Title: New Car Smell
1New Car Smell
- Computational Finance Final Project
- 12/06/06
- Philip Kromer
- Chris Wieland
2Optimal Car Replacement
Cost to maintain an a-year old car
3Optimal Car Replacement
Discounted value of a car that is a1 years old
4Optimal Car Replacement
Cost to maintain a new car
5Optimal Car Replacement
Difference between the price of a used and new car
6Optimal Car Replacement
Discounted value of a 2-year old car
9Basic Formula
10Car Death
13Basic Formula
14Transaction Costs and Buy/Sell Spread
15Annoyance Factor
16Opportunity Costs
17Opportunity Costs
18Purchasing Freedom
19Full Model (Honda)
20Full Model (Honda)
21Full Model (Honda)
22Full Model (Ford)
23Full Model (Ford)
24Full Model (Ford)
25Entering the Market
26Oh! That New Car Smell!
27Optimal Asset Replacement
- Each year, you must keep or replace your car that
is a-years old - P(a) cost to operate car for that year
- c price of a new car
- What replacement policy minimizes costs?
28Optimal Asset Replacement
- Infinite horizon, deterministic model
- State Variable a ? 1,2,,n is the car age
- Action Variable x ? keep, replace
- Transition Function g(x)
- Reward Functionf(a,x)
- Bellman Equation
29Solution Algorithm
- 0. Initialization Specify rewards, discount,
convergence tolerance,? and initial guess,v. - 1. Function Iteration Update the value function
- 2. Termination Check If , set
- And stop otherwise return to 1.