Title: Production of Nitric Acid
1Production of Nitric Acid Environmental Impact
Erik Tolonen
Nick Poulin
Environmental Engineering Environmental Planning
and Decision Making ENVE4104
Introduction Risk Assessment Fault Tree Event Tree
- Chemicals of Interest
- Ammonia (NH3)
- Nitric Acid (HNO3)
- Nitric Oxide (NO)
- Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
Ammonia was determined to be the most hazardous
chemical present in the process
4Hazard Identification
All chemicals are non-carcinogenic
5Hazard IdentificationNH3
Ammonia is considered to be toxic by the Canadian
Environmental Protection Act
- Human Health Effects
- Causes irritation of the eyes, skin and
respiratory system - No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) 6.4
mg/m3 - Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL)
17.4 mg/m3 - Respiratory lesions increase the severity of
pneumonia and rhinitis - Environmental Effects
- Impact on certain types of plants and trees
(reduced ability to retain water)
6Exposure Assessment
7Transport Media
Transport Mechanism
Exposure Mechanism
Population at Risk
8Air Transport Model
Assumptions - Transport by advection and
dispersion only - Ammonia is released from a 20 m
height stack with a 10 m plumb rise - Wind
direction is directly towards the city (Worst
Case Scenario) - No density or buoyancy effects
Gaussian Model Parameters - Atmosphere Stability
Class D - Rate of Emission 0.062 kg/s (223.2
kg/hr) over 30 hours - Total Amount of Ammonia
Released 6696 kg - Inhalation Reference Exposure
Level 0.3 ppm
9(No Transcript)
11Air Transport Model
Results - Ammonia levels in the city will reach
0.3 ppm when emission rate reaches 80311.7 kg/s
(80.3 tonnes/s). - Amount required is much
greater then current release at plant
12Water/Ground Water Transport Model
Assumptions -Transport by advection
only -Thoroughly mixed with river water -No
retardation or attenuation present in soil
Advection -Flow time to reach city 84.3
yrs -Flow time to reach river 28.2 yrs
- Solubility
- 42.8 wt at 0 OC
- - Amount of Ammonia entering groundwater
13Exposure Assessment
- Intake Dose
- C Conc. at exposure point 0.00008 ppm
(0.00011mg/m3) - CR Contact Rate 289.5 m3/hr 6947 m3/day
- EF Exposure Frequency 1.25 days/year
- ED Exposure Duration 30 hrs 0.003 year
- BW Body Weight 70 kg
- AT 1.25 days
- I 0.00003 mg/kg-day
14Toxicity Assessment
- Case Studies
- (1) Soda Ash Facility Workers Exposed to Ammonia
- No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) 9.2
ppm (6.4 mg/m3) - (2) 344 Rats Exposed to Ammonia
- Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level (LOAEL)
17.4 mg/m3
15Risk Characterization
- Hazard Index for Ammonia
- CDI chronic daily intake
- RfC reference dose 0.3 ppm
16Fault Tree
17Event Tree