Title: Junior Forest Steward
1Junior Forest Steward
Become a
- Learn about and help
- Penns Woods
2What is a Forest Steward?
- A Forest Steward is someone who owns and cares
for a piece of forestland - Forest stewards own their forestland for many
reasons, and they do many different things with
their woods - They want to make sure their forest will always
be there, healthy and growing
3Is Everyone Who Owns Forestland a Forest Steward?
- Not every forestland owner is a forest steward
- Some dont have time to care for their woods
- It takes a special person to care for the forest!
4Total Makeover!
Which of the four seasons (spring, summer,
winter, or fall) do you like best? Why?
Can you find at least 5 seasonal differences
between these pictures?
5What Kinds of Forests do Forest Stewards Own?
- Their woods may have many evergreens, or trees
that lose their leaves (deciduous trees) - Wildflowers, shrubs, and ferns are important too
- Chances are a forest steward lives near you
6Trees Everywhere!
- Young forest trees are called regeneration
- These trees are important for wildlife
- How many young trees can you count in this photo?
7Do Forest Stewards Like Wildlife?
- Wildlife use trees for shelter, food, and places
to hide and rest - Trees need wildlife to spread their seeds,
fertilize the soil, pollinate their flowers, and
protect them from insects that eat their leaves - Forest stewards want to make their forests better
for wildlife
8Wildlife Signs
- See if you can you match each wildlife sign in
the upcoming pictures with the six different
animals that made them?
9(No Transcript)
10OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
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12OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
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14OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
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16OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
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18OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
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20OPTIONS (A) coyote, (B) black bear, (C) bobcat,
(D) white-tailed deer, (E) eastern chipmunk, (F)
21Whats Fun About the Woods?
- Can you think of some fun things people do in
forests? - Forest stewards help provide places for this
22Why Do Forest Stewards Own Their Woods?
- Sometimes they inherit it from their parents or
another family member - They may keep it as a place they can go to for
resting or having fun - Others buy forestland to produce forest products
23Take A Closer Look
- Can you identify the following forest objects or
things? Look closely!
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25OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
26(No Transcript)
27OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
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29OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
30(No Transcript)
31OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
32(No Transcript)
OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
34(No Transcript)
35OPTIONS (A) mushroom, (B) thistle flower, (C)
pine cone, (D) wild turkey, (E) white-tailed
deer, (F) acorn cap
36What are Forest Products?
- Forest Products things that people make or use
from the forest - The trees, plants, and wildlife in forests are
called renewable resources - Most forest stewards like to grow or produce
forest products in their woods
37Dont Forest Stewards Want to Protect Their
Forest and Save the Trees?
- Forest stewards know that cutting trees is an
important part of taking care of a forest - Cutting trees that are diseased or sick can help
keep forests healthy - Cutting trees also lets more sunlight into the
forest so that new trees and other plants can grow
38What are Special Places in the Forest?
- Areas near streams and ponds should be treated
carefully so that soil or chemicals dont get
into the water - Wetlands are also special
- Some other special places that forest stewards
want to protect are steep, rocky, or very dry
39Water Everywhere!
- Most of the drinking water we use comes from
forests - Forests filter rain and melted snow
40Would YOU Like to be a Junior Forest Steward?
- Step One Learn about forests and how to care for
them - Step Two Take action, carry out one of the
recommended forest stewardship activities and
earn your Junior Forest Steward Patch.
41Thinker Questions for Junior Forest Stewards
- Do you care about forests? Why?
42Thinker Questions for Junior Forest Stewards
- What wildlife do you like to watch?
43Thinker Questions for Junior Forest Stewards
- Can you think of some ways forest stewards could
improve their forests for recreation?
44Thinker Questions for Junior Forest Stewards
- Where does your drinking water come from?
45Thinker Questions for Junior Forest Stewards
- Can you think of things that might damage young