Practicum Orientation Webster University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Practicum Orientation Webster University


Have professional email addresses and voicemail. Not: ' ... Check the state's licensee data base ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Practicum Orientation Webster University

  • Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • 10/09/2007

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • Dr. Angelo R. Pimpinelli
  • Coordinator of Counseling
  • Discusses practica with students.
  • Disseminates Practicum Application Packets.
  • Reviews and approves applications.
  • Answers questions regarding practica.
  • Teaches practicum classes on campus and via web
    based classroom.
  • Writes Practicum Confirmation letters for
    licensing and certification applications.

Would you be willing to take legal and moral
responsibility for the words and actions of any
of these people for the next nine to thirty-six
Practicum Orientation Webster University
  • Essentially, when you ask someone to serve as
    your practicum supervisor that is exactly what
    you are asking them to do take legal
    responsibility for your actions.
  • Think about how you approach prospective
    supervisors. What impression are you making on

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • What is the difference between a degree program
    practicum/internship and a state sponsored
    registered internship?

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • Degree Program practica internships are classes
    where classroom learning is applied in a real
    world setting under the supervision of a
    qualified supervisor.
  • They are the last classes taken within an
    academic setting (all core classes must be

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • A State Registered Internship is when graduates
    practice under the supervision of qualified
    supervisors for a period of time in order to meet
    criteria necessary for certification or licensing
    at the state level.
  • State Registered Internships are separate from
    Websters degree programs and must be applied for
    via respective agencies.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • Both practica and internships are becoming very
    difficult to obtain.
  • Due to extreme time and legal responsibilities
    placed on those agreeing to be supervisors, many
    licensed practitioners are hesitant to provide
    supervisory services or will charge supervisory

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • To help ensure finding a qualified supervisor and
    practicum site
  • Begin early, at least a year in advance
  • Network, Network, Network. Get to know
    professionals in the field. Make sure they know
    you and what you have to offer.
  • Purchase the practicum text well in advance
    Chapter one is devoted to finding practicum
  • Faiver, C., Eisengart, S. Colonna, R (2004) The
    counselor interns handbook. 3rd.ed. Wadsworth
    Publishing ISBN05345235X

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • When networking, present yourself professionally
  • Dressing appropriately professionally
  • Using your best language skills
  • Understanding the fundamentals of the profession
  • Being insured against malpractice claims
  • Being able to articulate what is being requested
    from the site and the supervisor
  • Being able to articulate what you will offer the
    site and supervisor
  • Have professional email address and telephone
    answering system messages

Practicum OrientationWebster University
When seeking supervisors and sites Dress
Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • When seeking supervisors and sites
  • Communicate Professionally
  • Use professional communication and correct
  • grammar in writing and speaking
  • Have professional email addresses and voicemail
  • Not
  • You have reached the voicemail for Angelo
    Pimpinelli. I am not available at this time, but
    your message is important to me. Please leave
    your name and contact information and I will
    return your call promptly.
  • Not You know what to do.
  • Not This is Angelos machine, leave a message.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
Remember you are asking someone, in many cases
who does not know you, to be legally responsible
for your actions. You are also asking that person
to entrust the welfare of human clients and
patients to your care. THINK-ACT-BE Professional
Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • When searching for sites and supervisors think
  • Your Personal interests
  • What knowledge sets and skills are sought
  • Whether the sites and supervisors meet the
    criteria of the licensing and certifying Boards.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • Where can practicum sites be found?
  • Anywhere that offers the services of the licenses
    or certifications being sought
  • Counseling and mental health agencies
  • Private clinical practices
  • Yellow Pages
  • Internet
  • From professional associations

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • How to determine whether a supervisor is
    qualified to offer supervisory services.
  • Ask if the professional has gone through and
    passed the states training to perform
  • Check the states licensee data base
  • School counseling supervisors and sites are
    assigned by the respective School Boards

