Asia Pacific Geographic Focus Group Topic: Financial Planning in Australia Presenters: Steve Helmich

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Asia Pacific Geographic Focus Group Topic: Financial Planning in Australia Presenters: Steve Helmich


Our Head of State / Monarch Queen Elizabeth II ... Banks, building societies. General and life insurance ... are owned by Wealth Management Companies or Banks. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Asia Pacific Geographic Focus Group Topic: Financial Planning in Australia Presenters: Steve Helmich

Asia Pacific Geographic Focus GroupTopic
Financial Planning in AustraliaPresenters
Steve Helmich Wayne LearOctober 2008
  • Key Statistics on Australia
  • Political Structure
  • Regulation of the Financial Service Industry
  • Financial Planning in Australia
  • Platforms
  • Stock Market
  • Taxation System

Key Statistics on Australia
  • Total area 7,692,024 km2
  • Coastline 34,218 km
  • Capital city Canberra
  • States and territories
  • States
  • New South Wales
  • Victoria
  • Queensland
  • Tasmania
  • South Australia
  • Western Australia
  • Territories
  • Northern Territory
  • Australian Capital Territory

Key Demographic Statistics
  • Language
  • the national language is English,
  • but there are a number of other languages also
    spoken at home
  • English only spoken at home (78.5)
  • Italian (1.6)
  • Greek (1.3)
  • Cantonese (1.2)
  • Arabic (1.2)
  • Mandarin (1.1)
  • Residential Status
  • Australian citizen 86
  • Persons born overseas 22
  • Average weekly earnings 1,132.20 (58,874 per

Key Demographic Statistics (cont)
  • Population 21,463,180 (ABS - 31 March 2008)
  • Gender split Male 49.4 and Female 50.6
  • 483 000 (2.3) of the population is indigenous
    (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
  • Australias Age profile
  •   0-4 years 6.3
  •   5-14 years 13.5
  •   15-24 years 13.6
  •   25-54 years 42.2
  •   55-64 years 11.0
  •   65 years 13.4
  • Median Age is 37 years

Key Demographic Statistics (cont)
  • Life expectancy
  • Male 78.5 years
  • Female 83.3 years
  • Religion
  • Christianity 63.9
  • Buddhism 2.1
  • Islam 1.7
  • Hinduism 0.7
  • Judaism 0.4

Australian values
  • respect for the equal worth, dignity and freedom
    of the individual
  • freedom of speech
  • freedom of religion and secular government
  • freedom of association
  • support for parliamentary democracy and the rule
    of law
  • equality under the law
  • equality of men and women
  • equality of opportunity
  • peacefulness
  • tolerance, mutual respect and
  • compassion for those in need.
  • Source Becoming an Australian Citizen,
    Australian Government, November 2007.

Indigenous Australians
  • Indigenous Australians have been here for between
    40 000 and 60 000 years. Their culture is one of
    the oldest in the world. Migrants started
    arriving in Australia from 1788, the first year
    of Australias European settlement.
  • The indigenous population declined dramatically
    during the 19th and early 20th centuries due to a
    number of factors, including conflict with the
    new settlers and especially the impact of new
  • Today, Australias Indigenous population is about
    483 000. Indigenous cultures today are diverse
    and a vital part of Australias national
    identity. Indigenous people contribute
    significantly across many fields, including the
    arts, media, government, academia, sport and

Political Structure
Political structure
  • Australia is a democracy with a constitutional
  • The six self-governing colonies of Australia came
    together in a federation on1 January 1901, with
    the creation of the Commonwealth Government
  • Australias constitutional Head of State is Queen
    Elizabeth II. The Queen appoints the
    Governor-General as her representative in
    Australia. She does so on the advice of the Prime
    Minister. The Governor-General is not aligned to
    any political party and is Australias effective
    Head of State.
  • Our Head of State / Monarch Queen Elizabeth II
  • Governor General Quentin Bryce (first female
  • Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

Forming CommonwealthGovernment
Three levels of Government and their
taxation the economy immigration and
citizenship employment postal services and
social security (pensions and family support)
defence forces trade airports and air
safety relations with other countries (foreign
Commonwealth Government
  • hospitals
  • schools
  • railways
  • roads
  • forestry
  • police

State Government
noise and animal control libraries and
halls rubbish collection building permits
local roads, bridges and footpaths food and
meat inspection
street signs and traffic controls drains
child immunisation parks, playgrounds, swimming
pools and sports grounds
Local Government
Regulation of the Financial Services Industry
Regulatory control of financial services industry
Securities Industry Act - Licensing of persons
who carried on the business of dealing in or
advising on securities.
National Companies and Securities Commission
(NCSC) one system of securities law applied and
regulated in Aust
Corporations Act passed which transformed NCSC to
ASC (Aust Securities Commission). Which regulates
the dealing in or giving advice on securities
2 new regulators 1) ASIC responsibility for
consumer protection in the financial system. 2)
APRA regulator of deposit taking institution
As a result of CLERP6 Financial Services Reform
Act (FSRA) was introduced to create a consistent
regulation of financial markets and products
Trade Practices Act created for the promotion
of competition and fair trading and the provision
for consumer protection
Common Law Economic Reform Program (CLERP) Govt
intention to alter corporate regulation.
NCSC introduces the proper authority holder
regulation for securities dealers and investment
CLERP 6 consultation paper financial products,
service providers and markets an integrated
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
Financing Act 2006
ASIC Australian Securities and Investment
CommissionAPRA Australian Prudential
Regulation Authority
Financial Services Reform Act (FSRA)
  • Most participants in the financial services
    industry were affected by FSRA
  • Banks, building societies
  • General and life insurance
  • Managed investment schemes and superannuation
  • Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)
  • Stockbrokers, advisers/personal investment
  • Financial product advice is a recommendation,
    opinion, interpretation of information or a
    report intended to influence a person in making
    decision about financial products
  • Any entity or person that provides a financial
    service is required to have an Australian
    Financial Services Licence (AFSL)
  • Licensees who provide services through Authorised
    Representatives must issue them with express
    written authority and have them registered with
    ASIC. An authorised representative may be an
    individual or a company.

