Conversational Evangelism: Hearing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conversational Evangelism: Hearing


(Buddhism) ... one of the goals of Buddhism is the elimination of desire, ... 'I realize that, even though each religion believes its God to be the creator of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conversational Evangelism: Hearing

Conversational Evangelism Hearing By Dr
David Geisler
The Challenges of Evangelism Today
The Challenges of Evangelism Today
  • It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins
    to people who believe that, since morality is
    relative, they have no sins to forgive.
  • - Gene Veith,
    Postmodern Times, p.16

A Need for A New Evangelism Paradigm
  • Evangelism paradigms need to be supplemented
  • People seem less interested

The Need For Pre-Evangelism
  • As a Campus Crusade Staff, I am trained in
    using the 4SL and some apologetics skills, but I
    have problems trying to integrate them during
    evangelism. When people indicate that they were
    not interested, I could only ask them for the
    reason and then invite them for an evangelistic
    bible study or share my personal testimony.
  • This (pre-evangelism) model helps me to go
    further by asking questions, identifying the
    barrier, and finding common ground in my
    conversations with non-believers.
  • - Former student at East Asia School of

  • If evangelism is planting seeds of the Gospel,
    pre-evangelism is tilling the soil of their mind
    and heart, preparing them to at least be willing
    to listen to the Truth.(Mark 222, 48)

other seeds fell into the good soil and as
they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop
and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.
(Mark 48)
There is an intolerance towards those who say
there is a bridge they must cross!
Key Question
How can we do more effective evangelism in this
kind of world?
Answer We need to better understand the times or
culture in which we live. If we truly understand
the times or culture in which we live in, we will
engage in pre-evangelism.
Being effective in Pre-evangelism means I will
See evangelism more as a process
  • I planted the seed, Apollos watered it,
  • but God made it grow.
  • 1 Corinthians 36

Expanded Definition of Evangelism
  • Every day and in every way helping our
    pre-believing friends to take one step closer to
    Jesus Christ.
  • Dr. David Geisler

Being effective in Pre-evangelism means
  • allowing others to discover the truth for
    themselves by asking them probing questions about
    what they say they believe!

Why Not Just Proclaim the Truth?
  • We live in a world where people are reluctant to
    be told what is true, but may be willing in some
    cases to see for themselves (as in a mirror) the
    inconsistencies in what they believe.
  • Dr. David Geisler

The Need For Probing Questions
For the time will come when men will not put up
with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own
desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears
want to hear. They will turn their ears away from
the truth and turn aside to myths. (2 Timothy 4
3-4 N.I.V.)
The Joy of Self-discovery
  • We need to make him
  • think it was his idea.
  • From the movie
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding

The joy of self-discovery Conversation with
Charlenes Uncle
Do you believe the same thing as Aunty?
Dont we come from somewhere? We couldnt just be
here forever could we?
Do you know the difference between Christianity
and all other religions?
The joy of self-discovery Conversation with
our former nanny
How do you fit Jesus into your Buddhist
Why Asking Questions Is So Helpful
  • A person can close his ears to facts he does
    not want to hear, but if a pointed question
    causes him to form the answer in his own mind, he
    cannot escape the conclusionbecause its a
    conclusion that he reached himself.
  • David Reed Baker, Jehovahs Witnesses Answered
    Verse by Verse, (Grand Rapids Baker, 1986) p.

The bottom line about Pre-Evangelism
  • The more we have the opportunity to share the
    Gospel the greater percentage of people will come
    to Christ.
  • The more pre-evangelism we do the more
    opportunities we will have to share the gospel
    with others.
  • Therefore the more pre-evangelism we do the
    greater percentage of people will come to Christ!

other seeds fell into the good soil and as
they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop
and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.
(Mark 48)
The Need For Pre-Evangelism
  • Story of former students experience in
    evangelism that highlights the need for
  • Campus Crusade Staff member at former student at
    East Asia School of Theology

No One Size Fits All Approach
Not all pre-believers are at the same place.
Trust in Christ
What is different about this approach?
  • You dont need to know much apologetic
    information to engage successfully in using the
    methodology of Conversational Evangelism.
  • It attempts to keep in balance both cognitive and
    non-cognitive elements to evangelism.
  • It provides a methodology for doing
    pre-evangelism that is transferable and easily
    taught to others.

