Title: Bruce Chr. Johnson
1Sea Scouts on the Internet
- Bruce Chr. Johnson
- Commodore, Sea Scouts
- Northeast Region, BSA
2Internet Communication Why do it?
- Improve communication with our members
- Promote Sea Scouting both inside outside of
- Remember to ask this question
- What are we trying to accomplish?
3Types of Communication
- Websites
- Resource servers File Transfer Protocol (ftp)
- Discussion groups Seascout-Europe-Net
- Electronic journals (e-journals)
- Mail reflectors
- Instant Messenger
- Chat rooms
4Publishing without the expense
- Training manuals
- Administrative guides
- Short press runs
- Too expensive to print
- Distribute via ftp
- Distribute document ONLY in Adobe Acrobat PDF
5Get Indexed
- Your goal is to have your website used
- To make that happen, it must be found
- Include metadata, esp. Dublin Core
- Get index on at least Google AltaVista Yahoo
- Each service uses different criteria
6Example of Dublin Core Metadata
7Indexed on Google
8Get Linked !!
- Exchange with as many Scouting websites as you
can in your country
- Follow up with them to confirm that they link to
your site
- Exchange links with country, city, state, etc.
- Follow up with them to confirm that they link to
your site
9Focused themes
- Make sure that the user comes away feeling that
Sea Scouting is FUN
- Add Adventure!
- Sea Scouts do exciting things
- Pictures should show youth enjoying themselves
- Sea Scouts like to do things with other young
people their age
- Spend some time picturing the boats
- Spend a little time discussing adult leadership
10Website design principles
- Make your website as user friendly as possible
- They should be able to find what theyre looking
11Design principles
- Assume 800 x 600 screen resolution
- Dont use dark backgrounds (tough to read)
- Dont use servers with mandatory ads and popups
(user hostile)
- Dont participate in banner exchanges
- No more than one animated graphic / screen (less
is better)
12Design principles
- Use a consistent graphics style
- Develop a standard look for all pages on the
- Stay away from cute focus on your message
- Pictures are worth 1,000 words 1,000 pictures
communicate nothing
- Avoid clutter clean lay-out
- Use terms outsiders will understand
13Design principles (cont.)
- Check for html coding integrity
- Regularly check for link integrity
- Unit websites make sure that information about
where when you meet is easy to find on the
- Dont use Scouts full names, particularly with
their pictures
- DO include adult names
14Know your website resources
- Internet Policies of your Scout association
- Youth protection must be an issue
- What web resources are available
- From your Scout association?
- From other sources (like SSIS)?
- Website accessibility
- Be sensitive to accessibility issues
- Bobby Scan
15Focus on a Usable website
- Web Development Resources for Sea Scout
- /index.html
- Research-Based Web Design Usability Guidelines
16Usable websites
- Usability is the measure of the quality of a
user's experience when interacting with a product
or system whether a Web site, a software
application, mobile technology, or any
user-operated device.
17Usable websites
- Usability is a combination of factors that affect
the user's experience with the product or system,
- Ease of learning
- Efficiency of use
- Memorability
- Error frequency and severity
- Subjective satisfaction
18Getting started planning the site
- Planning is critical because it helps you focus
your objectives. It also helps you plan for
usability activities that are part of the process
of developing a successful site - Why are you developing a website?
- Who should come to your site?
- When and why will they come?
19Developing prototypes
- What are prototypes and how do you create them?
20Collecting, writing revising content
- Easy-to-use content is critical
- Stages and guidelines for preparing easy-to-use
- Select only what your audience needs
- Organize content logically for your audience
21Organize content logically for your audience
- Break the text into manageable pieces
- Put in many headings
- Write useful headings
- Use the headings as introductory hyperlinks
- If the information is sequential, put it in that
- For non-sequential info, put what users need most
22Write content visually
- Use blank space well
- Cut out words
- Keep paragraphs short
- Keep sentences short
- Use fragments
- Use bulleted lists
- Give examples
- Meet users expectations for how the information
should be displayed
- Include pictures graphics when appropriate
23Promoting the site and keeping it up-to-date
- Promotion tips
- Site maintenance
- Occasional redesign
24Contact information
- Make sure that the website provides contact
- Email address
- Telephone number (if for a local unit)
- Web response form
- Be sure to provide more than one way to contact
- Page layout
- Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
- Graphics
- Paint Shop Pro
- Adobe Photoshop
- Documents
- Adobe Acrobat
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