Network Standards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Network Standards


The source address. The destination address ... The control of such congestion also belongs to the network layer. 21 December, 1997 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Network Standards

Network Standards
  • Khaled M. Elleithy, Ph.D.
  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Topics Covered in this Session
  • Why Communication Standards?
  • The OSI Reference Model

Why Communications Standards?
  • Incompatible products from different
  • The need to allow different manufacturers
    products to communicate
  • The need to provide a framework for networks to
    be acceptable from all manufacturers

Layered Architecture
  • A layer is corresponding to a different
    abstraction level
  • Each layer should perform a well defined
  • Layers should be chosen to minimize information
    exchange between different layers


OSI Reference Model
  • Application layer
  • Presentation layer
  • Session layer
  • Transport layer
  • Network layer
  • Data link layer
  • Physical layer

OSI Reference Model
Physical Layer
  • The Physical Layer is simply responsible for
    sending bits from one computer to the another.
    The Physical Layer is not concerned with the
    meaning of the bits.
  • This level defines physical and electrical
    details, such as what will represent 1 or 0, how
    many pins a network connector will have, how
    data will be synchronized, and when the network
    adapter may or may not transmit the data.

Physical Layer
  • Couplers, cables and cabling, connectors,
    multiplexers, transmitters, receivers and
    transceivers are devices associated with the
    physical layer.

Physical Layer
  • The following items are addressed at the physical
  • Network connection types, including multipoint
    and point-to-point connections.
  • Physical topologies, which are physical layouts
    of networks, such as bus, star or ring

Physical Layer
  • Analog and digital signaling, which include
    several methods for encoding data in analog and
    digital signals.
  • Bit synchronization, which deals with
    synchronization between sender and receiver.
  • Baseband and Broadband transmissions, which are
    different methods for using media bandwidth.

Data Link Layer
  • The data link layer provides for the flow of data
    over a single link from one device to another. It
    accepts packets from the network layer and
    packages the information into data units called
    frames to be presented to the physical layer for
  • A Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) added to the data
    frame can detect damaged frames, and the data
    link layer in the receiving computer can request
    that the information be present. The data link
    layer can also detect when frames are lost and
    request that those frames be sent again.

Data Link Layer
  • A data frame thats all packaged and ready to go
    follows this format
  • The start indicator
  • The source address
  • The destination address
  • The control portion like special handling
  • The actual data
  • The error control segment or the CRC

Data Link Layer
  • Bridges, intelligent hubs, and network interface
    cards are devices typically associated with the
    data link layer.
  • Two sub-layers make up the data link layer
  • Media Access Control (MAC)
  • Logical Link Control (LLC)

Network Layer
  • The network layer makes routing decisions and
    forwards packets for devices that are farther
    away than a single link. (A link connects two
    network devices and is implemented by the data
    link layer. Two devices connected by a link
    communicate directly with each other and not
    through a third device.) In larger networks there
    may be intermediate systems between any two end
    systems, and the network layer makes it possible
    for the transport layer and layers above it to
    send packets without being concerned about
    whether the end system is immediately adjacent or
    several hops away.

Network Layer
  • The network layer translates logical network
    addresses into physical machine addresses (the
    numbers used as destination IDs in the physical
    network cards). This layer also determines the
    quality of service (such as the priority of the
    message) and the route a message will take if
    there are several ways a message can get to its
  • It also may break large packets into smaller
    chunks if the packet is larger than the largest
    data frame the data link layer will accept. The
    network reassembles the chunks into packets at
    the receiving end.
  • Routers and gateways operate in the network layer.

Network Layer
  • The network layer is concerned with controlling
    the operation of the subnet. A key design issue
    is determining how packets are routed from source
    to destination.
  • If too many packets are present in the subnet at
    the same time, they will get in each others way,
    forming bottlenecks. The control of such
    congestion also belongs to the network layer.

Network Layer
  • The network layer serves to support
    communications between logically separate
    networks. This layer is concerned with the
  • Addressing, including logical network addresses
    and service addresses
  • Circuit, message, and packet switching
  • Route discovery and route selection
  • Connection services, including network layer flow
    control, network layer error control, and packet
    sequence control.
  • Gateway services.

