Title: Scientific Opportunities
1- Scientific Opportunities
- with Photoemission Spectroscopy
- Zahid Hussain
- Scientific Support Group
- Advanced Light Source
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- What are the grand challenges?
- What are techniques of choice for
understanding electronic properties of complex
systems? - Photoemission Spectroscopy
- From Einsteins Photoemission to Present and
Future? -
3The Bigger PictureGrand Challenges
4Grand Challenges!!
Energy problem search for 20 TWatts of
energy, solar energy, hydrogen fuel, nuclear
energy ??
Membrane Proteins from 3D structure of
Macromolecules to understanding
Understanding Emergent Phenomena - Phenomena
which are not the properties of the individual
elementary components BUT of the assembly of
such components Strongly correlated
electron systems - high Tc superconductor
The ultra-small - imaging of single atom in a
host of others, manipulation of single spin
The ultra-fast science in the ps-fs-as
5Why X-Rays ?Not neutrons or electrons
6Why X-Rays ( not neutrons or electrons ) ?
Tunable x-rays offer variable interaction cross
7Science with Light Sources
Valence Electrons
Core Electrons
Photon Energy Wave- length
Protein Crystallo- graphy
Adopted from Franz Himpsel, CMMP 07
Tomographic reconstruction of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae (yeast).
20 mm
Very High Energy Resolution
Ultimately, the
50 ?m
288.5 eV
3 mm
optical, thermal, and structural properties of
matter depend on the behavior of electrons.
10Techniques of SR
- The fundamental parameters necessary for
perception of physical world - Energy (spectroscopy, state of matter)
- Momentum (scattering)
- Position (imaging, spatial distribution)
- Time (dynamics)
- numerous techniques of SR
11Emergent PhenomenaStrongly Correlated electron
12Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems Condensed
matter physics
Rich and Novel Electronic Phenomena
Unconventional Superconductivity
Electronic Phase separation and Charge order
Charge density waves
Spin liquid
Broken T-Reversal Symmetry
Stripes/Checkerboard order
Role of Bosonic Excitations
Negative - U centers
Kondo effects
Coupled charge/Spin order
Superconductivity and magnetism
Superconductivity and charge/spin ordered states
Gap Inhomogeneities
13Highly Correlated Electron System
correlated system
uncorrelated system
ground state
with external perturbation
The responses are different due to correlation
14Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR) Effect
15Manganites Exhibit Interplay of Charge, Spin,
lattice and Orbital degrees of freedom
16Energy Scale of Important Excitations
- Superconducting gap 1 100meV
- Optical Phonons 40 - 70 meV
- Magnons 10 meV - 40 meV
- Pseudogap 30-300 meV
- Multiphonons and multimagnons 50-500 meV
- Orbital fluctuations (originated from optically
forbidden d-d excitations) 100 meV - 1.5 eV
Requirement High Energy Resolution with High
17What are techniques of choice?with both energy
and momentum resolution
18Fundamental Spectroscopies of Condensed Matter
- Spectral functions (One-particle properties)
- Correlation functions (two-particle properties)
- 1-particle response
- Angle resolved photoemission (ARPES)
- Single-particle spectrum A(k,w)
- 2-particle responses
- Spin Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS)
- (neutrons carry magnetic moment)
- Spin fluctuation spectrum S(q,w)
- Charge Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS)
- Coupled excitation in the
- Charge Channel N(q,w)
19X-ray Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter
- Quantum Number Selectivity
- Absorption
- Angle-integrated photoemission
- Angle-resolved photoemission (also inelastic
scattering) - !!! Spin-polarized photoemission
w e2 Þ DE E- Ei
20Story of Modern Photoemission Spectroscopy -
100 Years Since Einsteins Photon
- Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analaysis
(ESCA) - X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
- Photoemission Spectroscopy (PES, or ARPES)
- (study of core and/or valence electrons)
- Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy (UPS)
- (study of core valence electrons)
21100 Years of Photoemission
22Light as a Wave Thomas Young 1803
Thomas Young Light as a wave, 1803
23Maxwells Eqs Describe the propagation of
Electromagnetic radiation
James Clerk Maxwell Electromagnetism, 1865
Electromagnetic wave c turned out to be the speed
of light! 1865
24100 Years of Photoemission
25(No Transcript)
26In his 1913 letter nominating Einstein for the
membership of Prussian Academy, Max Planck wrote
- In sum, one can say there is hardly one among
the great problems in which modern physics is so
rich to which Einstein has not made a remarkable
contribution. That he may sometimes has missed
the target in his speculations, as, for example,
in his hypothesis of light quanta, cannot really
be held too much against him, for it is not
possible to introduce really new ideas even in
the most exact sciences without sometimes taking
a risk.
