Title: From Expectations to Results
1From Expectations to Results
AAHE Conference June 2001
Presenters Dr. Douglas K. Lange and Dr.
Theodore K. Miller
CAS Established in 1979
- Consortium of 34
- Professional Organizations
- 100,000 Constituents
3Functional Area Standards(1985)
- Standard
Latest Revision
- 1. Academic Advising 1997
- 2. Campus Activities 1997
- 3. Career Services 2000
- 4. College Unions 1999
- 5. Commuter Student Programs 1997
- 6. Counseling Services 1999
- 7. Disabled Student Services 1997
- 8. Fraternity and Sorority Programs 1996
- 9. Housing and Residential Life 1996
- 10. Judicial Programs 1997
- 11. Learning Assistance Programs 1997
- 12. Minority Student Programs 1997
- 13. Recreational Sports Programs 1997
- 14. Religious Programs 1997
- 15. Outcome Assessment Program Eval. 1997
- 16. Student Orientation Programs 1997
4Functional Area Standards
- Followed By . . .
- Standard
Latest Revision
- 17. Admission Programs (1986) 1997
- 18. Alcohol and Other Drug Programs (1990) 1997
- 19. Women Student Programs (1990) 1997
- Standard
- 20. International Student Programs 1995
- 21. Registrar Programs and Service 1995
- 22. Financial Aid Programs 1996
- 23. Student Leadership Programs 1996
- 24. TRIO Other
- Educational Opportunity Programs 1999
- 25. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
- 26. Campus Information and
- Visitors Services 2000
- 27. Educational Services
5Current CAS Projectsand Initiatives
- Standards Undergoing Revision
- Admission Programs
- Alcohol Other Drug Programs
- Alcohol Other Drug Programs
- Disability Services
- Fraternity and Sorority
- Housing and Residence Life Programs
- Religious Programs
- Masters Level Preparation Programs
Standards Under Development Service Learning Pro
Campus Auxiliary Services
6CAS Mission
- Develop and Disseminate Professional Standards
- Practice (27 Standards)
- Preparation (1 Standard)
- Promote Improvement of Higher Education via
Professional Standards
- Encourage the use of Standards by Higher
Education Professionals
7CAS Mission
Promote Inter-Association Efforts to Address
Issues of Quality Assurance, Student Learning,
and Professional Integrity in Higher Education.
8SACS Distance Learning Criteria 1998
- 4.5 Distance Learning Program
- Institution Must Demonstrate that its Distance
Learning Programs. . .
- 1. Have Clear Explicit Goals Consistent With
Institutions Purpose
- 2. Stated Goals Are Achieved
- 3. Are Effective
- 4. Comply With All Applicable SACS Criteria
- 5.1.7 Library/learning Resources For Distance
Learning Activities
- The Institution must ensure provision and ready
access to adequate. . .
- 1. library/learning resources
- 2. Library/learning services
- The Institution Must Either . .
- 1. Own the Resources
- 2. Provide Access to Electronic Information
Available Thru Existing Technologies
-- OR
- 3. Provide Resources Through Formal Agreements
9Inter-Regional Statement onEvaluation of
Electronically Offered Degree and Certificate
Appropriate Services must be available for
Students of Electronically Offered Programs
10Inter-Regional Statement onEvaluation of
Electronically OfferedDegree and Certificate
- Promoting a sense of community
- Study Groups
- Student Directories
- Institutional Publications and Events
- Student Government Representation
- Invitations to Campus Events
- Graduation Ceremonies
11Distance LearningStandards Writing Committee
- Dan Connell, Academic Support and Extended Campus
Programs, Morehead State University
- Don Creamer (Chair), Professor of Higher
Education and Student Affairs, Virginia Tech,
- Carmen Neuburger, Executive Director, American
College Personnel Association (ACPA),
Washington D.C.
- Marianne Phelps, US Office of Postsecondary
- Andrea Reeve, National TRIO Clearinghouse,
Washington D.C.
