Title: Introducing BoSS XXI
1IntroducingBoSS XXI
- VisImage Systems Inc.
- Edmonton, July 12th, 2004
2Training Agenda
- 0800-0830 BoSS XXI Demonstration
- 0830-1000 Formal Training Session
- 1000-1200 BoSS XXI practice for women
- 1300-1500 BoSS XXI practice for men
- 1500-1600 Review and discussion
- Tues Thurs Scanning and fitting
3Part IAn Overview ofBoSS XXI
DevelopmentPatricia Brown
- Research began in 1996
- Development began in 2001
- Currently installed at DND HQ, CFB Trenton, CFB
Esquimalt - Over 2000 people have been scanned since 1996
5 BoSS XXI in Clothing Stores
- A tool for quickly and accurately determining
correct garment size - Provides measurements needed for special sizes or
6Advantages for Design, Sizing, Procurement, and
- Provide an accurate and automated mechanism to
determine the sizing requirements of a CF base,
or the whole CF population - Build a database of sizes thatcan be used for
future procurementand inventory management
7What We See in the Future
- Future installation of BoSS XXI systems at more
CF Bases - Linking to the CF network so that sizing
information can be available at any location
9Part II BoSS XXI TechnologyShi Yin
10Human and Computer Vision
- Human vision experts accurately determine body
size just by looking - Computer vision BoSS XXI accurately determines a
persons body size using digital pictures and
built-in knowledge from garment designers
11Science of Body Measurement
- Identification of correct body landmarks
- Body posture
- Consistency and repeatability
12Measurement Accuracy
- Precise body measurement is difficult
measurements differ depending onwho does the
measuring - Measures made by BoSS XXI are more consistent
than - measures made by experts
- garment manufacturing tolerances
- normal human body variations
13BoSS XXI Accuracy
15Part IIIPersonal and Privacy IssuesPatricia
16Privacy is Paramount
- When people agree to be scanned by BoSS XXI, they
are trusting us all to respect their privacy - BoSS XXI is designed for this
- We need your cooperation
- Let client know about our privacy policy
- Treat all clients with respect
- Emphasize when finished that all photos have been
cleared from the system
17Privacy Policy Summary
- All personal data collected will be used solely
for garment sizing, garment design, and inventory
management - No photos are stored or uploaded
- The client controls the cameras
- Men must be scanned by a man, women by a woman
- Personal body measurements will not be shared
with any other body or agency
18Privacy During Measurement
- Private enclosure
- Door can be locked
- Faces are blurred before being displayed
19Privacy After Measurement
- All images automatically deleted
- The image is reduced toan outline for the
printedreport - Body measures report isseparate from
garmentsizes report, and can bekept by client
20BoSS XXI Data is Protected
- Database is locked to prevent theft, tampering
and abuse - Garment size retrieval requires aservice number
22Part IVUsing BoSS XXI
23Startup Procedure
24Launch BoSS XXI
- ? Double-click on BoSS icon
25BoSS XXI Display
26The BoSS XXI Interface
Menu Bar
Language Selection Button
Status Icons
Instruction Message
27Interface 2
28Current View Area
29Menu Items
30BoSS XXI Setup
31Select Language
- Click on language buttonor use Settings menu
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33Select Units
- Click on units to alternate between Metric and
34System Settings
35Operator Password
36System Setting Dialogue Box
37Camera Calibration
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40Measuring a Client
41Measurement Procedure
- Enter client info data
- Tell client
- How to dress
- How to pose
- Tell Client to click red button when ready
- Examine images for problems
- If pose is wrong, fix it, and repeat
- Click Process. Results printed automatically
- Click Finish to clear the display
42Operator Enters Data
- Element
- Service Number
- Rank
- Name
- Gender
43Data Entry
44Preparing the Client
- Take client into shelter
- Tell them how to dress
- Demonstrate the pose
- Show them the red button on the handle
45Clothing and Hair Instructions
- Strip down to underwear
- Wear green temperate combat underwear
- Women need a snug-fitting bra
- must be a light colour,but not any shade of blue
- Long hair must be worn up and back
- Use the disposable footwear provided
46Correct Clothing Posture
47How Client Should Pose
- Stand in footprints on blue platform.
- Take handles from holsters.Place red button
under index finger.Grasp handles firmly. - Arms straight and down.
- Place handles against thighs,parallel to floor.
48Tell Client to Check Pose
- In the side mirror, check your arm position you
may need to adjust it later. - Arms straight? Hands closed?
- Relax do not tense, do not stand at attention,
do not suck in your belly. - Face the sign that says Look herein the front
49Take the Images
- Click the red button when ready.
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51Common Problem Areas
2. Body Measurement
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53Posture Checklist
- Standing upright?
- On the footprint?
- Relaxed?
- Facing camera?
- Arms straight?
- Handles held correctly?
- Arm does not obscure side profile?
- Hair does not obscure neck or height?
- Arm does not obscure side profile?
54Process the Images
- Report is printed automatically(unless you
change the system settings)
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56Shutdown Procedure
57Shutdown Procedure
- Press the power button on the side of the
computer - This will quit BoSS XXI and turn the computer off
- Leave the switch on the power bar ON
58Printed Report
59Printed ReportPage 1 Client
60Printed ReportPage 2 Stores
61Measurement Retrieval Procedure
62Measurement Retrieval Procedure
- File ? Open Measurement Record
- Search by Service Number
- Select a record
- Retrieved record showsgarment sizes only
- No body measures, imagesor outlines are available
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66Backup Procedure
67Backup Menu
- From the File menu item,select Backup
- Enter the Operator password
- Specify the location for the backup
- Click OK
68Select File ? Backup
69Enter Operator Password
70Specify Location for Backup
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74Starting Up
- Turn computer on
- Launch program
- Calibrate cameras
- File ? Backup
- Enter destination
- Click Okay
76What Comes Next
- Experience BoSS XXI as a client
- Practice using BoSS XXI as the operator
- Starting up
- Adjusting settings
- Measuring
- Backing up
- Shutting down