Title: Laura Banfield, Health Sciences Library
1Developing Research Questions Searching for the
- Laura Banfield, Health Sciences Library
January 2009
2Learning Objectives
- Review the definition of Evidence (Informed)
Based Practice and the steps in the process - Formulate questions using PICO and PS models
- Introduce the concept of preprocessed evidence
and the hierarchy of evidence - Identify databases and sources for locating
pre-processed evidence
3Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- The integration of best research evidence with
clinical expertise and patient values to
facilitate clinical decision making -
- (Sackett et al., 2000)
4Clinical Decisions
Clinical state, setting, and circumstances
Patient preferences and actions
Clinical Expertise
Clinical Expertise
Health care resources
Research evidence
5Steps of EBP
- Construct a relevant, answerable question from a
clinical case. - Search the literature to retrieve the best
evidence. - 3. Critically appraise the literature (evidence)
for validity and applicability. - 4. Apply the evidence to your clinical practice.
- 5. Evaluate the outcome or performance.
From Flemming, K. (1998). Asking answerable
questions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1(2),
6Steps of EBP
- Construct a relevant, answerable question from a
clinical case. - Search the literature to retrieve the best
evidence. - 3. Critically appraise the literature (evidence)
for validity and applicability. - 4. Apply the evidence to your clinical practice.
- 5. Evaluate the outcome or performance.
From Flemming, K. (1998). Asking answerable
questions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1(2),
7 What Type of Question is it?
8Formulating the Question
- (Quantitative)
- P -- Population/Situation
- I -- Intervention/Exposure
- C -- Comparison/Counter Exposure
- O -- Outcome
- Intervention
- Is exercise more effective than rest for
relieving chronic back pain?
- Population
- Intervention
- Comparison
- Outcome
- People with back pain
- Exercise
- Bed rest
- Reduced pain
- Causation
- Does the presence of hand sanitizer stations in
nursing homes reduce the number of infections
transferred to residents?
- Population
- Exposure
- Comparison
- Outcome
- Nursing home residents
- Hand sanitizer stations
- No hand sanitizer
- Reduced infection
13Formulating the Question
(Qualitative) P -- Population S -- Situation
- How do people with HIV/AIDS living in a rural
community feel about disclosing their status to
their health care provider?
- People with HIV/AIDS
- Disclosing their status to their health care
16Hierarchy of Pre-processed Evidence
(Haynes, 2007)
- Support clinical decision making through linking
all relevant best research evidence about a
clinical situation directly to a patients
record. - (Haynes 2008)
- Sources of Systems
- Integrative Electronic Patient Records
- Summaries integrate best available evidence from
lower layers to provide a full range of
evidence concerning management options for a
given health problem. - (Haynes, 2007)
- Sources of Summaries
- Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Evidence Based Texts
19Nursing Best Practice Guidelines
20National Guideline Clearinghouse
21BMJ Clinical Evidence
22(No Transcript)
23ACP PIER (Physicians Information and Education
Available through STAT!Ref
28Syntheses Systematic Reviews
- Consolidate the literature on a specific topic
- comprehensive identification of studies
- review of study relevance
- evaluate methodologic quality
- extraction and analysis of data
- draw of conclusions
- Sources of Synthesis
- The Cochrane Library
- Health Care journals
29Cochrane Libraryhttp//www.thecochranelibrary.com
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Synopses of individual studies or systematic
reviews encapsulate the key methodologic details
and results required to apply the evidence to
individual patient care.
(Haynes, 2001)
- Sources of Synopses
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
(DARE) - health-evidence.ca
- Evidence-based abstraction journals
35DARE Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
36DARE Synopses of Syntheses
37Evidence Based Nursing
38(No Transcript)
39Single Studies
- To keep up with the literature
- To update summaries and systematic reviews
- To contribute to clinical decisions if no higher
preprocessed level is available
Clinical Queries
Special Queries
41PubMed Clinical Queries
42PubMed Special Queries
43CINAHL Clinical Queries
44(No Transcript)
45CINAHL - Clinical Queries
46TRIP (Turning Research into Practice)
47TRIP Searching across the Hierarchy
48(No Transcript)
49EBN Resources Page
50Library Sessions
- Monday January 19 1100 am - 1200 pm
- 100 pm - 200 pm
- 200 pm - 300 pm
- 300 pm - 400 pm
- Tuesday January 20 100 pm - 200 pm
- 200 pm - 300 pm
- 300 pm - 400 pm
- Wednesday January 21 1000 am - 1100 am
- 130 pm - 230 pm
- 230 pm - 330 pm
- Laura Banfield
- Nursing Librarian
- banfie_at_mcmaster.ca
- Ext. 20239