Title: Sustainable Living
1Sustainable Living
- EnvS 001
- Introduction to Environmental Issues
- with Dr. Trulio
2The Last Two Lectures
- Our urbanizing world
- Promise and challenge of cities as tools for
sustainable development - Dealing with air pollution
- Dealing with our waste stream
- Dealing with water pollution
- Fighting sprawl
- Solutions for cities
- Solutions for us!
3Patterns of Urban Growth
- Populations are moving to cities
- Global 2 urban in 1850 48 in 2004 60
estimated in 2030 - US 5 urban in 1800 79 in 2004
- Number of large cities increasing
- 2004 gt400 cities with 1 million 2015 564
expected - Future urbanization will occur mostly in
developing countries - Urbanization and poverty are related
- At least 1 billion poor live in cities
4Major Urban Areas
5Promise and Challenge of Cities
- Cities are not self-sustaining big ecological
footprints - High levels of air, water noise pollution and
municipal solid waste - Habitat loss and fragmentation due to sprawl and
footprint - Gap between rich and poor can be exacerbated
- Urbanites have better access to services
- Recycling more feasible
- Potential for reduced car dependence
- Potential for reduced urban sprawl
- City planners can better focus development
6Four Urban Issues
- Air Pollution
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Water Pollution
- Urban Sprawl
7Outdoor Air Pollution
8Photochemical Smog
- VOCs NOx
- heat sunlight
- O3 (tropospheric)
- other photochemical
- oxidants
9Temperature Inversions
10Regional Outdoor Air Pollution from Acid
11Acid Deposition in the US
12Acid Deposition and Humans
- Damage to structures, especially containing
- Decreased productivity and profitability of
fisheries, forests, and farms
13Acid Deposition and Aquatic Systems
14Indoor Air Pollution/Sick Building Syndrome
- Occurs in certain areas based on geology
- Associated with uranium and organic material in
16Reducing IndoorAir Pollution
17Our Waste Stream
- Biggest waste producers
- Mining/oil/gas 75
- Agriculture 13
- Industry 9
- Municipal solid waste 1.5
- Paper (38)
- Yard waste (12)
- Food waste (11)
- Plastics (10)
18Californians Recycle!
- Many places in CA recycle over 50 of waste
stream - SF 52
- Oakland 52
- Palo Alto 57
- Marin County 71
- Meeting AB 939 which required cities reduce their
waste stream
19Plastics on the rise
- US
- 1994 - 53
- 2003- 19
- CA
- 57 of plastic bottles
- 20 of all plastic
20What you can do
- REDUCE your consumption of stuff that you dont
consume - REUSE items that eventually must be recycled or
thrown away - RECYCLE everything you can
- COMPOST food and yard waste
- BE SURE to dispose of everything properly
- ASK your city/county to recycle all plastics, not
just 1 (PET) and 2 (HDPE)
21SPRAWL The high cost of Auto-oriented
- Environmental and social impacts of
transportation choices significant - Examples air water pollution, land use, lost
productivity, accidents, and death - Auto highways urban sprawl
- Low-density development dependent on autos
- Highway expansion, low cost gas, poor planning
22Some answers to kicking the auto habit
- Better funded mass transit such as BART, light
rail, CalTrain - Less highway and road construction
- Bikes and motor scoters
- Transit-oriented development
- More honestly-priced gas
23Land Use Planning and Policies needed to control
- General plans and Zoning
- Urban growth boundaries
- Urban green zones
- Smart Growth
- Transit-oriented development (TOD)
- Mixed-use zoning
- Green building materials and design
24Environmental Justice as a Goal of Good Urban
- All groups (racial, ethnic, and socio-economic)
are entitled to equal environmental protection - But, environmental hazards are disproportionately
located in low income communities - And, wealthy countries
- dump wastes on
- poorer countries
25Living SustainablyEveryone of us!
- Ten top things we each can do
26How about A Career in the Environment??
- Environmental Studies Department
- A great degree providing a huge range of career
opportunities - Government agencies, non-profit groups and
for-profit companies - Department specialties include
- Energy resources
- Environmental regulation and policy
- Restoration and conservation
- Environmental education
- Solid waste management
- Water resource management
27What could you do?
- Energy efficiency specialist
- with PGE
- Solar panel expert with REGrid
- Water quality specialist with the Santa Clara
Valley Water District - Park ranger with City of San Jose
- Restoration expert with Jones and Stokes
- Recycling coordinator with Sunnyvale or Brown and
Vance - Make a living AND make a difference!