Transport Layer
  • The transport layer ensures that packets are
    delivered error free, in sequence, and with no
    losses or duplications. The transport layer
    breaks large messages from the session layer into
    packets to be sent to the destination computer
    and reassembles packets into messages to be
    presented to the session layer in the destination

Transport Layer
  • The transport layer typically sends an
    acknowledgment to the originator for messages
  • The transport layer also determines what type of
    service to provide the session layer, and
    ultimately, the users of the network.
  • The transport and network layers deal with the
    logical transmission of data.

Session Layer
  • The session layer allows application on separate
    computers to share a connection called a session.
    This layer provides services such as name lookup
    and security to allow two programs to find each
    other and establish the communications link.
  • The session layer also provides for data
    synchronization and checkpointing so that in the
    event of a network failure, only the data sent
    after the point of failure need be resent.

Session Layer
  • This layer also controls the dialog between two
    processes, determining who can transmit and who
    can receive at what point during the
    communication. This session service is called
    token management. For some protocols, it is
    essential that both sides do not attempt the same
    operation at the same time. To manage these
    activities, the session layer provides a token
    that can be exchanged. Only the side holding the
    token may perform the critical operation.

Presentation Layer
  • Unlike all the lower layers, which are just
    interested in moving bits reliably from here to
    there, the presentation layer is concerned with
    the syntax and semantics of the information
    transmitted. A typical example of a presentation
    service is encoding data in a standard agreed
    upon way.

Presentation Layer
  • The presentation layer translates data between
    the formats the network requires and the formats
    the computer excepts. This layer does protocol
    conversion, data translation, compression and
    encryption, character set conversion, and the
    interpretation of graphics commands.

Presentation Layer
  • The network redirector operates at this level.
    The network redirector is what makes the files on
    a file server visible to the client computer. The
    network redirector also makes remote printers act
    as though they are attached to the local computer.

Application Layer
  • It provides services that directly support user
    application, such as database access, e-mail, and
    file transfers. It also allows applications to
    communicate with applications on other computers
    as though they were on the same computer.

Application Layer
  • Examples
  • WWW
  • FTP
  • e-mail
  • Multimedia

Network Layer
  • Khaled M. Elleithy, Ph.D
  • Department of Computer Engineering
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Topics Covered in this Session
  • Services to the Transport layer
  • Routing
  • Congestion control

  • The boundary between the network layer is the
    boundary between the subnet (the set of all
    routers) and the host. In other words, the
    services provided by the network layer are the
    services provided by the subnet.

Services Specifications
  • The services should be independent from the
    subnet technology
  • The transport layer should be shield from the
    number, type, and topology of the subnets present
  • A uniform numbering plan should be used across
    LANs and WANs

Services types
  • Connectionless
  • The packets carry its full destination address
    and sent independently of other packets. All
    error detection, correction and flow control is
    done in the host.
  • Argument the subnet is unreliable no matter who
    it is designed.

Services types
  • Connection oriented
  • Establishment of connection
  • Negotiating Qos
  • Transmission session
  • Connection oriented

Services types
  • The argument of connection oriented vs.
    connectionless is a question of where to put the
    complexity in the network layer or in the
    transport layer?
  • Both classes of services are allowed in the OSI

Internal Organization
  • Virtual Circuits (VCs)
  • Used with connection oriented service
  • A route from the source machine to the
    destination machine is established in setup
  • The route is used for all traffic
  • When the connection is released, the VC is

Internal Organization
  • Datagrams
  • No routes are worked out in advance
  • Each packet is routed independently
  • Successive packets many follow different routes
  • Adapt easily to failures and congestion

  • Design issues
  • Correctness
  • Simplicity
  • Robustness
  • stability
  • Fairness
  • Optimality

  • Adaptive
  • Routing decisions are based on measurements or
    estimates of traffic and topology
  • Non-adaptive
  • Routing decisions are static. Dont depend on
    changing measurements

Classes of Routing Algorithms
  • Centralized Routing
  • Collecting information from the entire subnet to
    make optimal decisions
  • Isolated Routing
  • Each router collects information from neighboring
  • Distributed algorithms
  • Using mixture of local and global information

Shortest Path Routing
  • Meaning of shortest path
  • Number of hops
  • Distance in kilometers
  • Mean queue length and transmission delay
  • In general, it is a weighted function using all
    the above

Shortest Path Routing
  • It is a centralized routing algorithm. The
    shortest path is computed between all pairs in
    the subnet. The paths are stored in routing
    tables in the routers.
  • If a certain router fails, the algorithm has to
    compute all routes again.

