Title: Knowledge Map
1Knowledge Map
- K-Map Definition
- A representation of concepts and their
relationships - Part of the organize activity of the KM process
- The end product is a directory of the
enterprises knowledge assets - A navigational aid that enables a user to home in
rapidly on the desired concept, and then follow
links to relevant knowledge sources - K-maps model explicit information about people,
processes and their information objects, plus the
relationships among these elements - One of the most difficult knowledge management
2Knowledge Map
- K-Map Benefits
- It enhances the ability to find or discover
knowledge - Associating knowledge assets to enterprise
terminology, information needs and priorities
pre-determines their relevance and relationships - K-map remove irrelevant information from users
path - It adds human value to knowledge
- Associating information content from multiple
sources and identifying experts within a shared
context links their credibility and relevance - Reduce user time to validate information and to
assemble a critical mass of information - It translates information into a social context
- The ability to search and find knowledge content
using familiar terminology stimulates
collaboration and the formation of work
3Knowledge Map
- A well-designed K-map increases the usability and
value of knowledge - It stimulates collaboration and teamwork in the
enterprise - Enterprise should not underestimate the efforts
required to build a robust K-map - Enterprise must make the necessary investments of
time, people and money - To evaluate and map how knowledge is used in the
enterprise, - To associate knowledge content from multiple
sources - To identify experts
4Knowledge Map
- Activities needed to create a K-map
- Knowledge audit
- Knowledge mapping
- Indexing knowledge assets
- Profiling and personalization
Knowledge Mapping
Indexing of Knowledge Assets
K-Map Process Activities
Knowledge Profiling And Personalization
Knowledge Audit
Periodic Activities
Continuous Activities
5Activities needed to create a K-map
- Knowledge audit
- In K-audit, an enterprise determines what
knowledge assets are used and their source - What knowledge is needed
- The terminology used
- When the application of knowledge is critical to
a job - Where knowledge is acquired
- The frequency of use
- The difficulty of obtaining it
- How rapidly use changes
- Who users rely on for expertise or collaboration
and a wish list for knowledge
6Activities needed to create a K-map
- Knowledge mapping
- This activity classifies information assets
according to their social and business context,
labels knowledge categories to match enterprise
terminology and represents relationships of one
category to another - What information exists
- Human factors and integration with the work
7Activities needed to create a K-map
- Indexing knowledge assets
- This step relates the information assets to its
content, people and processes the where, when
and who of informations use - The higher the quality of indexing, the more
relevant the information returned by an
information retrieval process - Knowledge indexing requires human decision-making
to filter the information, and correctly index
and link information assets to the K-map
8Activities needed to create a K-map
- Profiling and Personalization
- This associates people with other people
information assets communities and agent or
automated processes that act on behalf of the
user to provide relevant information - Profiling better describes the enterprise view
- Personalization describes the user view
- In KM, profiling is the term most often used
- Personalization is a subset of profiling
- Define who is allowed to see use what information
9Knowledge Map
- Categories of K-Maps
- Conceptual K-Map
- It is organized around topics or concepts
- It is designed to show the relationships between
declarative knowledge in explicit sources of
information - Process K-Map
- This relates declarative knowledge to processes
- It is organized by sequences of actions
- It must contain both procedural an declarative
knowledge - Competency K-Map
- This show the relationships between knowledge and
people - It has both procedural and declarative aspects
10Knowledge Mapping
- Key Dimensions to Consider Knowledge Mapping
- Categories of K-Maps
- Types and Sources of Knowledge
- Representation
- Tasks Supported
- Vendors, Technologies and Methodologies
11Knowledge Mapping Decision Framework
Tasks Supported
Types and Sources Of Knowledge
Vendors and Technology
Site navigation, searching, Cataloging,learning, d
Documents,databases, Online sources,
books, Archives, records (explicit knowledge)
Semantic networks, Hierarchies, Taxonomies
Autonomy,Verity, Cartia, Semio,KTI, theBrain, Mind
KM Inventory, KM project design Framework, Mainten
ance, Product maintenance, Diagnosis, Best
Workflow systems, Documents, procedures, SMEs, Kno
wledge works, Links, context (explicit,tacit, Expe
rt knowledge)
Business process Mapping, Congnitive Process
mapping, Inference engines, flowcharts
IDS Scheer,Ptech, Hyperknowledge, CBRExpress, Visi
o, ServiceWare
Project team Management, Competency/skills Alignme
nt, E-learning, Competitive intelligence, Best
Skill databases, Expertise locators, Yellow
Pages, Knowledge works, Customers,partners, Suppli
ers, Discussions, meetings
Semantic networks, Hierarchies, Taxonomies
SkillScape, Lotus Skills Locator, Saba,
Meta4Mind, Tacit Knowledge Systems,PeopleSoft, Orb
12Knowledge Map Example
13Knowledge Collection
14Knowledge Accumulation and Practice
15Knowledge Management System
16Knowledge Management System
17Knowledge Management System
18Knowledge Management System
- ????
- ??? ?? ??? ??
- ??? ??? ???/???/??
- ??? ?? ??(???)
- ???? ?? ?? ??
- ??? ????
- ????
- ???? ?? ??
- ???? ??? ?? ?? ??
- ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??
- ????? ???
- ??? ?? ??
- ??? ??
- ??? ??? level-up
- ?? ??? ???
- ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??
- ??? ??? ??? ????? ??
- ??? ??????? ??
- ???? ???? ??
19Knowledge Management System