Title: WebSecurity 5234 Employee Time and Expense Management Systems
1Web-Security 5234Employee Time and Expense
Management Systems
- Prepared by
- Plabita Baruah and Sarjana Singh
2LogIn Page
3When the Admin Logs in it takes him to the admin
4When a user without having an Account logs in, he
is redirected to the Login Page
5The Administrator has several different rights
like creating and deleting an account , managing
timesheet and expense reports.
6Several different Error messages pops up, if the
fields are not entered correctly.
7A new member is inserted into the database and
the corresponding receipt is shown.
8If the Admin decides to delete an account he can
select the name from the dropdown list
9A User Deleted is shown
10If the user wants to enter his TimeSheet details,
his name and Project Number comes directly from
the registermember table from the database.
11If the user enters incorrect values, error
messages pops up.
12The hourly and regular Employee have less rights
compared to an Admin.
13If an Hourly employee enters Hours Worked gt 40
, an error message pops up.
14The expense page of the Employee
15- For both the Expense Page and the Timesheet page
if the Record is successfully inserted into the
database, a receipt will be shown whether it has
been inserted or not like the registermember page.
16The Admin can Approve or Disapprove the TimeSheet
17The Admin can Approve or Disapprove the Expenses
18- The user can check whether his timesheet is
approved or disapproved by going to the
TimeSheetStatus page. - Similarly for the expense page by going to the
ExpensesStatus page.
19An hourly employee can check her expense status