What is Conversational Evangelism?(in their own
  • The Conversational Evangelism model applies the
    forms of conversation so that we can communicate
    the gospel to our friends in a way that is
    meaningful to them. It speaks not only to their
    mind but also to their heart, for it is where the
    seeds of the gospel take root, germinate and bear
    fruit of eternal life.
  • Former student at East Asia School o f Theology

The Value of this Approach
  • So many times when I share my faith I have the
    mindset to defend my beliefs, and why I feel
    that Im right. This model allows me to question
    the person Im sharing with and have them
    defend what and why they believe the way they
  • Jeremy, Campus Crusade Staff, Texas Tech.

The Value of this Approach
  • As a Campus Crusade Staff, I am trained in
    using the 4SL and some apologetics skills, but I
    have problems trying to integrate them during
    evangelism. When people indicate that they were
    not interested, I could only ask them for the
    reason and then invite them for an evangelistic
    bible study or share my personal testimony. This
    model helps me to go further by asking questions,
    identifying the barrier, and finding common
    ground in my conversations with non-believers.
  • Former student at East Asia School of Theology

The Value of this Approach
  • A conversation between friends is like a
    sea-saw in which the conversation is balanced and
    viewpoints are surfaced and discussed.
  • The advantages of this method is that it really
    allows you to take your non-Christian friend on a
    journey of self discovery as he learns to
    discover for himself the potholes in his
    arguments and beliefs.
  • Former student at East Asia School of Theology

Ingredients to This Model
  • 1. Active Listening
  • 2. Positive deconstructionism (tearing down)
  • This concept was developed by Nick Polard,
    Evangelism Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44

Ingredients to this ModelPositive
deconstructionism (Tearing down)Nick Pollards
  • The process of positive deconstructionism
    recognizes and affirms the elements of truth to
    which individuals already hold, but it also helps
    them discover for themselves the inadequacies of
    the underlying worldviews they have absorbed. The
    aim is to awaken a heart response that says, I
    am not so sure that what I believe is right after
    all. I want to find out more about Jesus.
  • Nick Pollard, Evangelism Made Slightly Less
    Difficult, p. 44

Ingredients to This Model
  • 1. Active Listening
  • 2. Positive deconstructionism (tearing down)
  • 3. A questioning approach that allows others to
    surface the truth for themselves
  • 4. A method for removing the burden of proof from
    us to them (Boomerang Principle)
  • 5. A method to determine the real barriers to the
  • 6. A strategy for finding common ground
  • 7. A strategy for building a bridge to the Gospel
    (both intellectual and heart bridges)
  • _______________________________________
  • The Conversational Evangelism Method
  • Concept developed by Nick Pollard, Evangelism
    Made Slightly less difficult, p. 44

Conversational Evangelism in Action
  • The Apostle Paul said, I have become all things
    to all men so that by all means, I may save
  • I Cor.922

We too should do what ever it takes, remove what
ever obstacle, whether it be intellectual,
emotion, or spiritual, to help others take steps
to the cross.
Learning the Mechanics of Doing Evangelism
It can seem as difficult and mechanical as
learning how to drive a clutch for the first time!
The Vital Role Of The Holy Spirit In
The Vital Role Of The Holy Spirit In
Remember we are just the instrument!
God chose the weak things of the world to shame
the strong. 1Corinthians 127b (NIV)
What do we want to trust the Holy Spirit to do?
To empower us to speak in a way that makes a
difference. (Acts 141)
To empower us to live godly lives. (Philippians
This approach is not a substitute for a caring
sensitive approach of loving people in the
context of a Christian Community.
Conversational Evangelism Four types of
conversations we want to have with non-believers
Four types of roles you need to play in your
friends life
Hear what they are saying!HearIlluminateUncove
The Art of Listening
Helpful suggestion Reflect back what they are
saying to you.
Example Now what I hear you saying is Tell me
if Ive heard you correctly. You are saying that
Why is this important?
Why Hearing Is Such An Important Step in
  • It helps you better connect with others
  • People feel appreciate when you can remember
    their name, understand their concerns, and show
    patience in your dialogue with them.
  • It helps to put the other person at ease in
    talking with you
  • It helps you to really uncover the nature of
    their barrier to Christ whether it is an
    intellectual, emotional, or spiritual barrier.

