Title: NARUC/FERC Collaborative Dialogue on Demand Response
1NARUC/FERC Collaborative Dialogue on Demand
- July 15, 2007
- Deb Sundin
- Xcel Energy
2Xcel Energy Service Territory
Northern States Power Company- Minnesota
Northern States Power Company- Wisconsin
Public Service Company of Colorado
3.3 Million Combined Electric and Gas Customers
in 8 States
Southwestern Public Service
3Xcel Energy DR Summary
4Xcel Energy DR NSP System
- Historic retail load management business tariffs.
- Majority of controllable load from peak control
tariff. - Can save up to 60 on demand charges, paid
throughout the year. - Options for Maximum annual hours of control are
300, 150 and 80 hours per year. One-hour notice
typical. - 8/ kW or 10/ kW penalties are charged for
violating control periods. - Direct load control
- Primarily residential cycled air conditioning.
- Average 10-15 days of control June through
September. - Customers receive a bill discount for
participating and are not notified prior to
5MN Summer System Peak Day
6Xcel Energy DR NSP System
- Built over the last 30 years.
- Built to control NSPs system peak load.
- DR resources are actively integrated into
utilitys resource planning process avoids
significant amounts of generation - Discounts based on avoided cost of CT at time of
7Xcel Energy DR PSCO System
- Interruptible Service Option Credit
- Strict qualifications requirements limit free
riders. Must have 500 kW of controllable load
during each summer month. - Up to 67 savings on demand charges paid
throughout the year. - Control periods may occur at any time for
Economic, Capacity, Contingency or Reliability
reasons. - Options for maximum annual hours of control are
200, 160, 80 and 40 hours. Notice options of lt10
Minutes, 1 hour or 8 hours. - Direct load control
- Residential cycled air conditioning units.
- Average 10-15 days of control June through
August. - Customers receive a bill discount for
participating and are not notified prior to
8Xcel Energy DR PSCO System
- CI customers previously on interruptible tariffs
received discounts, but infrequently called to
control - Redesigned program to provide customers options
that conformed to utilitys economic /
reliability needs - Interruptible Service Option Credit (ISOC)
9NSP Retail DR Programs vs. Future MISO Wholesale
DR Efforts
- MISO is currently looking at wholesale DR.
- Developing an emergency program
- Value propositions of DR are dynamic and can be
impacted by - Capacity vs. energy
- Plant deferral economics vs. near term price
mitigation - Control response time (5 minutes 2 hours)
- End-use customer control requirements vs.
customer payment - Where existing resources are substantial (e.g.
Minnesota), should be careful not to erode
resource built over decades - Ultimately, goal must be to ensure that customers
receive least cost (long run) resources,
consistent with other priorities (e.g.
environment, reliability, etc.)