AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS Presented by Gunar Fedosejevs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS Presented by Gunar Fedosejevs


... found in the NOAA KLM User's Guide (http://www2.ncdc.noaa.gov/docs/klm ... global mapping initiative by the USGS EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, Dakota, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS Presented by Gunar Fedosejevs

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRSPresented by Gunar
  • AVHRR Data Flow at the Canada Centre for Remote
    Sensing (CCRS) includes satellite data reception,
    pre-processing, archiving, and enhanced data
    processing for derived products in support of
    modelling and global climate research.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • CCRS as the official Canadian remote sensing
    centre has two satellite receiving stations
  • The Prince Albert Satellite Station (PASS)
  • The Gatineau Satellite Station (GSS)

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • PASS has been receiving direct readout High
    Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) data from
    the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
    (AVHRR) instrument onboard the National Oceanic
    and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) series of
    satellites since 1973 (http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca
  • PASS has been receiving HRPT data from NOAA 16
    polar-orbiting satellite for ascending (daytime)
    orbits since April 1, 2001 and descending
    (night-time) orbits shortly thereafter for most
    of North America.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • NOAA 14 has been drifting into a later orbit
    where solar contamination has become a problem
    for thermal calibration.
  • The high solar zenith angles from the later
    orbits also result in unwanted increased
    bi-directional reflectance distribution function
    (BRDF) effects in channels 1 and 2.
  • CCRS has ceased to acquire NOAA 14 (ascending
    orbit) data on an operational basis as of March
    31, 2001.
  • NOAA 14 AVHRR data are still archived by USA to
  • Users may request acquisition of data by PASS for
    any operational AVHRR sensor through the CCRS
    order desk.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • Raw Products
  • Satellite Acquisition Services Order Desk
  • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
  • 588 Booth Street
  • Ottawa, Ontario
  • K1A 0Y7
  • Tel (613) 995-4057
  • Fax (613) 992-0285
  • Email orderdesk_at_ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • NOAA 1516 contain the new AVHRR/3 instrument
    with six spectral channels. Channel 1 (visible),
    2 (NIR), 3A (SWIR), 3B (MIR), 4 (TIR), 5 (TIR)
    have centre wavelengths of 0.65, 0.85, 1.6, 3.6,
    10.5, 11.5 um, respectively.
  • Satellite data transcription systems were
    designed to handle 5 channels of the AVHRR/2
    onboard NOAA 14 and earlier missions.
  • Thus, NOAA 1516 are programmed to acquire
    channel 3A during the day (ascending orbit) and
    channel 3B during the night (descending orbit).

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • For descending orbits passing over the Canadian
    arctic, this often results in both channel 3A and
    3B data being acquired.
  • Channel 3A can be used for cloud/snow/smoke
  • Technical specifications for NOAA 16 AVHRR/3 can
    be found in the NOAA KLM User's Guide

