Title: Trade and Protectionism
1Trade and Protectionism
2Explaining Foreign/Domestic Price Differentials
2 Difference
Foreign 1
US 3
The S C C U D Model
Total 2.00
3 Taste for Protectionism The Economist January 2,
4Main Arguments for Protection
- Employment
- Balance of Payments
- Strategic Trade Policies
- Bargaining Tools
5Employment Argument
- Jobs are scarce
- Jobs should be preserved in the United States
instead of exported abroad - Workers abroad will always work for less,
therefore imports inherently unfair
6Employment Counter Arguments
- Jobs exist in export sector tax on imports is a
tax on export jobs - Type of jobs going abroad are low wage, low
skill - Goal of society is increased consumption, not
increased employment - Increased productivity comes by eliminating jobs
- Employment is a macroeconomic responsibility
7Balance of Payments Argument
- Protection can restore equilibrium in trade
accountnote trade account equals difference
between imports and exports
8Balance of Payments Counter Argument
- Protection to imports is a tax on exports
- Macroeconomic policy instruments most efficient
way to adjust current account - Why worry about current account balance?
9Protection Derived from Strategic Trade Theory
- Key industries should be subsidized
- Governments can exploit monopoly position
10Strategic Trade Protection Counter Argument
- Failure to select correct firms or industries
- "Practically all the industries the Japanese
Ministry of International Trade (MITI)
picked--such as supercomputers and
pharmaceuticals--have been also-rans. The
Japanese businesses that succeeded, like Sony and
the automobile industry, were opposed or ignored
by MITI." Drucker - National benefit requires excluding foreign
purchases of your strategic industries equities - Few industries qualify even in theory
11Negotiating Tool
- If you dont have tariffs, you cant negotiate
tariff reductions with trading partners
12Negotiating ToolCounter Argument
- Encourages higher levels of tariffs as countries
jockey for bargaining positions - U.S. has other tools to secure concessions
13General Arguments Against Tariff Protection
- If argument is valid at national level, it should
apply just as well to states and localities - Protection to import competing firms is a tax on
exporting firms - Explicit subsidies better than protection, which
gets hidden - Protection induces retaliation abroad
- Beggar-thy-neighbor ignores value of world growth
for geo-political stability
14 Protection is Expensive
Consumer Cost thousands/job
- Textiles
- Steel
- Automobiles
- Ship Building
- Glassware
- Sugar
Hufbauer, Berliner and Eliot Trade Protection in
the United States