Title: Outlook
1e2ePV A Possible Evolutionary Path for Qweak
Dave Mack (TJNAF) Qweak Meeting at JLab July 27,
2Existing/Future Determinations of sin2?W at Low
From Qw A Bsin2?W, one can derive
with error magnification factor
Due to error demagnification and the lack of
hadronic dilutions, Qw(e) is the best way to
determine sin2?W in a low energy scattering
experiment. This means it also has strong
sensitivity to new e-e interactions. (But
provides no information about new e-q
3Standard Model sin2?W Determination at High Energy
- The Standard Model value of sin2?W is dominated
by two high precision measurements at the Z pole
(one leptonic, one semi-leptonic) which are
LEPWG hep-ex/0509008
- Combining the JLab 12 GeV upgrade, E158 and Qweak
experience, it may be possible to make the
ultimate low energy measurement of sin2?W at low
energies with an error better than - 0.0003.
4Scale Dependence of the Weak Mixing Angle
Normalization is defined by Z-pole measurements.
Away from Z pole, the red curve is a SM
prediction which includes ?-Z mixing in addition
to the tree-level exchange.
Some progress has been made by Cs APV and
particularly by SLAC E158 in testing the running.
The NuTeV result is apparently clouded by
hadronic ambiguities.
512 GeV Moeller Experiment Background
- In Fall 2002, at perhaps the only restaurant in
East Lansing with a tablecoth, the Dutch
Godfather suggested looking into a Qweak(e)
measurement at 12 GeV JLab. I told him I had
(back of the envelope fashion), and it would be
difficult to match SLAC E158s FOM. - The Italian Godfather expressed disappointment at
this news and suggested I look into it again.
(visions of cement overshoes?) I did, and
assuming a large integrated luminosity and a
little better control of systematic errors than
Qweak(p), it began to look very interesting. - The West Coast Godfather of Fundamental
Symmetries was interested but demanded higher
profit margins. So assuming an even larger
integrated luminosity (but not yet in the realm
of science fiction) and that systematic problems
were beaten to a pulp, the experiment looked
extremely interesting. - Meanwhile, we negotiated a truce with the 12 GeV
CDR Godfather (an experiment is not a program)
so we could invade his turf. -
- A conceptual design for a new small angle torus
was developed. - We got into the 12 GeV CDR and the 12 GeV PAC
liked the physics. - Greg Smith studied available cooling power on
site. - Meanwhile, it became clear there werent enough
DOE funds for an upgrade in Hall A. The Moeller
experiment could provide a high-profile, NSERC
and NSF-funded experiment which would occupy Hall
A for several years. - The Director routinely mentions the Moeller
experiment as one of the more exciting things to
do at 12 GeV. - E158 completed their experiment, learned a lot
about doing these measurements, and missed their
uncertainty target by almost a factor of 2.
(a lesson for Qweak!) - Roy Holt (ANL) confirmed the projected
statistical errors. - Wim injected the idea of the Moeller experiment
into the Canadian long range planning process,
and has requested funding for an organizational
meeting with theorists. - and this was done without diverting significant
resources from our highest
priority the Qweak(p) experiment. -
7Figure of Merit
The only way to reduce the statistical part of
the error to the required level, while
compensating for the reduction from 48 GeV to 12
GeV, is to utilize JLabs high luminosity in a
lengthy run.
- E 12 GeV
- I 100 µA
- L 150 cm
- 4000 hours
(ie, 32 weeks at 75 efficiency)
- E 12 GeV
- E 3-6 GeV
- T .5-.9
- APV -40 ppb
For reference, the Qw(p) experiment asymmetry is
currently projected to be about -260
ppb. Clearly, we wont understand the deep doo
were stepping into until JLabs 3rd generation
of experiments like Qw(p) and PREX are complete.
912 GeV Experiment Overview
Worlds highest power LH2 target Scattered
electrons drifted to Q2-defining collimator
Moeller-focusing, resistive spectrometer
Position Sensitive Ion Chamber (PSIC) detectors
Fits in endstation A or C
10e2ePV Target Requirements
- Target cooling power requirements are about 2.4
times more aggressive than Qw(p) - (? 5 kWatt target)
- Qw(p) already plans to increase helicity reversal
to nearly 300Hz in order to freeze density
fluctuations. - Qw(p) target groups are now using finite element
analysis codes to upgrade existing G0 design. - Astonishly, sufficient cooling power is available
on site, though more refrigeration would allow
more flexibility in scheduling.