FSRA (cont)
  • Authorised representatives must have a minimum
    level of training and competency, which is set
    out in ASIC Regulatory Guide 146 (Licensing
    Training of financial product advisers)
  • Licensees are responsible for the actions of
    their authorised representatives

Financial Planning in Australia
History of Financial Planning in Australia
  • Financial planning industry has experience rapid
    growth and change over the past 3 decades. Prior
    to 1990s advisers were primarily sales people
    selling insurance and investment. With the added
    regulation and closer scrutiny by the media the
    financial planning industry has had to become
    more professional and responsible toward clients
    and the community.
  • Planners need to have a minimum level of
    competency as required by ASIC Regulatory Guide
    146 (Licensing Training of financial product
  • The Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
    accreditation is the highest level of
    professionalism in the industry. To be a CFP a
    planner must pass a growing level of education as
    well as holding a formal degree. They also must
    be a member of the FPA.
  • The industry promotes self regulation through
  • Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA)
  • Investment and Financial Services Association

Size of Australian Financial Planning Licensees
Source Money Management Dealer Group Survey June
Growth of Financial Planning in Australia
  • The top 100 Licensees have grown strongly over
    the past 8 years.
  • However there is continued supply constraint on
    growth in planner numbers (especially quality
    planners) providing advice to the mass/mass
    affluent segment.
  • Almost every licensee in the market has ambitions
    to grow their planner numbers within their
  • The Australian market has experienced a
    significant increase in MA activity, within the
    large Licensees.
  • CFP numbers in Australia is approximately 6,000

Scope of advice given by financial planners
  • Investment planning and products
  • Budget and debt management
  • Salary packaging
  • Superannuation planning and products
  • Retirement planning and pension and annuity
  • Personal insurance and risk management
  • Banking and lending products
  • Social Security
  • Estate planning

Remuneration issues
  • Financial planners are remunerated through
  • Fee for preparing a Statement of Advice
    (Financial Plan)
  • Product commissions only
  • Advice fees commission
  • Advice fees only
  • Financial planners can be self employed aligned
    planner or a employed planner by a licensee.
  • The majority of large licensees are owned by
    Wealth Management Companies or Banks.
  • The industry operates under an open architecture
    model, where planners are not generally tied to a
    single product or platform provider.

  • Purpose of Superannuation is for individuals to
    self fund their retirement, through
    superannuation savings. When an individual
    reaches retirement minimum age of 60, they are
    able to draw an income stream or a lump sum from
    their super fund.
  • Retirees, can in some circumstances supplement
    their superannuation income stream with the old
    age pension, if they are able to meet the asset
    and income criteria.
  • Superannuation guarantee contributions was
    introduced in 1992, making it compulsory for
    employers to contribute a minimum of 9 of their
    employees salary to superannuation.
  • Individuals can also make voluntary contributions
    to their super fund, up to an age based threshold.

Superannuation (cont)
  • The Commonwealth Government has been encouraging
    individuals to invest in superannuation through
    generous tax breaks, such as
  • Individual contribution through salary sacrifice
    is taxed at 15, rather than at marginal tax
  • Super fund earnings are taxed at 15
  • Spouse contributions receive a rebate
  • Government co-contribution scheme - individuals
    earning less than 29,000, who invest 1,000 into
    Super the Govt will contribute 1,500 to the
    fund. This reduces by 5c for each 1 of
    additional income and cuts out at 59,000
  • Withdrawal from the super account for individuals
    over 60 years is tax free.

Superannuation (cont)
Superannuation Guarantee Contribution
Consumer without a platform product
  • There is added complexity of managing different
    accounts, receiving multiple statements and
    paying higher fees.

Consumer with a platform product
  • Platforms offer choice, access, simplicity and

Stock Market
Stock market
  • Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) is the main
    exchange for securities and derivatives
  • The market capitalisation is AUD1,288 billion
  • Over 2,234 companies and securities listed on the
  • BHP is the largest company listed on the ASX,
    with a market capitalisation of AUD 83 billion

Investment and Insurance market place
  • Investment
  • Size of the investment / super market Retail
    532 billion and Wholesale 273 billion funds
    under management
  • There are a large number of fund managers in the
    Australian market, the top 10 managers account
    for 76 of the wholesale market and 57 of the
    retail market.
  • Insurance
  • Source Plan for Life June 2008

Taxation System
Tax rates 2008-09
  • Individual rates
  • Dividends received from local companies, carry an
    imputation credit for the tax paid by the
    company, this is passed to the individual/entity
    to offset the tax on the dividend income.
  • Capital gains from sale of assets are recognised
    in the tax return. For individuals there is a
    50 discount on gains for assets held for more
    than 12 months
  • Fringe Benefits benefits received through an
    individuals employment is also taxed
  • Company tax rate is 30.

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2006
    Census and current statistics.
  • Becoming an Australian Citizen booklet,
    Australian Government, November 2007.
  • Wikipedia
  • Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage
    and the Arts.
  • Entry Level Competencies for Financial Services
    Professionals, Kaplan Financial, December 2007.
  • Australian Tax Office
  • Australian Stock Exchange
  • Plan for Life 8 Sept 2008 media release for
    Wholesale Funds and Retail Funds in the June
    Quarter 2008 Life Insurance Premium Inflows for
    Year Ended June 2008.
  • June 2008 Money Management Top 100 Dealer Group
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