Title: Data Screening
1Chapter 7 Data Screening
Tables, Figures, and Equations
From McCune, B. J. B. Grace. 2002. Analysis
of Ecological Communities. MjM Software Design,
Gleneden Beach, Oregon http//www.pcord.com
2Figure 7.1. Frequency distribution showing a
univariate outlier falling 5.5 standard
deviations above the mean.
3Table 7.1. Steps to detect, describe, and reduce
the influence of outliers.
4Figure 7.2. A bivariate outlier that is not a
univariate outlier for either of the two
variables Sp1 and Sp2.
5Table 7.2. Deviations of the mean distance to an
outlying sample unit from the average distance
among sample units, using five distance measures.
( based on artificial noiseless data set of
smooth species responses, with one SU disrupted
by anomalous values.)
6Figure 7.3. Frequency distribution of average
relative Euclidean distances to particular sample
units with a total of 25 sample units. The
sample unit represented by the rightmost bar is
3.2 standard deviations above the mean of the
average distances.