Title: Universal Borrowing in South Carolina Academic Libraries
1Universal Borrowing in South Carolina Academic
- Marna Hostetler
- Chair, PASCAL Universal Borrowing Committee
- Head of Interlibrary Loan
- University of South Carolina
2What is INN-Reach? Its a Resource Sharing System
- Union catalog with automatic record contribution
- Can include non-III libraries
- Patron-initiated requesting for books only
- Patrons are verified in own local system
- Automated lender selection based on consortium
profile - Circulation system transmits requests directly to
circulation module of lending library - Lending is managed by the patrons library
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- INN-Reach selects the lending library based on
availability and load-balancing - Load-balancing can be done in several different
5The Union Catalog Patron features
- Multi-library holdings attached to single
bibliographic record - Detailed data, including On Order/In Process,
Serials holdings, and up-to-date circulation
status - Links to e-journal holdings
- Easy access over the web with a standard browser
- Searches transfer from local catalog with no
6Why is state-wide borrowing an important goal?
- Print resources are a significant investment
- Numbers from the MOBIUS consortium
- Collections valued at 1.8 billion
- 17.2 million items
- 67 of titles are unique
- Three-fold increase in inter-institutional
borrowing since its inception - Cost reductions over traditional ILL of 80-90
- Source George Rickerson, Director of MOBIUS, 2003
7Comparing INN-Reach and Traditional ILL
BorrowingFrom Jackson, Mary. Assessing ILL/DD
Services New Cost-Effective Alternatives.
Washington, D.C. ARL, 2004
8Comparing INN-Reach and Traditional ILL
LendingFrom Jackson, Mary. Assessing ILL/DD
Services New Cost-Effective Alternatives.
Washington, D.C. ARL, 2004
9INN-Reach SystemsINN-Reach now serves thousands
of libraries
Maine InfoNet
Connect NY
Prospector Plus
San Diego Circuit
4 More Systems in the Works!
10Achievements 2004-2005
- Committee established
- Pilot group formed
- Orientation April 2005
- Profile worksheets for pilot sites completed
- Software activated at all pilot sites
- Policies Procedures Subcommittee met
- Union catalog is up with test records! See
www.pascalcat.org - Delivery RFP completed
- Security certificates for servers purchased and
11Current Status Fall 2005
- Waiting for Delivery RFP to be posted
- Setting up testing
- Completing profile worksheets for the union
catalog - Hiring Academic Resources Coordinator, who will
oversee this project - Planning for the next phase
12Goals for 2005-2006
- Orient new Academic Resources Coordinator
- Award a delivery vendor and develop policies and
procedures - Test delivery between the pilot sites, using the
new vendor, and refine policies and procedures as
necessary - Purchase bags/shipping materials and settle
shipping details - Complete pilot group implementation, including
automatic data transfer - Work with a consultant from an established
INN-Reach consortium
13Goals for 2005-2006 (continued)
- Training from a III representative
- Firm up circulation policies and procedures
- Begin preparing other libraries for
implementation, including loading data - Work with PASCAL Professional Development
Committee to organize training and outreach - Implement new libraries in phases, including
training staff - Go Live with majority of libraries by Summer 2006
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- Marna Hostetler
- Chair, Universal Borrowing Committee
- Head of Interlibrary Loan
- University of South Carolina