27Einsteins equation
28Photoemission Core Level Spectroscopy
Chemical State simple analysis
Sensitivity to Hydrogen Bonding?
(Siegbahn et al) Lab x-ray source Resolution
0.5 eV (mono)
29High resolution C1s Photoelectron Spectra of
C 1s photoelectron spectra of propyne and two
model compounds ethyne and ethane
measured. Unambiguous assignment of peaks in
propyne spectrum is made possible by
characteristic vibrational structure and ab
initio theory. Shift of the methyl (CH3) peak in
propyne relative to ethane is due to the
electronegativity of the ethyne (HCºC)
group. Previous C 1s spectrum of propyne measured
with a lab source is indicated by the dashed line
From BL 10.0 (AMO, ALS) Thomas et al, PRL
30- Identify
- Core levels
- (photoelectrons)
- Valence level
- Plasmons
- Auger electrons
- How could we separate
- Auger from Photoelectrons??
31Photoelectron probing Depth
The powerful spectroscopic tools such as XPS and
UPS might be limited in in-situ chemical analysis
because of the short penetration depth of
32Electron Escape Depth Surface Sensitivity
Why are electrons so useful as probes of
surfaces? Or Not so useful for studying bulk
properties !!
33What are new opportunities with core level
photoemission ?In-Situ dynamical studies of
chemical reactions at surfaces
34Ambient pressure (in-situ) soft x-ray
- Goal Photoemission at higher pressures
- Most surface-sensitive spectroscopic probes
require high vacuum - An important tool for surface chemistry
- atomic composition core-level XPS/ESCA
- chemical bonding core-level shifts
- chemical binding valence states UPS
- Synchrotron source adds power
- Variable photon energy and polarization, high
resolution - Resonant excitation of unoccupied states
NEXAFS/XANES - structure photoelectron diffraction
35Ambient pressure soft x-ray spectroscopy
controlled gas atmosphere
Photoelectrons from sample surface AND
near-surface gas
differentially pumped electron transport
synchrotron beam enters through window
36 Ambient pressure soft x-ray spectroscopy
Basic Concept
37Prototype Ambient Pressure Photo-Emission System
Modify conventional surface science vacuum system
38Ambient Pressure Photoemission 10 torr
Four Pressure Zones (differential pumping)
Experimental Cell with temperature-controlled
sample, gas flow control and variable distance to
Hemispherical Analyzer Lens
Four Electrostatic Lenses
X-rays enter through a silicon nitride window
D.F. Ogletree, H. Bluhm, Ch. Fadley, Z. Hussain,
M. Salmeron, Materials Sciences Division and
Advanced Light Source, LBNL.
39Oxidation of Silicon - Dynamics
(Himpsel et al,1985, NSLS)
40Oxidation dynamics
- Strong temperature dependence
Si(100) oxidized by water vapour _at_ .1 torr
41Surface/Interface Structure DeterminationPhotoe
lectron Diffraction
42Photoelectron Diffraction
Direct wave
Scattered wave
43Structure Analysis of SiO2/Si(100) by PhD
44Why momentum resolution ?Anisotropic
delocalized valence electrons
45Condensed Matter Physics
Real vs. Reciprocal Space
(Real) x-Space
(Momentum) k-Space
Localized core electrons
Constant-energy surface
Delocalized valence band electrons
Eli Rotenberg Lecture Angle-Resolved
Photoemission (ARPES)
46Angle-resolved Photoemssion Spectroscopy
Data processing
Scientific issues
47Momentum Distribution of Spectral Weight
Anisotropic (d-wave) superconducting gap
48What kind of information could be extracted ?
49ARPES A Tool for Many-Body Effect
50ultra-high energy resolution ARPES- Capabilities
- Key physical properties measurable in ARPES
- Energy vs. wave vector(k) (Band Structure)
- Fermi Surface
- Mean Free Paths
- Effective carrier masses
- Scattering rates
- Electron Self energies
- Scattering or nesting vectors
- Pseudogaps and superconducting gaps
- Number of carriers
- ARPES is the technique of choice to measure these
properties with momentum ( k ) resolution. - The only technique that can measure all in a self
consistent way.