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • Data Reception at Mont Joli
  • NOAA 14 AVHRR HRPT data from ascending daytime
    orbits were acquired in 1999 and 2000 over
    Canada's East Coast by the DFO Maurice Lamontagne
    Institute at Mont Joli for CCRS under a
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
  • Reception of NOAA 16 AVHRR HRPT daytime data at
    Mont Joli commenced on April 5, 2001 under the
    same MOU.
  • DFO provides near real-time delivery of AVHRR
    data as raw and L1B products via ftp to PASS.
  • PASS software pre-processes DFO-received data to
    make them compatible with PASS-received data.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • NATAS Data Processing
  • HRPT data received at PASS and Mont Joli are
    processed on the NOAA AVHRR Transcription and
    Archive System (NATAS) system at PASS
  • NATAS raw data products are generated in the
    Committee on Earth Observations
    Satellites/Landsat Ground Station Operators
    Working Group (CEOS/LGSOWG) standard format
    (refer to STD-TM 90-678F document on Standard Raw
    AVHRR CCT Image Format Specifications).
  • NATAS products are archived on 5-gigabyte 8-mm
    Exabyte cassettes kept at PASS.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • CEOCat Data Catalogue
  • All NATAS raw data products can be viewed on the
    Canadian Earth Observation Catalogue (CEOCat)
  • NATAS-generated digital quicklook browse (JPEG)
    images and Catalogue Update Files (CUFs) are
    transferred on a daily basis via ftp to a CCRS
    VAX server at 588 Booth St.
  • A batch job initiated daily from the CEOCat
    server at 615 Booth St. retrieves the data from
    the VAX server.
  • Channels 2, 1 and 1 are displayed as an RGB false
    colour composite for orbits received from April 1
    to October 31 or channel 4 as a B/W image for
    orbits received in the winter.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • CCRS ftp transfer
  • Since 2000, CEOS-formatted NATAS raw data .zip
    files are transferred by ftp from PASS over the
    internet to a secure CCRS AVHRR ftp site for
    privileged user access.
  • The .zip files for NATAS data are labelled
    NOAA_16_yyyymmdd_hhmm_nnnnn where nnnnn is the
    orbit number. The GMT time (hhmm) is for the
    first scan line when the scene is oriented with
    north at the top.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • CCRS ftp transfer (continued)
  • For the descending orbits the jpegs are labeled
    as 5-minute segments starting with the start
    orbit time. For the ascending orbit data, the
    jpegs are labeled as 5-minute segments but
    starting from the orbit acquisition start time
    and going forwards (north along the orbit) even
    though the jpegs are oriented north at the top of
    the image. The time in the jpeg filename applies
    to the south end of the images.
  • The time in the .zip filename is the acquisition
    stop time even though the top scan lines in the
    jpeg may be blank fill.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • EMS Data Holdings
  • All NATAS data received on the CCRS ftp server
    are archived on exabyte or DLTs in the
    Environmental Monitoring Section (EMS) the
    Applications Division at CCRS
  • EMS Data Holdings are applied to various research
    studies using GeoComp-n (http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.
    ca/ccrs/rd/ana/geocomp/geocomp_e.html), ABC3 and
    other data processing packages in the context of
    global climate change and vegetation process

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • MRSC GeoComp-n Data Processing
  • The Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre (MRSC)
    retrieves NATAS data from the CCRS ftp site to be
    processed on the operational system for Geocoding
    and Compositing of AVHRR data (GeoComp-n).
  • GeoComp-n creates near real time composite
    products of Canada at 1-km resolution in Lambert
    Conic Conformal (LCC) projection.
  • Canada-wide daily and 10-day composite products
    containing selected data layers are generated by
    GeoComp-n for CCRS.
  • Alternate composite periods, geographic coverage
    and data layer selections are available to MRSC
  • JPEG browse images (using channel 12 TOA
    radiance and NDVI) and CUFs are sent from MRSC
    to CEOCat.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • GeoComp-n Basic Composite Product Layers
  • TOA radiance and brightness temperature
  • TOA reflectance, surface reflectance,
    BRDF-corrected surface reflectance and associated
  • Satellite and sun zenith/azimuth angles
  • Quality control (QC) mask
  • Input scene mask
  • Pixel count mask
  • Relative date
  • Residual geometric error mask

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • GeoComp-n Advanced Composite Product Layers
  • Pixel contamination (CECANT) mask
  • Land Surface temperature
  • Leaf area index (LAI)
  • Instantaneous FPAR
  • Daily Mean FPAR
  • Instantaneous APAR Daily Total APAR
  • Composite Mean APAR
  • Fire (hot spot) mask
  • PAR albedo

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • Geocoded and Composite Products
  • Manitoba Remote Sensing Centre
  • Roy Dixon
  • 1007 Century Street
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • R3H 0W4
  • Tel (204) 945-6597
  • Fax (204) 945-1365
  • Email rdixon_at_nr.gov.mb.ca
  • WWW http//www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/geomatics/r

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • MRSC Data Transfer to CCRS
  • MRSC GeoComp-n products generated for CCRS are
    sent on exabyte periodically to CCRS.
  • In 2000 this data set included virtually all
    product layers for the daily and 10-day
    composites for NOAA 14.
  • In 2001/2002 only a subset of product layers
    were requested for the daily and 10-day
  • The 10-day composite radiance data are
    reprocessed in the