Multipath Routing
  • When a packet arrives to a router, a certain path
    is chosen from the different alternatives in the
    routing table.
  • In case of VCs, the route is chosen at the VC

Centralized Routing
  • Examples
  • Shortest path routing
  • Multipath routing
  • Centralized routing works fine if the traffic
    doesn't change frequently.
  • A Routing Control Center (RCC) is used to compute
    the routing tables

Centralized Routing
  • Drawbacks
  • Time consuming in delivering information,
    computing tables, delivering tables.
  • A failure in the RCC will cause the network to
  • Routers closer to RCC get their tables faster
    than others.
  • Heavy traffic near the RCC

Isolated Routing
  • Examples
  • Hot potato
  • Backward learning
  • Delta routing
  • Flooding

Isolated Routing
  • Hot potato
  • When packets arrive to the router they are
    forwarded to the shortest queue without regard to
    where this queue leads to.
  • A static weight of the route can be combined with
    the queue length as criterion for forwarding

Isolated Routing
  • Backward learning
  • Include with each packet the identity of the
    source and a counter that is incremented at each
    hop. This counter is used by a router receiving
    the packet to know how many hops to the source.
    This information is kept in the routers table
    and is updated if better values are received

Isolated Routing
  • Delta routing
  • A hybrid technique between centralized and
    isolated routing
  • A centralized step is done first through the RCC
  • Based on local measurements the router can chose
    among different alternatives provided by the RCC

Isolated Routing
  • Flooding
  • An incoming packet is sent to all the lines
    except the incoming one
  • A counter is initialized with the maximum number
    of hops in the subnet
  • The counter is decremented at each hop
  • The packet is discarded when the counter reaches
    zero to avoid circulation of packets.

Congestion Control
Congestion Control
  • Congestion can be brought by several factors
  • Routers are slow to keep the required
  • Output links are slower than input links

Congestion Control
  • Congestion tends to feed upon itself and become
    worse. If a router discards a packet because it
    doesnt have an empty buffer to queue the
    incoming packet, the discarded packet will be
    transmitted later. Extra traffic is pumped in the
    subnet which causes congestion to buildup.

  • Preallocation of buffers
  • Packet discarding
  • Choke packets

Preallocation of Buffers
  • The call request packet marks routing tables when
    a VC is setup.
  • The call request packet reserve the required
    buffers for the VC.
  • If the required buffers arent available in
    advance, the VC can't be established

Packet discarding
  • Nothing is reserved in advance.
  • If a packet arrives to a router and there is no
    buffer to queue it, it is discarded.
  • The discarded packet will be retransmitted later
    by the sender.
  • Piggybacked acknowledgements may be lost due to
    packet discarding

Choke packets
  • A mechanism that is triggered only when the
    system starts to be congested.
  • The router monitor the utilization levels of
    output lines.
  • Whenever an output line exceeds a certain
    threshold, it becomes in a warning state.
  • Choke packets are sent to hosts using lines in
    warning state to reduce the traffic.

Choke packets
  • The host reduces the traffic.
  • After sometime the host can increase the traffic
    if no choke packets are coming from the same

Flow Control
  • Flow control is used to control the traffic
    between to hosts. Host (A) can't send traffic to
    host (B) that it can't handle although the subnet
    may be able to handle.
  • Does flow control solves the congestion problem?

Other issues
  • There are other issues related to the network
    layer that are discussed in other sessions, such
  • Internetworking (How networks differ,
    fragmentation, firewalls)
  • The network layer in the Internet (IP protocol)

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