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Master White Bkgnd Presentation


Able to convert absorbed radiation photons into electronic charges of ... Crystal can be grown in large sizes (2 inch diameter and 10 inches long or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Master White Bkgnd Presentation

Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors
Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors
  • Tutorial Presented at Alabama AM University
  • Lodewijk van den Berg
  • Constellation Technology Corporation
  • With the cooperation of
  • Alexsey Bolotnikov
  • Brookhaven National Institute Laboratory

  • Normal, AL,
    Thursday 13 July, 2006

Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors
  • What are semiconductor Detectors, and what are
    the Requirements?
  • Solid semiconductor material
  • Chemically stable and preferably inert to
    atmospheric conditions
  • Able to absorb high energy nuclear radiation
    without being destroyed
  • Able to convert absorbed radiation photons
    into electronic charges of
  • The amount of electronic charges created
    should be a linear function of the
  • energy of the radiation
  • Should have high quality single crystalline
  • Should have very small levels of impurities (
    lt 10 ppm total)

Principles of Operation
  • A piece of semiconductor material is cut to the
    desired dimensions and
  • electrodes are deposited on opposite sides.
  • The electrode material is usually a noble
    metal, e.g. Au, Pd, Pt, Ag, but
  • sometimes common metals and conductive
    organic polymers are used.
  • Contact wires are attached to the electrodes to
    connect the detector to a
  • high voltage power supply on one side and a
    signal processing system on
  • the other side.
  • The charges created by the radiation are
    driven by the bias toward the
  • electrodes and are counted and processed by
    the electronic system.
  • Charges may not be able to travel the whole
    distance from their point of
  • origin to the respective electrodes because
    of trapping at material defects.

Charge Transport Properties
  • The movement of the electronic charges to the
    contacts can be described by
  • the mobility and the trapping time (also
    called lifetime).
  • The mobility µ with dimensions cm2/Vs (or
    cm/sec per V/cm) determines the
  • velocity with which the charge moves in the
    lattice under the force of the
  • field E applied to the detector.
  • The trapping time ? in seconds represents the
    probability that a charge is
  • trapped at a crystalline defect during the
    time that the charge travels through
  • the detector.
  • The drift length ? (cm) ??E is the average
    distance a charge can travel
  • before it is trapped.

Charge Transport and Collection
  • The collection of charges is described in the
    most extensive way by the
  • Hecht equation, which considers all the
    possible trapping mechanisms.
  • Basically it can be expressed for one type of
    charge (electrons or holes)
  • Q Q0 x e d/?
  • where Q is the amount of charge collected,
  • Q0 is the amount of charge
  • d is the thickness of the
  • One can see from the equation that in order to
    collect 98 of the charges
  • generated, the value of the drift length
    should be ? gt 5d.
  • This condition is often difficult to meet in
    semiconductor detectors
  • therefore values of ?? gt 2d are often

Charge Collection and Analysis System
Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA)
Channels (Energy)
Charge Collection and Analysis System (continued)
  • The schematic on the previous page shows the
    following features
  • The high voltage applied to the detector makes
    the charges generated by the
  • absorbed radiation move to the respective
  • The side of the detector from which the signal
    is taken is in most cases held at
  • a neutral bias.
  • Charges which are collected at the opposite
    electrode create an image charge
  • on the signal electrode, so that essentially
    all charges are accounted for.
  • The charge pulse (current) is processed by the
    preamplifier containing a Field
  • Effect Transistor (FET) which removes a large
    part of the continuous current
  • flowing through the preamplifier and
    highlights the signal.

Charge Collection and Analysis System (continued)
  • The charges enter the shaping amplifier which
    amplifies the current and also
  • determines the time (in microseconds) during
    which charges will be collected.
  • The charges from the shaping amplifier are
    processed by the Multi-Channel
  • Analyzer. The MCA reads the amount of charge
    in the pulse delivered by the
  • shaping amplifier. It sets up a number of bins
    (or channels) over which it
  • distributes the number of times a certain
    charge is received.
  • This information can be displayed on a PC and
    is called a spectrum.
  • Ideally the spectrum of a monochromatic test
    source should be a sharp peak
  • distributed over a few channels. The
    broadening of the peak is caused by
  • incomplete charge collection, Compton
    scattering and other effects in the
  • crystal which cause charges to be lost or not

