Title: BATTELLE ENDOWMENT Grant Writing Workshop
1BATTELLE ENDOWMENTGrant Writing Workshop
Friday, October 6, 2006 014 University Hall 300
Office of Academic Affairs
- 1975 Battelle Board of Trustees established a
perpetual endowment at OSU - Income from endowment supports projects that
demonstrate how science and technology affect
humans. - Intent of donors to give priority to projects
that emphasize education and public service
over research and development - This competition has evolved into an
annual grant competition - Committee is comprised of professors from a
variety of disciplines across campus, many of
them previous Battelle Endowment grant
recipients - Managed by Office of Academic Affairs at OSU
Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
- (Abstracted from the letter of April, 29, 1975
from - S. L. Fawcett, President of Battelle to H. L.
Enarson, President of OSU) - A Battelle Endowment Grant provides funding to
support university activities - Activities should be designed to further our
understanding of the impact (both good and
bad) of science and technology - on individuals
- and on society
- More emphasis on education and public service
than on research - Influence future leaders
- Make scientists and engineers more sensitive
to social needs - Lead others to gain a better understanding of
the capabilities and limitations of science
and technology
Office of Academic Affairs
- Activities should be designed to continue the
examination and understanding of the impact
of science and technology - on individuals
- IT impacts on lives
- Genetic research
- and on society
- Blogs and public opinion
- Protection of personal data
Office of Academic Affairs
- More emphasis on education and public
service than on research - Battelle Endowment Grants are NOT intended
to serve as seed grants for projects headed
to NSF or NIH no matter how innovative the
technology - Education and public service can have many
forms - Conferences and meetings
- Educational materials (cutting edge
technology) - Partnerships with other agencies such as
COSI, Public Schools, etc.
Office of Academic Affairs
- Influence future leaders
- Impact on students - more than just
employing GAs - Mentoring - document the role students
will have in the project - Novel ways to teach science or about the
impact of new scientific or technological
findings - Impact on other leaders
- State agency partners
- Legislators
- University or school officials
Office of Academic Affairs
- Two way street - Dual missions
- Make scientists and engineers more
sensitive to social needs - Document the impact of new science
on society - e.g., DNA testing - Instruction for Scientists and
Engineers on social issues?
Office of Academic Affairs
- Lead others (presumably, non-scientists and
engineers) to gain a better understanding of
the capabilities and limitations of science
and technology - The limits of measurement OR pesticides and
public safety the case of Heptachlor in
Hawaiian dairy milk
Office of Academic Affairs
- Be realistic about what you can
accomplish given the time and budgetary
Office of Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
- Friday, November 3, 2006 _at_ 500pm
- 10 copies of complete proposal
- electronic copy to
- betha_at_admin.ohio-state.edu
- Follow instructions carefully on
website - http//oaa.osu.edu/betha
Office of Academic Affairs
- Proposal checked for accuracy and
completeness - Status of Principal Investigator - must be
OSU faculty member
Office of Academic Affairs
- Will contact PI if minor omission or error
- Incomplete proposals returned to PI
without committee review - EARLY TO MID DECEMBER
- Complete proposals forwarded to Committee
members for individual review - Committee members will enter independent
rankings for each proposal on secure website - CONFLICT OF INTEREST
- Committee members with conflicts of interest
do not vote or discuss those proposals
Office of Academic Affairs
- Committee will meet to discuss proposals
and rankings - Further information may be requested from PIs
about their proposals - About half of the proposals will continue to
the next round of review - Committee members re-read and re-evaluate
the remaining proposals on secure website - MID FEBRUARY
- Committee will meet to discuss remaining
proposals and make final decisions - May choose to fully fund, fund certain aspects
or choose not to fund at all
Office of Academic Affairs
- Outcome letters mailed to all PIs on
the same date
Office of Academic Affairs
- All contact will be through e-mail
- Early submission of proposal to OAA office
encouraged and allows for closer review with
time to correct errors - Goals should clearly relate to the
Battelle Endowment mission - All questions should be directed to the
Battelle Endowment Coordinator. - The Battelle Endowment Coordinator cannot
comment on the strength of a proposal as this
is dependant upon the quality and quantity
of proposals submitted each year
Office of Academic Affairs
18Grant Basics
Office of Academic Affairs
19Grant Basics
- Funding Limits
- 3 or 6 awards per year
- 10,000 - 60,000 per year
- Matching funds from department or
college desirable - Indicated in support letters
- Single year projects preferred
- Multi-year projects considered
- Funding for out years contingent on
demonstrated and acceptable performance
during previous year
Office of Academic Affairs
20Grant Basics
- Funding
- Not acceptable
- Faculty release time or summer salary (can
be part of match) - Equipment otherwise available or not
absolutely required for project - Future maintenance
- Acceptable
- GRA stipend and tuition/fees
- Travel
Office of Academic Affairs
21Grant Basics
- Your Budget and the Committee
- Budget subject to approval before award
- Committee can ask you to revise it
- Budget justification must be complete
- Dont make the committee guess
Office of Academic Affairs
22Grant Basics
- Appropriate Projects
- Education and public service projects -
not pure research - Exploring consequences of technology
more than using technology - Interdisciplinary
- Outcomes with broad implications
- Influence future leaders
- Help scientists and engineers be more
sensitive to social needs - Help non-scientists appreciate
capabilities and limitations of science
Office of Academic Affairs
23Human Subjects Research
- October 6, 2006
- Battelle Endowment Workshop
- Karen N. Hale, RPh, MPH, CIP
- Office of Responsible Research Practices
24Will your research involve human subjects?
- If so, federal regulations require documented
exemption or Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approval before beginning the research.
