Title: Cocaine
Presented by Alicia and Aimee
Period B
2History of Cocaine
- The Incas were probably the first to use cocaine
5,000 years ago.
- Native to the high mountain ranges of South
- Cocaine is derived from the Coca plant.
- Cocaine has been a part of our history and
culture for nearly 150 years.
- Cocaine was first synthesized in 1855.
- Not until 1880 that the effects of cocaine were
recognized by the medical world.
- Sigmund Freud, a world famous psychologist, was
the first advocate of cocaine use. He said it
could cure depression.
- 1886- John Pemberton included cocaine as the main
ingredient in his new soft drink, Coca Cola. It
wasnt until 1903 that cocaine was removed from
this beverage.
- Another famous person who promoted the use of
cocaine was Thomas Edison.
- Cocaine was outlawed in 1920 by The Dangerous
Drug Act.
3What is Cocaine?
- Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant .
- Stimulant- Drug that produces a
feeling of being more awake.
- There are two different forms. Hydrochloride salt
and freebase.
- Hydrochloride salt is the crystallized form.
Free base is the powder form. The powder form
can be dissolved in water and injected. Free
base can also be smoked.
Hydrochloride salt
Free base
- Short-term effects
- Increased energy
- Decreased appetite
- Mental alertness
- Increased heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Constricted blood vessels
- Increased temperature
- Dilated pupils
- Long-term effects
- Addiction
- Irritability
- Mood disturbances
- Restlessness
- Paranoia
- Auditory hallucinations
5Medical Effects
- Cardiovascular effects
- disturbances in heart
- rhythm heart attacks
- Respiratory effects
- chest pain
- respiratory failure
- Neurological effects
- strokes
- seizures
- headaches
- Gastrointestinal effects
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- Neurological effects
- Paranoia
- Auditory hallucinations
- Mood disturbances
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- strokes
- seizures
- headaches
- Cardiovascular effects
- disturbances in heart
- rhythm heart attacks
- Increased heart rate
- Increased blood pressure
- Constricted blood vessels
- Respiratory effects
- chest pain
- respiratory failure
- Gastrointestinal effects
- abdominal pain
- nausea
- Decreased appetite
7What Cocaine Does To You
- Cocaine interferes with the re-absorption process
of dopamine (a chemical messenger in the brain
responsible for controlling pleasure, alertness,
and movement).
- Benzoylecognine, a metabolite unique to cocaine,
can be detected in the urine 2-4 days .
- The disruption to brain chemistry can remain for
much longer.
- People who have become dependent on cocaine will
feel intense cravings for cocaine long after use
has stopped, making recovery difficult.
8How It's Used
- Inhalation (snorting), injection, or smoking.
- Typically smoked in pipes constructed of glass
bowls fitted with one or more fine mesh screens
that support the drug. - -The vapors of the freebase that is smoked are
absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream
and transported to the brain within 10-15
seconds. - -One inhalation will produce a degree of
intoxication usually lasting 10-15 minutes.
Nose Candy
9Cocaine and Pregnancy
When using cocaine during pregnancy, there is an
increased risk of
Babies exposed to cocaine
- Experience painful and life
- threatening withdrawal
- Are irritable
- Have poor ability to
- regulate their own body
- temperature and blood
- sugar
- Are at increased risk of
- having seizures
- Incidence of still births
- Incidence of miscarriage
- Premature (often fatal) labor
- and delivery
Check into a drug rehab facility.
For Rehab locations call 1-866-845-8975 or visit
Or call
1 out of 4 Americans between the age of 26 and 34
have used cocaine in their lifetime.
Adults 18 to 25 years of age currently have the
highest percentage of cocaine use than any other
age group.
Today it is estimated that 22 to 25 million
people have tried cocaine at least once.
Use of Cocaine in Any Form by Students,
2004Monitoring the Future Survey
Near half of all drug related emergency room
visits are due to cocaine abuse.
Contrary to earlier belief high dose use of
cocaine can be detected as long as 10 to 22 days
after last use.
Cocaine use among men is almost 2 times high than
12Work Cited