The Importance of Being A Good Listener
  • Proverbs 1813 (NASB)
  • He who gives an answer before he hears, It is
    folly and shame to him.

Learn how to be a better listener
  • James 119-20
  • My dear brothers, take note of this Everyone
    should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow
    to become angry, for man's anger does not bring
    about the righteous life that God desires.

Really hear what people are saying to us!
Hear the Sour Notes People are Singing to us!
(No Transcript)
As a musician, you need to listen, and you need
to train yourself to hear what people are saying
to you!
Our Purpose
By listening to the sour notes we may be able to
detect some of the uncertainty in their their
beliefs which may give us an opportunity to help
them to thinking more clearly about what they
believe and why. It also may create greater
openness to hear more about Jesus.
(No Transcript)
All views are true!
If all views are true then nothing is true!
Dr. Norman Geisler
Not All Religious Viewpoints Can Be Right!
Either Jesus is the Only Way The Truth and the
Life (Jn. 146) or He is not the Only Way
the Truth and the Life
Jesus Approach in Matt 1916-22
  • Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, Teacher,
    what good thing must I do to get eternal life?
    Why do you ask me about what is good? Jesus
    replied. There is only One who is good. If you
    want to enter life, obey the commandments.
    Which ones? the man inquired. Jesus replied,
    Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not
    steal, do not give false testimony, honor your
    father and mother, and love your neighbor as
    yourself. All of these I have kept, the young
    man said. What do I still lack?

Jesus Approach in Matt 1916-22
Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go
sell your possessions and give to the poor, and
you will have treasures in heaven. Then come,
follow me. When the young man heard this he
went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Inconsistent Beliefs
What were the two inconsistencies that Jesus
wanted the rich young ruler to see?
  • A. I am a good person, I keep all of the
  • B. I care about financial wealth more than
    following Jesus.

Sour notes in Acts 17
Example Idols in Acts 1722-30
What are the two contradictory beliefs?
For in Him we live and move and exist, as even
some of your poets have said, For we also are
His offspring. Being then the offspring of God,
we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is
like gold or silver, an image formed by the art
and thought of man. (Acts 1728-29 NASB)
  • You created these wooden gods
  • These wooden gods created you.

Types of Sour Notes You Might Hear
Types of inconsistencies you might hear
  • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl. 311)
  • Belief vs. Behavior (Galatians 214-16)
  • Belief vs. Belief (Acts 1722-30)
  • Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 118)

Belief vs. Heart Longing
1. The inconsistency can be between their
worldview perspective and their heart longing.
People may believe one thing but their heart
may long for something else
Belief vs. Heart Longing
"There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of
every man which cannot be filled by any created
thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known
through Jesus." Blaise Pascal (French
mathematician, philosopher, and physicist)
Belief vs. Heart Longing
1. The inconsistency can be between their
worldview perspective and their heart longing.
Many world religions contain views which are
inconsistent with the longings of peoples
Belief vs Heart Longing(Hinduism)
  • Some Hindu believes in only an impersonal god
  • Yet a Hindu desires to know God in a deeper more
    personal way

Belief vs. Heart Longing
Union with the impersonal force wont ever
satisfy our human ache for intimacyto know and
to be known. Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other
Gods, p. 78
Belief vs. Heart Longing(Buddhism)
In Buddhism the goal is to achieve a state of
Nirvana which is an abstract nothingness. However
this means I must loose myself (personhood)
But not only is losing myself not fulfilling, but
the way to get to Nirvana can only be
accomplished through a heavy burden of living
according to rules and regulations that can never
be completely attainable .
Belief vs Heart Longing(Chinese)
  • I believe in materialism
  • I want to be remembered after I died or at least
    die with a good reputation.

