Title: Developing Analysis, DecisionMaking and Judgment Skills with WebQuests
1Developing Analysis, Decision-Making and Judgment
Skills with WebQuests
- Bernie Dodge, PhDSan Diego State University
2Teaching Decision Skills
- Why is this important?
- How do we do it with WebQuests?
- How might we do it better?
We make decisions in everyday life, and sometimes
have to reconcile our choices with choices made
by those around us.
We expect professionals to have a rich set of
decision-making strategies.
In a knowledge-based economy, decisions need to
be made fast and well.
We expect the next generation of citizens to be
able to vote intelligently.
Todays children will face far more career and
life choices than did our generation.
8What kinds of lessons are there?
- Deciding on a personal course of action
- Developing an informed opinion
- Ranking and Rating
9Choosing a Personal Action
10College Search NC
11First Car
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15Developing an informed opinion
16Bowhead Whaling
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24Rating or Ranking
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28Models of Decision-Making
- Should be explicitly taught
- Should be at appropriate complexity
- Expressed in the Process part of the WebQuest
29Red Cross Guide
30Simple Model
- F igure out the problem
- I dentify solutions
- N ame the pros and cons of each choice
- D ecide which is best and act on it
31F igure out the problem
- What is to be decided or solved?
- What kind of data is important?
- Whats important to you in figuring out a
32I dentify solutions
- What are your choices?
- Given to you?
- Brainstorm alternatives?
- Think outside the box if thats appropriate.
33N ame the pros and cons
- For each alternative decision or solution,
identify the positives and negatives - Think multi-dimensionally
- Fold in your own values
- If this is a group process, either work toward
consensus or agree to disagree
34D ecide whats best and act on it
- Scan all the pros and cons
- Recognize tradeoffs
- Be willing to reconsider
- Again, if this is a group process strive for
consensus or agree to disagree - Evaluate the consequences of your decision and go
back to Find if necessary.
35How do we scaffold this?
- Guide sheets to capture values, choices
- Techniques borrowed from business
- Decision trees
36DeBonos PMI Technique
37Creative Decision-Making
38Decision Tree 1
39Decision Tree 2
40Decision Tree 3
41Decision Tree 4
42Penny Matrix
43Where in the Curriculum?
- English / Language Arts
- Sequel to a story what would the characters do
next? - Social Studies
- Alternative histories
- Current social policy decisions
44Where in the Curriculum?
- Mathematics
- Contingent probabilities
- Science
- New technologies
- Science-related policy decisions
45Developing Analysis, Decision-Making and Judgment
Skills with WebQuests
- Bernie Dodge, PhDSan Diego State University