Title: GASB UPDATE Presented by Michelle Drew, CPA
1GASB UPDATEPresented byMichelle Drew, CPA
- 45 - Accounting and Financial Reporting by
Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than
Pensions - 44 - Economic Condition Reporting The
Statistical Section
3GASB 45Accounting and Financial Reporting by
Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other than
4GASB 45
- Currently most OPEB are pay as you go
- Fails to measure or recognize cost of OPEB during
the period earned. - GASB 45 applies approach consistent with GASB 27
pension accounting
5GASB 45
- Establishes standards for the measurement,
recognition, and display of OPEB in state/local
government financial statements - Expense/expenditures
- Liabilities/assets
- Required supplementary information
- GASB 45 does not apply to special termination
benefits - Retirement incentive programs
6GASB 45
- GASB 45 applies to participants in
- Single-employer OPEB plans
- Agent multiple-employer OPEB plans (PERS
healthcare) - Cost-sharing multiple-employer OPEB plans (TRS
7GASB 45
- What is OPEB cost?
- Defined contribution plan
- Expense the required contribution
- Cost-sharing multiple-employer defined benefit
plan - Expense contractually required contribution
- Single employer or agent multiple-employer
defined benefit plan - Expense Annual required contribution (ARC)
8GASB 45
- Annual Required Contribution - ARC
- Normal cost for the year plus
- Amortization of prior unfunded actuarial
liability - UAL
9GASB 45
- Normal cost is comprised of projected benefits,
discounted to present value, allocated to periods
of service using actuarial cost-allocation
methods - Actuarial valuation required
- 200 or more members biennially
- 200 or fewer members triennially
- 100 or fewer members alternative measurement
method allowed
10GASB 45
- Alternative measurement method is available if
less than 100 members - Project benefits
- Discount to present value
- Allocate costs to periods when earned using
simplified actuarial assumptions in lieu of
actuarial valuation - GASB is assuming someone will develop software
for this purpose -
11GASB 45
- Unfunded Actuarial Liability (UAL)
- Results when actuarial liability exceeds
actuarial value of plan assets - Not to be confused with net OPEB obligation which
results when payments are less than the ARC - UAL is amortized over period not to exceed 30
years - UAL amortization is added to normal cost to
arrive at the ARC
12GASB 45
- Single employer or agent multiple-employer
defined benefit plan will recognize expense ARC - Government-wide financial statements
- Financial statements of proprietary funds
- Financial statements of fiduciary funds
- Modified accrual basis in governmental fund
financial statements
13GASB 45
- Single employer or agent multiple-employer
defined benefit plan will recognize liability or
asset - Net OPEB obligation results from contributions
over/under ARC - Government-wide financial statements
- Financial statements of proprietary funds
- Financial statements of fiduciary funds
14GASB 45
- Required supplementary information
- Schedule of funding progress
- Notes to the financial statements
- A brief plan description
- Funding policy
- Employer contribution rates
- Actuarial and economic assumptions
- Investment return assumptions
- Other notes
15GASB 45
- Applies GASB 34 Phase in categories
- Periods beginning after
- Phase 1 governments (Rev 100 million)
- December 15, 2006
- Phase 2 governments (Rev 10 million)
- December 15, 2007
- Phase 3 governments (Rev
- December 15, 2008
- One year following GASB 43 (Plan reporting).
Earlier application encouraged.
