Title: STA 3024 Introduction to Statistical 2
1STA 3024Introduction to Statistical 2
2Key Formulae
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4 5Examples from the Book
- Aspirin and heart attack example, p.469.
- Effect of cell phone on driving safety example,
p. 488.
6Aspirin Example p.469 (Harvard Medical School
five year randomized trial)
Can we claim that aspirin reduces heart
attack? From the nature of this trial, we feel a
two-sided test is more appropriate. Thus we may
use confidence interval to draw the conclusion.
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9Cell Phone Use and Driving Example p. 488 (U. of
Utah case-control study)
- Reaction time to red light in milliseconds.
Can we conclude that cell phone delays the
reaction time (on the average)? The test can be
one-sided or two sided depends on the initial
intention. We follow the books two-sided test.
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12Assuming Equal Variance (p. 495)
13- The box plot show that the cell phone group has
an outlier, with a very slow reaction.
(approximate 4? higher than the mean.) This datum
can bias the mean and the standard deviation
estimates badly. - When this data is eliminated, the new analysis is
given in the middle of page 490. The results is
very similar. (p-value0.015) - In practice, eliminating data is a serious matter
in scientific investigation. It has to be done
with valid reason other than the value itself.
14Using Software SPSS for data analysis(Instruction
s given in the class website)
- Classroom demo
- Two sample t-test Exercise 10.20 eBay auctions
(p.492) - Paired t-test Anorexia example (p.433)