51Low-Temperature Goniometer with Six Degrees of
(1). Six degrees of freedom 3 rotational and 3
translational (2). Samp temperature 10 K (no
radiation shield) (3). Stability of sample
against temperature change
Designed and fabricated by John Pepper (BL 10.0)
52ARPES Endstation on BL10.0.1, ALS
Beam in
53Any limitations with photoemission ?gt1012
photons /sec ? space charge !Surface sensitive
(depth1nm) technique !
54Space Charge Effect in Photoemission Caution
X. J. Zhou, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, J. Electron
Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (2005).
55meV Resolution Spectroscopy Beamline
- Specifications
- Resolving power E/?E100,000 with 5?m slits
- i.e. better than 1 meV when photon energy is
below 100eV - Photon energy range 15eV to 100eV, fully
optimized - maximum achievable photon energy 140eV
- Elliptically Polarized Undulador (EPU) full
polarization selection (linear and/or circular) - Photon Flux 5 ?1011 photons/s/meV
Optical Layout (SGM)
56What next for angle-resolved photoemission? Spi
n-resolved studies Spatial_Resolved Studies
(NanoARPES, Eli Rotenberg) Time-dependent
57Spin detection (two schemes)
Mott Detector
Exchange scattering interaction
Spin-orbit interaction
Reflectivity contains a term a P
Hint L S
e- counter
e- counter
20-100 KeV
Gold target (heavy nuclei)
Magnetized thin film (e.g.,Co/W(110))
2- 5 eV
x 100
FOM 10-4
FOM 10-2
R. Bertacco et al. 2001 Hillebrecht et al.
2002 R. Zdyb and E. Bauer 2003
D.T. Pierce et al. 1988 .
58Spin-Resolved Photoemission (TOF Project)
- Time-of-Flight energy analysis
- (multichannel detection in time (energy)
- highly suitable for spin ARPES as spin
detector are single channel detection. - 10-100 times more efficient than single
channel dispersive analyzer) - Exchange Scattering based spin analysis
- (100 times more efficient than Mott
Detector) - The main goal of project is the development of
much improved efficiency ( 1000 times vs.
existing (Mott dispersive analyzer) system) and
with high energy (10meV) resolution -
- TOF is inherently low noise detection as detector
counts for short time only the time window when
electrons of interest arrive
59Spin Resolved Examples
F.C. Zhang, PRB (1988)
N.B. Brookes, et al. PRL (2001)
J.-H. Park, et al. Nature (1998)
?E 0.2 eV Angle Integrated Spin Resolved
?E 0.75 eV Angle Integrated Spin Resolved
60Photoemission with circularly polarized light
and spin detection
Selective excitations (use of elliptically
polarizing undulator)
Courtesy Yulin Chen
61TOF Resolutions
- Good literature
- R.Z. Bachrach, J. Vac. Sci Tech. 12, 309 (1975)
- M.G. White, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 50, 1268 (1979)
- U. Becker, Phys. Scr. 41, 127 (1992)
- O. Hemmers, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, 3809 (1998)
62TOF Spin-Resolved Photoemission
Electrostatic Lenses. Long flight path at low
energy high energy resolution!
6-axis sample manipulator and cryostat
Two layers of magnetic shielding
Electron Flight Paths
Scattering Target
In-situ target magnetization coils
Band-Pass filter
High Speed MCP
Bent path option for higher resolution, narrow
spectra acquisition
High speed MCP electron detector for spin
integrated spectra
Straight path option for fast, wide spectra
Target positioning manipulator
Thin film target preparation chamber
(courtesy Chris Jozwiac)
63Alessandra Lanzara
Andreas Schmid
Zahid Hussain
Nord Andresen
Chris Jozwiak
Jeff Graff
Gennadi Lebedev
64Comparison of the Hemispherical Analyzerand the
TOF Analyzer (under development)
(Bi2212 Bi-layer splitting)
- o ZX Shen (Stanford University)
- Yi-De Chuang, Simon Muns Jonathan
Denlinger,Eli Rotenberg, Miguel Salmeron (LBNL,
ALS) - Zahid Hasan (Princeton University)
- Franz Himpsel (univ of Wisconsin)
- Chris Jozwiac, Alessandra Lanzara, Gennadi
Lebedev (UCB, LBNL) - Chuck Fadley (LBNL, UCD)
We may need to look harder but a lot of new
physics still to come!!
Thank You