Belief vs. Heart Longing
The teachings of Islam betrays the heart cry to
have an intimacy with God.
  • In Islam, the distance between God and humanity
    is so vast that even those most devoted to Allah
    never get close to him.Repetition (of rituals)
    and submission take the place of a warm
  • Ravi Zacharias, Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 78-79

Belief vs. Heart Longing(Postmodern culture)
In a postmodern culture there is a desperate
need today for young people to feel a sense of
belonging. To be a part of something bigger than
themselves. The popularity of reality TV
Belief vs. Heart Longing
1. The inconsistency can be between their
worldview perspective and their heart longing.
In a postmodern culture there is a desperate
need today for young people to feel a sense of
belonging. To be a part of something bigger than
Example 1 A pre-believing student who after
9/11 said his life had to now count in some way.
Belief vs. Heart Longing
Example 2 Student who said (after 9/11) I dont
believe in an afterlife but I believe that the
terrorist were going to be held accountable for
what they did.
What do you think was his heart longing? That
justice must be done!
The Bible Speaks About Heart Longings
Solomon wrote that "He has also set eternity in
the hearts of men yet they cannot fathom what
God has done from the beginning to end." (Ecl.
Show Others that Jesus Meets the Longings of
Our Hearts!
What oxygen is to the brain, Jesus is to our
hearts. He satisfies our deepest longings unlike
anything else.If we were to list all of our
hungers, we might be surprised at how many
legitimate hungers we have. We hunger for truth,
love, knowledge, belonging, self-expression,
justice, imagination, learning, and
significanceto name a few. Ravi Zacharias,
Jesus Among Other Gods, p. 71-72
What You Might Hear
Types of sour notes or inconsistencies you
might hear
  • Belief vs Heart Longing (Eccl 311)
  • Belief vs Behavior (Gal 214-16)

Belief vs Behavior
The inconsistency can be between what they say
they believe and how they live or behave.
Paul challenged Peter about his inconsistent
behavior. (Galatians 214-16)
Student What Hitler did was not necessarily wrong
Belief vs Behavior
  • Talking to a Buddhist
  • If one of the goals of Buddhism is the
    elimination of desire, is it really possible for
    human beings to really live without emotion or
  • (conversation with Buddhist auto-mechanic)

Specific Questions To Ask A Buddhist
If Desire is the source of all suffering, how do
we desire to stop desiring? Jesus taught that
the issue is not giving up desire, but having
right desire (Matt 56).
Belief vs Behavior
  • Someone who claims that there is no
    such thing as right and wrong
  • Yet they try to live a good life.

Belief vs Behavior
  • I believe that there is no absolute right or
  • Yet I believe it is important to treat others
    with respect and civility.

Belief vs Behavior
  • I believe in Buddhism.
  • B. I hope I can win the lottery tomorrow.
  • I dont believe in life after death.
  • B. We need to respect our dead ancestors by
    practicing burning incense and money for them.

Belief vs Behavior
  • I think it is important that we offer our joss
    sticks to our dead relatives .
  • B. I am not really sure how real my sacrifice is.

Belief vs Behavior
  • Christianity is not suitable for Chinese because
    it comes from the West
  • I am going to study to get a science degree in
    the United States

The key should not be whether it comes from the
West. Instead, the key factor should be whether
Christianity is true and applicable.
Belief vs Behavior
  • I am an Atheists or Free Thinker
  • I sometimes go to temple for fortune telling and
    pray for success in my career.

Specific questions to ask a Muslim
Do you pray at least five times a day?
  • I believe that my good deeds must outweigh my bad
    deeds in order to get to heaven.
  • B. I dont pray at least five times a day.