- Nancy Thompson, University System of Georgia
Independent Study, American Association for
Collegiate Independent Study
- Martha Baer Wilmes, U of MD Commuter Affairs
Community Service, National Clearinghouse for
Commuter Programs
12Distance Learning StandardsConsultants and
- Peg Auchterlonie, Educational Technologies and
Distance Learning Services, California State
- Alma Azama, Director, Academic Technology
Services, University of Northern Colorado
- Marie A. Barber, Department of Distance
Education, U Nebraska
- Ellen Blackmun, Director of Electronic Services
Projects, National Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrators
- Sandy Frieden, Director, Distance Education,
University of Houston
- Elizabeth Houdek, Instructional Design
Specialist, Independent Study, Ohio University,
- Kevin Jackson, Office of VPSA, Texas A M
13Distance Learning StandardsConsultants and
- Steve Janosik, Higher Education Student
Affairs, Virginia Tech
- Sally Johnstone, Western Cooperative for
Educational Telecommunications, Boulder,
- Gary Kleeman, Arizona State University East
- Chair, NASPA Task Force for Distance Learning
- Barbara Krauth, Western Cooperative for
Educational Telecommunications, Boulder,
- Von Pittman, Center for Independent Study, U of
- Jean Marie Redeker, University of Kansas
Independent Study Office
- Amy Struthers, Academic Telecommunications,
Continuing Education, University of Nebraska,
14UnderstandingCAS Standards
- CAS Standards . . .
- Represent INDISPENSABLE requirements of
- Are achievable by all programs
- Appear in BOLD PRINT
- Use auxiliary verbs MUST and SHALL
15EXAMPLE Distance LearningMission Statement
Standard BOLD type Auxiliary verb MUST
Institutions must identify the characteristics o
f their distance students and adapt services to
meet the needs of the particular populations they
16UnderstandingCAS Guidelines
CAS Guidelines . . . Clarify Amplify Standar
ds Guides enhanced practice beyond essential fun
ctions Appear in LIGHT-FACED type Use verbs
17EXAMPLE Distance Learner AcademicSupport
Services Guideline
Standard Information concerning academic support
services must be made available.
Guideline Distance Learning students should hav
e opportunities for developing learning
strategies and getting assistance with content
comprehension. Tutoring services, supplemental
instruction, and other academic support services
should be available to all distance education
18The CAS SAG A Self-Assessment Guide
- Operationalizes the CAS Standards
- Promotes Program Self-Assessment
- A Tool that Informs on Program Strengths
and Weaknesses
- Supports Staff Development
- A Vehicle to Create Action Plans that Can
Lead to Enhanced Student Learning and
Personal Development
19Putting theCAS standards to work
A Self-Assessment Approach
- Decide on Type of Self-Study and Form
Assessment Team
- Select Guidelines (if any) to be Judged as
- Assessment Team Reviews Standards BEFORE Making
- Identify and Summarize Available Documented
20Putting theCAS Standards to work
A Self-Assessment Approach (cont)
- Judge Program Against Standards Calculate
Criteria Rating Scores
- Describe Discrepancies Between Standards and
Observed Practice
- Identify Corrective Actions Needed
- Recommend Enhancement Actions
- Prepare an Overall Action Plan
21Compile and ReviewDocumentary Evidence
Key to Assessment The Self-Assessment is not c
omplete until relevant data AND related
documentation are in place to support rater
22Using Self-Study Evidence
- Study the Functional Area Standard
- Review all relevant data about that standard
- Gather additional data as needed
- Report supportive evidence
- Report discrepancies noted between assessment
criteria and actual practice
- Append relevant documents to final
self-assessment report
23Formulating an Action Plan
- On the basis of that review and discussion,
develop an ACTION PLAN to set new directions to
guide future performance
24Action Plan Components
- Program Action Plans
- Identify those responsible to complete action
- Schedule dates for completing designated actions
25CAS Standards
- Educational Services
- for
- Distance Learners
- The Content
Definition of Distance Education--separated by
time and/or space
Comparable Services -- commensurate,
but might have different needs.
27Congruency of Mission Program
Clearly Stated Authority Exists Leadership
28Faculty Quality Support
Faculty key to distance learning
--Skilled in technology
--Primary contact --Trained
in special issues
30Legal Responsibilities Equal Opportunity, Acce
ss Affirmative Action Campus Community Rela
31Curriculum Course Degree Requirements
Appropriate Faculty / Student Interactions Te
chnical, Competent Students
33Services to Assess
Information for Prospective Students
Admissions Financial Aid Registration
34Services to Assess (Cont)
Orientation Advising Technical Support Ca
reer Services
35Services to Assess (Cont)
Library Services Services for Students with Dis
abilities Counseling Academic Support (e.g.,
Tutoring, SI)
36Services to Assess (Cont)
Instructional Materials Promoting Identity O
ther (e.g., Leadership Development, Welln
37Services to Assess (Cont)
Ethics Assessment
What are current best practices today for
delivering student and academic services to
distant learners? What are best practices in di
stance learning? Where is the bar of excellenc
e today in Georgia and how do we take it up a
notch? What are we doing administratively at ou
r institutions to address part, some, or all of
these standards? How can we best use the distan
ce learning standards to gain enhanced results
on our campuses?