Highest priority is to build and test the Qw(p)
Which would allow an error of about -0.00025, on
par with the best Z pole measurements. Except
for more allowance for corrections these error
estimates are similar to those for Qw(p). (It
is the hadronic dilutions in ep which magnify
the error to produce a 4 error on the protons
weak charge. Those dilutions are not present in
- Only a few years ago, the interpretability of an
improved low energy Moeller measurement was
limited by the hadronic corrections in the ?-Z
mixing diagrams. - A dramatic improvement was published last year
- Erler and M.J. Ramsey-Musolf,
- PRD72, 073003 (2005).
- with a theory error on low energy ?sin2?W -
0.00016. - This is only about ½ the projected experimental
Now reduced
- 4th generation PV experiment infrastructure
- Successfully complete Qw(p) Runs I-II while
developing infrastructure for sub-ppb systematic
control at JLab. - Target coolant supply
- Available in principle. But
- Will FEL program be complete? Just a
scheduling issue? - New fridge needed?
- Funding
- New capital equipment cost should be low
compared to other recent PV scattering
experiments with custom large acceptance
detectors. - However, all US DOE s for 12 GeV upgrade
are committed, so US NSF or foreign sources of
funding are needed. - (As usual, the Canadians are ahead of
everyone )
14e2ePV Collaboration Formation
- A formal organizational meeting of interested
parties will take place after Wim hears about his
NSERC proposal. - The pressure is on because we have perhaps 1
year to choose a reference design and develop a
Letter of Intent or proposal based on this. - A resistive toroidal spectrometer is a concept
design, not yet a reference design. The
collaboration might come up with something even
- Following Qw(p) Run II and the 12 GeV upgrade,
JLab could potentially be well-positioned to
perform a greatly improved Qw(e) measurement. - In the context of the SM, a 2.5 measurement of
Qw(e) would provide critical input on sin2 ?W ,
with an error less than -0.0003, comparable in
impact to the best SLC and LEP measurements. - New e-e interactions would be constrained at TeV
scales, with significant discovery potential. -
- There are years of RD ahead of us in terms of
target, spectrometer, detector, and beam
diagnostics, much of it synergistic with the
Qw(p) experiment effort. -
16 17Acceptance
- Considerations of resistive magnet strength,
feasible momentum bites, and the desire to avoid
double-counting lead to a similar conclusion as
in E158 - ?CM 900-1200
- E 6-3 GeV
- The E158 error bar on Qw(e) was about 13.
- An important new low energy sin2?W measurement
- could be achieved with one half the E158 error
bar - (or 6.5).
- But still only on par with
projected 4 Qw(p). - A factor of 2 increase in new e-e physics reach
(?/g) - requires a new measurement with one quarter the
E158 - error bar (or 3.25).
- To have in some very vague and subjective sense
- a new physics - impact on par with a 0.5 Qw(Cs), or a 4 Qw(p).
19 Misc. Model Sensitivities (non-SUSY)
scaled from R-Musolf, PRC 60 (1999), 015501
Collider limis from Erler and Langacker,
hep-ph/0407097 v1 8 July 2004
One has to be careful taking model-dependent
sensitivities too seriously. The listed E6 Z
models dont couple to up-quarks, so d-quark rich
targets are favored. However, for these
particular models, a 2.5 Qw(e) measurement looks
appealing, in fact irreplaceable as an e-e
compositeness test.
20Qw(e) at 12 GeV SUSY Sensitivities
No dark matter candidate (decayed)
- RPV (tree-level) SUSY
- would tightly constrain
- RPC (loop-level) SUSY
- one of the few low energy measurements
capable of placing significant constraints -
- Qw(e) complementarity wrt other RPC SUSY
searches -
- EDMs require CP violation,
- direct production of a pair of
supersymmetric particles could be above LHC
reach, - leaving precision measurements like
(g-2)muon and Qw(e). -
Theory and Experiment bands 95 CL
Contours courtesy of Shufang Su (U. Arizona)