25Ethical and Regulatory Basis for IRBs
- The Belmont Report
- Respect for persons, Beneficence, Justice
- Federal Regulations
- 45 CFR 46 (DHHS)
- 21 CFR 50 and 56 (FDA)
- All human subjects research must be reviewed by
an IRB and meet specific criteria for approval
(unless exempt)
26Regulatory Definitions
- Research
- Systematic investigation designed to develop or
contribute to generalizable knowledge - Human subject
- Living individual about whom an investigator
obtains - - Data through intervention or interaction
- - Identifiable private information
27Research vs. Non-Research
- Identifying research intent
- Goal of activity is to prove / develop theory
- Benefits often for society
- Publication or presentation
- - Would project be done as proposed otherwise?
- Consider intent and design of project
- Distinction important to determine when
additional protections needed
28Review Algorithm
- Questions
- Is the project research?
- If research, does it involve human subjects?
- If human subjects research, is it exempt from IRB
review? - - Investigators may not make determination
- If research is not exempt, is expedited review
possible? - - Minimal risk of damage to financial standing,
employability, insurability or reputation
29IRB Review Processes
- Exempt determination
- One to six categories
- Must meet ethical standards (e.g., consent)
- Expedited review
- Minimal risk
- Specified types of research
- Full committee review
- Convened IRB meeting (e.g., quorum)
30Exempt Research
- 1) Educational practices in educational settings
- 2) Educational tests, survey, observation
- - Without identifiers or responses do not place
subjects at risk - 3) Other category 2 if public officials involved
- 4) Existing data, records, specimens
- - Publicly available or without identifiers
- 5) Federal public benefit or service programs
- 6) Taste and food quality consumer acceptance
studies - - Wholesome foods without additives
31Exempt Determinations
- Minimal risk
- One of 6 categories
- May not involve prisoners, interviews or surveys
with children - Reviewed by an ORRP Administrator
- Requires Privacy Board review also if medical
records included
32Institutional Review Boards
- Behavioral and Social Sciences IRB
- Investigator-initiated research
- No invasive biomedical procedures
- Research from a variety of disciplines
- Art, Education, Business, Communication,
Journalism, Music, Political Science, Psychology,
Sociology, Social Work - Funded and non-funded research
33Institutional Review Boards
- Biomedical Sciences IRB
- Investigator-initiated research
- Biomedical procedures, including blood drawing
- Research involving drugs and devices
- Cancer IRB
- Cancer prevention and treatment
- All IRBs
- Scientists, non-scientists, non-affiliates,
information technology expertise
34Collaborative IRB Training Initiative
- CITI online training must be completed before
performing human subjects research at OSU - Required for exempt and non-exempt protocols
- Investigators and key personnel
- Available at any computer with Internet access
- Log on and off at users convenience
35Review Timelines
- Allow sufficient lead time
- Exempt review 2-4 weeks
- Expedited review 6-8 weeks
- CITI training, COI disclosures must be completed
before review - Grant proposal to funding agency and human
subjects protocol must both be submitted - IRB approval may be obtained any time after
funding required before research begins
36ORRP Resources Website
- www.orrp.osu.edu
- News, Updates, Contacts
- Forms
- Meeting schedules
- Policies, Links to Guidance
- FAQs, Newsletters
- Education and workshop information
37Budgets, etc.
Office of Academic Affairs
38Budgets, etc.
- Battelle Endowment Awards
- Battelle Endowment grants funded from an
Endowment - Funds awarded are Development funds
- Governed by rules and policies set by
- Battelle Endowment committee
- Your department/college (Always check with
your Fiscal Person) - University
Office of Academic Affairs
39Budgets, etc.
- Hiring Graduate Students
- Equipment
- Reminders
- Always work with your department HR/Fiscal
people to develop your budgets - Follow university and department/college
rules and regulations
Office of Academic Affairs
40Budgets, etc.
- Responsibilities
- Your department is liable for any overages
- Grant over expenditures, will be funded by
the department identified as the grant holder
or your home department Balances are
monitored monthly by the Battelle Endowment
Office of Academic Affairs
41Proposal Writing
Office of Academic Affairs
42Proposal Writing
Writing proposals for an interdisciplinary
academic audience
Office of Academic Affairs
43Proposal Writing
- Target the Battelle Endowment Mission
- Before you begin writing your proposal,
read the Battelle Endowment Mission. - How would you respond if you were asked,
How does your proposal address key
elements of the Battelle Endowment mission? - Include your response(s) to this question
explicitly (and repeatedly) in the abstract
and narrative of your proposal.
Office of Academic Affairs
44Proposal Writing
- Organization
- Structure your proposal according to the
Battelle Endowment guidelines - Use headings in the narrative to indicate
where the reader can find each of the
elements described in the Battelle Endowment
Office of Academic Affairs
45Proposal Writing
- Clarity Explain things so that the Battelle
Endowment committee members will understand
them - Explain the problem in terms that can be
understood by reviewers outside your field - Explain the solutions you propose especially
the technological solutions -- in terms that
can be understood by reviewers outside your
field - Identify and answer possible objections
Office of Academic Affairs
46Proposal Writing
- Writing
- Make the document easy to read (design and
typography) - Avoid jargon and acronyms as much as
possible - Define technical terms and acronyms the
first time you use them - Be specific avoid vague all-encompassing
statements - Have someone outside your field review the
Office of Academic Affairs
47Parting Advice
Office of Academic Affairs
48For additional information
CONTACTJ. Briggs CormierBattelle Endowment
Coordinator Office of Academic Affairs 203
Bricker Hall 190 North Oval Mall Columbus, OH
43210 Phone 292-5881Fax 292-3658
E-Mail betha_at_admin.ohio-state.edu Website
Office of Academic Affairs