How then can you have any assurance that you are
going to heaven when you die?
Specific Questions To Ask A Confucianist
  • Confucius said, Man is born with uprightness
  • Wing-Tsit Chan A Source Book in Chinese
    Philosophy. Princeton, N.J. Princeton Univ.
    Press, 1963, p. 29

If it is true that humans are good by nature,
then wouldnt the doing of good come more
naturally and easily to us?
Do our thoughts naturally tend toward kindness
when people speak evil of us? Do we
automatically desire to love those who have
wronged us? When someone is promoted ahead of us
do we immediately consider them more worthy than
we and want to congratulate them?
Specific Questions To Ask A Confucianist
The Bible says
  • The Apostle Paul, who was perhaps one of the
    greatest Christians who ever lived, said himself,
  • I have the desire to do what is good, but I
    cannot carry it out. Romans 718

What You Might Hear
Types of sour notes or inconsistencies you
might hear
  • Belief vs Heart Longing (Eccl 311)
  • Belief vs Behavior (Gal 214-16)
  • Belief vs Belief (Acts 1722-30)

The inconsistency can be between two
contradictory beliefs.
Belief vs. Belief
Both Statements cannot be true!
  • 1. The woman is pregnant
  • 2. The woman is not pregnant

  • Can Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad all be

Can all religions simultaneously be true?
Contradictory Truth Claims Regarding Salvation
Christianity by faith alone in Christ
alone Islam by belief in Allah, his
prophet Muhammad, and good works Hinduism by
overcoming karma an incarnations with good works
Buddhism by cessation of desire
through eight-fold path
Show That They Cannot Hold Conflicting Views!
What is wrong with these statements?
  • A. Jesus is my Savior
  • B. I can measure up
  • A. The Bible is reliable
  • B. I must do good works to be saved
  • (Ephesians 28-9 Titus 35)

Show That They Cannot Hold Conflicting Views!
  • The Bible is reliable
  • B. Jesus is just one of the many gods and
    therefore just one of the many ways to heaven

Conversation with Chinese Student
  • A. Im a Christian
  • B. Im not quite sure why Jesus had to die on
    the cross.

Belief vs Belief
  • As a fortune teller my predictions never fail.
  • Yet they are only 99 accurate

Belief vs Belief
  • There is no absolute right or wrong.
  • The Japanese military leaders were wrong in
    killing millions of Chinese and Asians during
    World War II.

Belief vs Belief
  • Someone who claims to be a Buddhist
  • Yet they are not sure if there is any life
    after this life

Belief vs Belief
  • As a Chinese I believe in Dengs pragmatism,
    therefore I try my best to succeed by all means
  • I believe that the salesperson is so evil to
    cheated me out of money! It really is not fair!

Belief vs Belief
  • I believe that Jesus is just a great prophet
  • B. But Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet
    though the Koran teaches that Jesus was without
    sin and virgin born while Muhammad was not.

Belief vs Belief (Reincarnation)
  • I believe that all humans are reincarnated after
    death and that if they are bad they will become
    an animal.
  • B. I believe that both the human population in
    the world is getting bigger and that there is an
    increase in crime.

But if reincarnation is true, how can we
accounted for the increase in population in spite
of the increase in crime everywhere?
Hear the discrepancies!Our God is in the
heavens He does whatever He pleases. Their idols
are silver and gold, The work of mans hands.
They have mouths, but they cannot speak They
have eyes, but they cannot see They have ears,
but they cannot hear They have noses, but they
cannot smell They have hands but they cannot
feel They have feet but they cannot walk (Ps.
Find the Discrepancy!
What is wrong with these statements?
  • I realize that, even though each religion
    believes its God to be the creator of the
    universe and calls God by a different name, there
    is only one true God in the universe. In Buddhism
    we call God our mind-nature, Dharma-nature,
    Absolute Reality and so on. This true God has
    perfect wisdom, virtues and omnipotence. God can
    manifest in whatever form necessary to help the
    living beings release from pain and suffering.
  • Prof. Chin Kung, Address at Multi-Faith Education
    for Harmony and Peace Conference, Jakarta
    Indonesia Feb. 1st, 2005

Can They All Be Right?
Christianity Judaism Islam
Polytheism, Mahayana Buddhism
Atheism, Theravada Buddhism
Many gods
One God
No God
  • But God can become whatever he wants to be!

