Title: Training Captain Selection And Training In Cathay Pacific Airways
1Training Captain Selection AndTraining In
Cathay Pacific Airways
Captain Alan Wilson (Manager Flying Training) 3
September 2007
2- Right Seat Simulator Training
- Right Seat Operation Appointment
- Final Assessment Confirmation
Minimum Experience
Following Promotion to Captain.
Selection Panel of Flying Managers Review
- Recent and Past Flying Performance
- Manner Style of Communication
- Overall Experience Including Instruction /
- FTM Briefs Successful Candidates on the Upgrade
5Training Assessment Line Check
Assessment of
Spare Capacity
6Flying Training Workshop
4 Day Instructional Technique Course
- Visual, Empathy Enthusiasm
- Judgment Attitudes Airmanship
Video Sessions
- Debriefing from Scenarios
7Right Seat Simulator Training
Facilitator Briefs Trainee On
- Recovery from Mishandled Situations
Trainee Briefs Facilitator On
- Engine Inoperative Approach Go Around
- Engine Inoperative Landing
- If Applicable Two Engine Inoperative Procedures
8Right Seat Simulator Training
9Right Seat Simulator Training
Second Half
Trainee in Right Seat as PF.
- Engine Inoperative Approach Go Around
- Engine Inoperative Landing
- If Applicable Two Engine Inoperative Procedures
10Right Seat Operation Appointment
Briefing By Trainee
- Ports and Routes to be Flown
- Flight Planning and Fuel Selection
Two PF Sectors Trainee
Two PM Sectors Trainee
- Discusses Command Management and Attitude Topics
11Right Seat Operation Appointment
- Trainee will Debrief Trainer on Relevant Events
Trainer Will Debrief Trainee On
12Right Seat Operation Appointment
FTM Appoints Trainee as Training Captain on
Restricted to Conduct LFUS Only Under Supervision
of Senior Training Captain in the Jump Seat.
13Consolidation Phase
6 Sectors Conducting LFUS from the Left Seat.
Supervising Senior Training Captain
- Observes Training Debriefings
- Debriefs TC on Consolidation
- Approves Training Records Submissions
14Final Assessment Confirmation
- Minimum 3 Sectors Conducting Line Flying Under
- FTM Briefing and Confirmation
15Thank You!