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18GASB 44Economic Condition Reporting The
Statistical Section
19GASB 44
- Amends NCGA Statement 1
- Establishes and modifies requirements related to
the supplementary information in the statistical
section accompanying the basic financial
statements for state and local governmental
entities - Generally, focus should be on primary government
- Judgment in presenting information on discreet
component units in consideration of economic
condition of the primary government
20GASB 44
- Five objectives
- Financial trends changes over time
- Revenue capacity ability to generate own-source
revenue - Debt capacity debt burden and ability to issue
additional debt - Demographic and economic information
- Operating information
21GASB 44 Trend Data
- Net assets
- Invested in capital assets, restricted and
unrestricted shown separately - Governmental activities, business-type
activities, total primary government shown
separately - 10 years - or all years since GASB 34
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23GASB 44 Trend Data
- Changes in Net Assets (for both governmental and
business-type activities) - Expenses by function, program or activities
- Program revenues by category
- Significant charges for services in detail
- Total net (expense) program revenue
- General revenues
- Other change in net assets by type
- Total changes in net assets
- 10 years information
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26GASB 44 Trend Data
- Governmental fund information
- Reserved and unreserved fund balances
- General Fund
- All other funds aggregated
- Unreserved by fund type
- Revenues by source, expenditures by function,
other financing sources/uses, other changes in
fund balances. - Debt interest and principal shown separately
- Ratio of total debt service to noncapital
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30GASB 44 Revenue Capacity
- Most significant own-source revenue
- Revenue Base
- By major component
- Taxes Real personal property
- Direct rate
- Mill rate, sales tax rate
- If property tax, present both assessed value and
estimated actual value - 10 years information
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33GASB 44 Revenue Capacity
- Most significant own-source revenue
- Revenue Rates
- Individual direct rates separate from total
direct rate. - Overlapping rate information for property taxes
- Excludes States
- 10 years information
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35GASB 44 Revenue Capacity
- Most significant own-source revenue
- Principal Revenue Payers
- Current year and nine years prior
- Two years total presented
- Ten largest payers or 50 of revenue base
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37GASB 44 Revenue Capacity
- If Property taxes are largest own-source revenue
- Amount levied for that period
- Amount collected prior to end of period
- Amount of levy collected in subsequent years to
date - 10 years information
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42GASB 44 Debt Capacity
- Ratios of outstanding debt
- Separately identified GO bonds, revenue bonds,
loans, COPs, capital leases related to
governmental activities and business-type
activities separately - Debt ratio to personal income or other relevant
base (value of taxable property, etc) - 10 years information
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44GASB 44 Debt Capacity
- Ratio of General Bonded Debt
- Types shown individually and in total
- Accumulated resources to repay principal
subtracted to arrive at net debt - Ratio to estimated value of taxable property (or
other meaningful base) - 10 years information
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46GASB 44 Debt Capacity
- Direct and Overlapping Debt
- Debt attributable to governmental activities
should present for the current year - Total amount outstanding
- Percentage of overlap between reporting and
overlapping government - Total direct debt
- Total overlapping debt
- States are excluded
- Encouraged but not required by counties and above
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48GASB 44 Debt Capacity
- Debt Limitations
- Information for current year for debt margin
calculations - Relevant revenue base
- Debt limit amount
- Debt applicable to the limit (reserves deducted,
net debt) - Legal debt margin
- 10 years information for total net debt
applicable to the limit, legal debt margin
amount, ratio debt margin/net debt or net
debt/debt limit
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50GASB 44 Debt Capacity
- Pledged-revenue coverage (revenue bonds)
- Gross revenues
- Net available revenues, as applicable
- Principal and interest requirements
- Coverage ratio
- 10 years information
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52GASB 44 Demographics
- Demographic and Economic Indicators
- Personal income
- Per capita income
- Unemployment rate
- 10 years information
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54GASB 44 Economics
- Principal Employers
- Current year and nine years prior (2 years only)
- Ten largest employers in terms of number of
employees or 50 of total employment - Include percentage of employment
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56GASB 44 Operating Information
- Government Employees
- Number of persons employed by function, program
or identifiable activity - Same level of detail as financial statements
- 10 years information
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58GASB 44 Operating Information
- Demand or level of service
- Reporting volume
- Number of arrests
- Number of customers served
- Etc.
- Not reporting effectiveness or efficiency
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60GASB 44 Operating Information
- Capital Asset related information
- Volume, usage, or nature
- Number of lane-miles of roads
- Miles of water mains
- Etc.
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62GASB 44
- Effective for periods beginning after June 15,
2005 - Encouraged to implement the government-wide
information retroactively to GASB 34
implementation - Encouraged to restate or revise information for
prior years
Contact information Mikunda, Cottrell Co. 3601
C Street, Suite 600 Anchorage, AK
99503 907-278-8878 mdrew_at_mcc-cpa.com