states derive from TCsvParserState one for
    each state in the FSM
  • Note caching of state objects
  • Sometimes need to create and destroy states on
    the fly
  • State objects often need access to the context

Parsing XML Files
  • Wont attempt a full-blown parser!
  • Only allow a subset of XML, but we still have a
    small language
  • Use a recursive descent compiler
  • See the Dragon Book for details
  • Output is an abstract syntax tree, where each
    node represents an element of the language

  • XmlDoc -gt Prolog0..1 TagList0..1
  • Prolog -gt lt?xml PrologData?gt
  • TagList -gt Node
  • Node -gt StartTag Data TagList EndTag
  • StartTag -gt ltTagNamegt
  • EndTag -gt lt/TagNamegt
  • PrologData -gt Any printable chars except lt,gt,/
    and ?
  • Data -gt Any printable chars except lt,gt and
  • TagName -gt Any printable chars except
  • Ignore DTDs, attributes, escaped characters
  • (e.g. lt), structure of prolog data and empty
  • element tags

Example XML file
  • We will be able to parse things like this
  • lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
  • ltListgt
  • ltSomeStuffgtStuff 1 is herelt/SomeStuffgt
  • ltSomeStuffgtStuff 2 is herelt/SomeStuffgt
  • ltSomeStuffgtStuff 3 is herelt/SomeStuffgt
  • ltSomeStuffgtStuff 4 is herelt/SomeStuffgt
  • lt/Listgt

Interpreter Pattern
  • Given a language, define a representation for
    its grammar along with an interpreter that uses
    the representation to interpret sentences in the
  • Definition of interpret is broad, and includes
    other things than executing instructions

Interpreter Pattern - 2
  • We will be defining a class for each element in
    the grammar, so this pattern works best if the
    grammar is not too complex
  • Can be inefficient way to represent data
  • Recursive descent compilers have similar
    limitations and are a good match for feeding the

Interpreter Pattern - Code
  • Requires client to build syntax tree
  • Base class of tree is the abstract expression
  • Has abstract method to perform interpret
    operation Search and Replace in our case
  • Will allow operation on just Data or Tags as
    well, so need to understand document structure

Interpreter Pattern Code 2
  • Subclass for each grammar element
  • Terminal expressions (refactored out)
  • PrologData, Data, TagName
  • Actually do search and replace on these elements
  • Nonterminal expressions
  • Made up of other expressions
  • Call SearchAndReplace on those other expressions

Visitor Pattern
  • Represent an operation to be performed on the
    elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you
    define a new operation without changing the
    classes of the elements on which it operates.
  • Moves operations from tree nodes to another class

Visitor Pattern - Code
  • Declare a Visitor class, which has a Visit method
    for each node type in the object structure
  • Can use method overloading in Delphi
  • Methods virtual so visitor descendants can choose
    which to implement
  • Accept method in base expression class note
    similarity with SR

Visitor Pattern - 2
  • Implementing new visitors requires a new visitor
    class, but no changes to the syntax tree
  • Similar operations are grouped together
  • Can break encapsulation by needing to know too
    much about nodes
  • Changing the object structure will break visitor

  • Store some information about the document we are
    looking at
  • Used as a context in many patterns
  • Uses a stringlist to hold the text

Strategy Pattern
  • Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each
    one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets
    the algorithm vary independently from clients
    that use it.
  • This pattern is a way to use different techniques
    for the same operation

Strategy Pattern - Code
  • Hide details of SR and pretty printing from
    users of document
  • In our case, have 2 operations per strategy, and
    one strategy per file type
  • Base class is abstract to force implementation in
  • Note access to context (Document)

Strategy Pattern - 2
  • Could subclass context to have 2 document classes
  • Mixes algorithms with document
  • Can be difficult to structure hierarchy,
    especially if several operations
  • More objects in system
  • Strategy and context can be closely coupled
  • Can have default algorithms

Command Pattern
  • Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby
    letting you parameterise clients with different
    requests, queue or log requests, and support
    undoable operations.
  • Want to be able to undo operations
  • Delphi actions are an example of the Command

Command Pattern - Code
  • Abstract base command class
  • Execute and Rollback methods
  • Use Template pattern
  • Descendant class for each command
  • Need a reference to the document (the receiver)
  • Not always needed
  • Separates out command logic

Memento Pattern
  • Without violating encapsulation, capture and
    externalise an objects internal state so that
    the object can be restored to this state later.
  • Stores an objects state
  • We will use it to support undo operations

Memento Pattern - 2
  • Normally need 3 types of object
  • Memento stores state information
  • Caretaker stores the memento(s)
  • Originator creates mementos, and uses them to
    go back to earlier state
  • Memento class needs a lot of info about the
  • To avoid encapsulation problems declare both in
    the same unit

Memento Pattern - Code
  • Document class is our originator
  • Memento is simple, just stores document text -
    usually more complex
  • Memento property accessors get and set document
  • Use memento in pretty printing command/rollback
  • Need a list of commands, so...

Facade Pattern
  • Provide a unified interface to a set of
    interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a
    higher-level interface that makes the subsystem
    easier to use.
  • Hides a complex subsystem behind a simple
  • Particularly good if subsystem has many tightly
    coupled classes

Facade Pattern - 2
  • Reduces coupling between elements of the
    subsystem and clients
  • Can change subsystem without affecting clients
  • Subsystem objects should not normally know about
    the facade

Facade Pattern - Code
  • We have a facade to hide the commands and the
    undo/redo list
  • Also hides document from the UI
  • UI code is now one line of code per menu item
  • Facade is normally a Singleton

  • Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable
    Object-Oriented Software
  • Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides
  • Some find this too abstract

Thank you
You can contact me further at
Vul je evaluatieformulier in en maak kans op
waanzinnige prijzen!! Session Code D3.03
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