Title: Welcome to Your Financial Fitness Checkup
1Welcome to YourFinancial Fitness Checkup
2Todays Goal
- To provide you with a few basic concepts and
tools to improve your financial fitness.
3Topics Covered
- Overview of average debt.
- Do you know your debts.
- Avoid credit card tricks.
- Getting out of debt.
- Maximize your savings.
- Building a money reserve.
- Investing for a financially sound future.
4Average Credit Card Debt
Average Household Debt
Average Auto Loan Debt (New)
Average Auto Loan Debt (Used)
Average Mortgage Loan Debt
5The national savings rate fell from 8.7 percent
in 1992 to only 2.3 in 2003.
In 2003, a record 1.65 million people filed for
6List of Debts Form
7What Credit Cards Really Cost
- Interest.
- Balance Rate Payment.
- 5,000 21 2.5 (125)
Length Interest Total 33 yr. 9 mo. 11,027 16,027
5,000 21 150
4 yr. 3 mo. 2,569 7,569
5,000 15 2.5 (125)
21 yr. 5 mo. 4,757 9,757
5,000 15 150
3 yr. 8 mo. 2,388 7,388
8Examples of Credit Card Trickery
- Fees for paying off monthly balance accumulating
no interest over a year. - Shortening grace periods (1990 29.7 days, today
21.1 days) - Paying late triggers higher rates plus late fee.
- Higher rates if card not used.
- Higher cash advance rates.
- Over limit fees plus higher rates.
- Method of interest calculation - 30 day cycle/60
day cycle.
9Take the Rebate and Save
2,000 2,000 0 2,000 18,000 16,000
60 months 60 months 2.9 5.75 323 307
19,380 18,420 Amt. Saved 960
10(No Transcript)
11Easy Credit
Pay Day Loans
12How do I get out of debt?
- Tighten the Budget - Spend Less
- Impulse Buying
- Examine Your Expenses - Shop Around
- Cut the Cards - Reduce Temptation
- Refinance
- Carry Less Cash
- Track ATM Withdrawals
- Pay Off High Interest Bills
- Stack Your Payments
- Debt Consolidation
13Income Expenses
- Budgeting / Financial Planning
- Needs vs. Wants
14(No Transcript)
15- PYF! (Pay Yourself First)
- You wont spend it if you dont see it!
- Save 1/2 of all raises!
16Develop a Goal Statement
17Goal Worksheet
18How much do you need to feel financially secure?
15 23 30 32
More than 3,000,000
Recent Poll on CNNMoney
19Net Worth Worksheet
20(No Transcript)
21Value of Time
20 year-old
- Amount Rate Time Total
- 100/mo 8 10 yr. 18,515.96
8 35 yrs. 273,764.84
100/mo 8 45 yr. 531,069.38
22Value of Time
450/mo 8 35 yr. 1,039,578.62
23Value of Time
Junk Bonds Collectibles Growth Mutual Funds Blue
Chip Stocks Balanced Mutual Fund US Treasury
Bills Bonds Certificates of Deposit Insured
Bank Savings
Potential Return
25Financial Fitness Summary
- Dont be afraid
- Be consistent
- Examine
- Plan
- Start Now
26Comments Questions
27Thank You for Attending the Financial Fitness