  • Many materials have been investigated in the
    past. In the following table a
  • selection is made using criteria which will
    help to focus this discussion.
  • High density of a material improves the
    absorption of the radiation.
  • The type of interaction needs to be considered.
    Materials containing high Z
  • element(s) have a higher full-energy peak
    efficiency. This means that the
  • energy of the radiation is more efficiently
    converted into the maximum
  • number of counts possible. This relationship
    is related to Z3.
  • Higher Z materials also have lower Compton
    Scattering, which is a loss of
  • energy of the absorbed radiation photon by
    means of elastic scattering.
  • Materials with a small electronic band-gap have
    low resistivity. This causes
  • a high leakage current and a noisy spectrum
    when bias is applied

Materials (contd)
Comments on Materials Table
  • The resistivities for the different materials
    given in the previous table have
  • been calculated on the basis of their
    measured band gap.
  • In reality, the actual crystals grown contain
    many defects which usually
  • lowers the resistivity by as much as two or
    three orders of magnitude.
  • The standard for all nuclear research and
    measurements is still LN2
  • cooled high purity Ge (HPGE), but cooling is
    not readily available
  • for field applications.
  • The only two solid state detector materials
    presently available for ambient
  • temperature applications are CdZnTe and HgI2
  • This discussion will continue with the
    description of some properties and
  • applications of CZT. A separate presentation
    will discuss HgI2.

Room Temperature DetectorsCZT
  • Review of CZT Properties
  • Resistivity after doping
  • Electron Mobility
    1350 cm2/Vsec
  • Hole Mobility
    120 cm2/Vsec
  • Electron Mu-Tau
    1x10-3 cm2/V
  • Hole Mu-Tau
    6x10-6 cm2/V
  • Crystal can be grown in large sizes (2 inch
    diameter and 10 inches long or
  • larger), but contain inclusions and
  • The low values of the mu-tau for holes makes it
    impossible to make planar
  • detectors with large thicknesses.

Room Temperature DetectorsCZT Bulk Leakage
Currents(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
measurements of bulk resistivity values 1010
Fitting results 3x109 Ohm-cm Imarad 5x1010
Ohm-cm eV-Products 3x1010 Ohm-cm Yinnel Tech
Room Temperature DetectorsCZT
  • The low mu-tau product of the holes in CZT
    combined with the relatively low
  • resistivity makes it impossible to make
    planar detectors. Thicker detectors can
  • be used by using single charge collection of
    the electrons only. Three detector
  • configurations have been developed to make
    this possible.
  • Coplanar Grid detectors, where the anode is
    formed by two interwoven anode
  • grids. One grid serves as the signal anode,
    and the other is a steering grid used
  • to drive the electrons to the anode grid. (P.
    Luke at U.C. Berkeley)
  • Pixellated anodes where each pixel is connected
    to analysis channel of a
  • CMOS based ASIC. (Zhong He and coworkers at
    Univ. of Michigan)
  • Frish Grid detectors where the long narrow body
    of the detector is wrapped
  • in a teflon/conductor as the cathode. (
    McGregor, KSU, and Bolotnikov, BNL)

Room Temperature DetectorsCZTCo-planar Grid
The bottom of the detector has a solid contact
and is the cathode. The top has two parallel
grids one serves the anode and the other as a
steering grid. Dimensions of the detector 1 cm
x 1 cm x 1 cm.
Room Temperature DetectorsCZTPixellated Detector
The back of the detector is a solid cathode
contact. The front has an array of small pixel
contacts as sketched in the lower figure. The
anode pixels are connected to an ASIC as
shown. Dimensions of the detector 1 cm x 1 cm x
7 mm.
Room Temperature DetectorsCZTFrisch Grid
The top figure shows the bare detector. The
bottom figure shows the teflon wrap and the
conductive shield which acts as the cathode. The
top surface has the anode contact. Dimensions of
the detectors 6 mm x 6 mm x 3 mm up to 15 mm x
10 mm x 10 mm.
Room Temperature DetectorsCZTCs-137 Spectrum
Spectrum of Cs-137 with detector 5 mm
thick. Resolution 1.1 FWHM. Single charge
Energy resolution 1.1 (Frisch-ring) vs. 0.9
(3D device) Resolution is limited by material
Room Temperature Semiconductor DetectorsCZT and
  • Summary
  • Room temperature semiconductor detectors are
    able to provide nuclear
  • spectra with a resolution adequate for many
  • Since they are solid state devices, they are
    very rugged and are suitable for
  • devices used in the field (no glass
  • The signal output is stable with temperature
    and does not drift.
  • Improvements in the material are needed,
    especially in the crystal growth.
  • Specifically, the single crystal material needs
    to be more homogeneous with
  • respect to its electronic properties, and
    segregation and inclusions need to be
  • minimized. In this way, detector bodies with
    larger volumes will become
  • available, so that efficiency can be maximized.
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