Reply Can God as creator be separate from the
Universe that He created and at the same time be
identical to the Universe? No, He can not.
What You Might Hear
Types of inconsistency you might hear
  • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Ecl. 311)
  • Belief vs. Behavior (Galatians 214-16)
  • Belief vs. Belief (Acts 1722-30)
  • Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 118)

The Apostle Paul said, But as surely as God is
faithful, our message to you is not yes and no.
- 2 Cor. 118, NIV
Illogical Belief
The inconsistency or contradiction can also be in
the statement itself
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Some things are undeniable
Example Winnie the Pooh
Illogical Beliefs
Just because a statement is sayable does not mean
that it is meaningful. Example I cannot utter
a word in English!
What Are Some Unmeaningful Statements?
  • You should be skeptical about everything.
  • Always avoid making absolute statements.

Unmeaningful Statements? More Examples
  • God is so far beyond us that we can not really
    know anything about Him.
  • There is really no absolute truth.

Unmeaningful Statements? More Examples
What is wrong with these statements?
  • Everything is relative.
  • You cant really know anything.
  • I know for sure there is no god.

Your Greatest Tool in Answering False Claims
Apply the claim to itself!
For Example. . .
Apply the claim to itself!
  • There is no such thing as truth!
  • You cant know truth!
  • All truth is relative!
  • Its true for you but not for me!
  • No one has the truth!
  • All truth depends on your perspective!

What You Might Hear (Review)
Types of inconsistencies you might hear
  • Belief vs. Heart Longing (Eccl. 311)
  • Belief vs. Behavior (Gal 214-16)
  • Belief vs. Belief (Acts 1722-30)
  • Illogical Belief (2 Cor. 118)

The Difficulty In Listening To Them And At The
Same Time Spotting The Discrepancies In Their
  • It is very difficult (and still is) to listen
    earnestly to the other person during the
    conversation and trying to spot the
    inconsistencies at the same time. However, as I
    talked to more people, some common things will
    eventually surface and be repeated, and I will be
    more ready to pick them up the next time.
  • Former student at East Asia School of Theology

Dont forget to really listen
The fact is that some people hold to beliefs that
are some what different than what their
particular religion teaches!
By listening to them carefully you also
communicate that you really care about them and
want to understand what they believe.
Dont forget to focus on a few sour notes
Point out the most stand-out inconsistencies
rather than pointing out all inconsistencies
Practicing Hearing the Discrepancies In Action
In Singapore
  • Everything starts from watching and listening.
    Watching the way a person lives, dresses and
    talks often reveals what is in his heart, for out
    of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.
    Does the pursuit of material wealth betray a deep
    seated and hidden need to be accepted? Does it
    reveal an emptiness inside. A seemingly happy
    person who has everything he desires may reveal
    his true self after a bout of drinking. My
    Buddhist nurse friend who seemed to be able to
    expound the use of joss sticks to me was really
    unsure about how real her sacrifice is. My
    professor who claimed to be at peace with the
    world was actually holding grudges against the
    hospital administration.
  • Former student at East Asia School of Theology

Evangelism Training for the New Millennium
Conversational Evangelism
Acknowledgements This material was developed by
Dave Geisler his Meekness team members, and was
refined by suggestions from people around the
globe and based in part on the Mirror model
concept developed at Hill Country Bible Church
and pioneered by Glenn McGorty (See speaker notes
for more details). Special thanks to Kent
Vanderwaal for all his work in developing our new
graphics. Thanks also to Brett Yohn (Baptist
Student Ministry Dir. U.N.L.) who originally
developed the imagery of musician, artist,
archeologist, and engineer (which we now call
builder), to better describe the Conversational
Evangelism model.
Descriptions of Revision
Conversational Evangelism Hearing By Dr
David Geisler
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