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • How to determine whether the site meets state
    approval to provide supervision
  • Basically, the primary purpose of the site must
    be to provide the type services of the license or
    certification sought.
  • The practicum site and site-supervisor must meet
    CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling
    Related Educational Programs) http//www.cacrep.or
  • School Guidance practica and site-supervisors are
    assigned via respective School Boards.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • Items that should be included in your
    professional portfolio when seeking a practicum
  • Professional Cover Letter/Intent
  • Professional Vita
  • Letters of Recommendation from those who know
    your skills and abilities
  • Copy of Transcript or Degree Audit
  • Copy and understanding of ACA Code of Ethics
  • Copy of insurance cover page (insurance can be
    purchased through ACA at or
  • Letter of Thank You (sent after the interview)

Practicum Orientation
  • Clinical Training Model Sequence
  • All Students
  • Steps
  • 1) Complete all core counseling courses, then
    take the following in sequence
  • 2) COUN 6000 Counseling Practicum (100 hours)
  • 3) COUN 6500 (1)Internship (300 hours)
  • 4) COUN 6500 (2) Internship (300 hours)
  • If going on for mental health licensing
  • 5) COUN 6500 (3) Internship (300 hours)

Clinical Experience Flow Chart as of August 2007
All Counseling Students 48 Credit Hours No
Licensing Intended
COUN 6000 Practicum 100 Hours
Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • To meet CACREP criteria an on-site supervisor
    must have
  • A minimum of a masters degree in counseling or a
    related profession with equivalent
    qualifications, including appropriate
    certifications and/or licenses (its best to
    select a supervisor who holds the degree which
    you are obtaining
  • A minimum of two (2) years of pertinent
    professional experience in the program area in
    which the student is completing clinical
  • Knowledge of the programs expectations,
    requirement, and evaluation procedure for

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • To meet CACREP criteria a Practicum Site must
  • Settings for individual counseling with assured
    privacy and sufficient space for appropriate
    equipment (i.e. TV monitoring and taping)
  • Settings for small-group work with assured
    privacy and sufficient space for appropriate
  • Necessary and appropriate technologies that
    assist learning, such as audio, video, and
    telecommunications equipment
  • Settings with observational and/or other
    interactive supervision capabilities and
  • Procedures that ensure that the clients
    confidentiality and legal rights are protected.

  • What happens during practicum?
  • You and your site-supervisor will plan how you
    will acquire hours.
  • Your site supervisor will provide feedback to you
    regarding your skills and abilities.
  • You will have regular interaction with others at
    your site.
  • You will respond to class assignments via your
    Webster Blackboard Classroom.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • All Counseling Students must complete a
    supervised practicum experience that totals 700
    clock hours. The practicum provides for the
    development of counseling skills under
    supervision. The students practicum includes
    all of the following
  • COUN 6000, Counseling Practicum (100 hours),
  • COUN 6500 (1), Internship (300 hours), and
  • COUN 6500 (2), Internship (300 hours)
  • During each COUN 6000 (100 hours) the student
  • 50 contact (face-to-face) hours with clients,
    including experience in individual and group
  • 1 hour per week individual supervision provided
    by on-site supervisor
  • 1 ½ hours per week of group supervision (class
    work) by program faculty member
  • The opportunity to become familiar with a variety
    of professional activities in addition to direct
    service to clients (i.e. record keeping,
    supervision, informational and referral,
    in-service training, and staff meetings).
  • Formal evaluation of students performance by
    on-site supervisor after the student completes
    the practicum.

Practicum OrientationWebster University
  • During each COUN 6500 Internship (300 hours) the
    student needs
  • 150 direct service contact (face-to-face) hours
    with clients appropriate to degree
  • 1 hour per week interaction with on-site
  • 1 ½ hours per week of group supervision (class
    work) provided by program faculty member
  • The opportunity to become familiar with a variety
    of professional activities in addition to direct
    service to clients (i.e. record keeping,
    supervision, informational and referral,
    in-service training, and staff meetings)
  • The opportunity to develop program-related
    audio/videos of students interactions with
    clients for use in supervision
  • The opportunity for to gain supervised experience
    in the use of a variety of professional resources
    such as assessment instruments, technologies,
    print and non-print media, professional
    literature, and research and
  • Formal evaluation of students performance by
    on-site supervisor after the student completes
    the practicum.
  • Students seeking licensing as mental health
    counselors need to take an additional COUN 6500
    Internship (300) hours, totaling 1000 clinical
    hours. The Internship provides an opportunity for
    the student to perform, under supervision, a
    variety of counseling activities that a
    professional counselor is expected to perform.

  • How do I apply for practicum?
  • Talk with Dr. Pimpinelli and obtain a Practicum
    Application Packet, 863-324-1380.
  • Join the American Counseling Association (ACA) as
    a student member and purchase student practicum
    mal-practice insurance,,
  • 1-800-347-6647 ext. 284
  • Read and understand requirements contained in the
    Practicum Application.
  • Once you find a site, you and the site supervisor
    read through the practicum expectations sections
    and fill out Forms A, B, and C.
  • Return the following items to Dr. Pimpinelli by
    the application deadline (Original copies only.
    FAXED or photocopied will not be accepted. Make
    sure you keep copies for your own files)
  • Copy of Degree Audit showing that all core
    courses have been completed or are IP.
  • Appendix A, Student Practicum/Internship,
    Application Form 1
  • Student Acknowledgment, Form 1, p. 2
  • Appendix B, Webster University Practicum
    Agreement, Form 2
  • Webster University Request for Certificate of
  • Cover Page for Proof of Mal-Practice Insurance
    (can be purchased through ACA)
  • Once all paperwork is received and approved, you
    may register for the practicum.

When Do I Apply for Practicum?
  • As stated in University publications, all
    practicum forms must be completed and approved by
    the Counseling Program Coordinator (Dr.
    Pimpinelli) at least one full term prior to the
    term in which the practicum will take place.
    Applications received after the deadline dates
    will be processed for the following academic
    term. Applications must be handed to Dr.
    Pimpinelli by appointment to ensure correct
    protocol. Appointments can be made by calling
  • Practicum Term Deadline
  • Fall I
    July 1st
  • Fall II Aug
  • Spring I Oct
  • Spring II Jan
  • Summer Apr 1st

  • What should I look for in a practicum site?
  • You should look for a variety of experiences and
    observations, examples
  • Intake and assessment procedures
  • Differential Diagnosis, psychosocial report
    writing and developing treatment plans
  • Professional record keeping and progress notes
  • Familiarity with policies procedures
  • Administering, scoring, and interpreting
    psychodiagnostic tests
  • Counseling experience with individuals, groups,
    couples, and families,
  • Community consultation
  • Other experiences that are specific to your

  • During your practicum experience begin preparing
    yourself for graduation, certification, and post
    masters internship.

Important Contact Information
  • America Counseling Association (ACA)
  • 5999 Stevenson Ave.
  • Alexandria, VA 22304
  • 1-800-347-6647
  • http//
  • (For purposes of joining a professional
    organization as a student member and purchasing
    student mal-practice insurance. (All counseling
    students are required to carry insurance during
    their student tenure and practicum assignments.)
  • __________________________________________________
  • Department of Education (DOE)
  • Bureau of Teacher Certification
  • Turlington Bldg. Room 201
  • 325 West Gaines Street
  • Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
  • 1-800-445-6739
  • http//
  • (For Guidance Certification Packet and Online
  • __________________________________________________
  • Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage Family
    Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling
  • 4052 Bald Cypress Way

  • All counseling students must meet with the
    Counseling Coordinator to arrange practicum
  • All practica and internship students must show
    proof of student liability insurance (can be
    obtained through ACA)
  • All university sponsored practica and
    internships must be approved by the Counseling
    Coordinator one term in advance
  • Practica and internships must be at sites where
    the primary mission is to offer services to the
    public in the respective area (school guidance,
    must be in approved school settings and approved
    by the respective School Board in addition to the
    counseling coordinator, mental health practica
    must be in mental health settings, all
    site-supervisors must meet supervisory standards.
    Practica and internships are not
    interchangeable, i.e school guidance practica
    cannot be used for mental health or vise-a-versa.
  • School Guidance Exam Contact http//
  • State Sponsored Post Masters Registered
    Internship (2 years experience, 1500 hours
    face-to-face with clients, 100 hours with
  • Contact http//

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