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • ABC3V2 Data Processing
  • At the end of a growing season (April 1- October
    31), all 10-day composite data are staged on the
    ABC3V2 server for processing in the Atmosphere,
    Bi-directional and Contamination Corrections of
    CCRS (ABC3) software written in Visual C by
    Rasim Latifovic,
  • http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/rd/apps/landcov/
  • ABC3V2 applies recalibration and other
    radiometric enhancements. Details can be found in
    ABC3V2.doc on CCRS anonymous ftp site
  • The 1-km resolution output products (.pix files
    with a file size of 5700 pixels by 4800 lines)
    are available in LCC projection for model input
    and derived product generation.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • ABC3V2 Data on GeoGratis
  • A subset of ABC3V2 product layers from 1993 to
    1998 were converted from LCC to geographic
    (latitude/longitude) projection and archived
    along with browse and thumbnail images in
    GeoGratis at URL http//www.geogratis.gc.ca/frames
  • These data sets may be searched for on the
    GeoConnections Discovery Portal at URL
  • A download of selected dates and product layers
    of 10-day composite data from GeoGratis is
    bundled with README.doc and ABC3V2.doc.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • ABC3V2 Data on GeoGratis (continued)
  • The browse images are 1/10th in size with an RGB
    assignment of BRDF-corrected NDVI (using only
    values from 0.9-2.0), ch2 (using only values from
    0-0.65) and ch1 (using only values from 0-0.35),
  • The thumbnails are 100 pixels by 42 lines in size
    before reprojection.
  • Retrieval of data sets is based on UNIX tools.
  • If retrieving data files on PC using Winzip, the
    user must uncheck the "TAR file smart CR/LF
    conversion" box under Winzip/Options/Configuration

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • EMS Fire Processing at CCRS
  • Batch/perl script/EASI scripts retrieve the NATAS
    data and processes them in GeoComp-n for fire
    mapping research by the Fire M3 scientists
  • While there are additional benefits of using
    channel 3A data to the fire modelling, the
    current hot spot mapping algorithm implemented
    for NOAA 11 and 14 in GeoComp-n was designed to
    use channel 3B data.
  • A major research effort is ongoing to perform hot
    spot and smoke detection in NOAA 16 daytime data
    using channel 3A and hot spot detection in
    night-time data using the reliable channel 3B
    data. Channel 3A data can contain a thermal
    emissive component. Depending on the size and
    temperature of the fire, pixels can be darker
    (low reflectivity of burned vegetation) or
    brighter (hot fire) than for background
  • Clock corrections for improved accuracy in
    geocoding are available for NOAA 11, 12, 14, 15
    and 16 from NOAA/NESDIS (http//www.osdpd.noaa.gov

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • EMS Fire Processing at CCRS (continued)
  • A mask of false hot spots in night-time
    composites can be created from permanent thermal
    sources such as smoke stacks in industrial
    plants. A similar mask can be built for daytime
    composites where bright surfaces (e.g. White
    Sands, New Mexico) are mistaken for smoke in
    channel 3A.
  • Another source of false hot spots is noisy
    pixels/lines in the raw data. These occur in the
    NOAA data received by PASS because of data
    downlink errors when the satellite is low on the
    horizon. PASS employs a reception mask of zero
    degrees elevation that can cause bad pixels or
    calibration sample data. The DFO data acquired at
    Mont Joli with a mask of 5 degrees contain no bad
    pixels. These bad pixels must be manually removed
    as bad line replacement is not envoked for the
    fire processing in GeoComp-n so as not to miss
    any hot spots.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • GeoComp-n Changes for NOAA 15/16
  • GeoComp-n thresholds based on raw counts from the
    NOAA 15 and NOAA 16 dual gain AVHRR/3 sensor may
    need to be revised for bad pixel detection, cloud
    threshold and GCP radiometric threshold and for
    any products using raw counts for channels 1 and
    2 or computed NDVI.
  • GeoComp-n products for NOAA 15 use post-launch
    time-dependent PWL calibration coefficients based
    on Tahnk and Coakley ice data.
  • GeoComp-n products for NOAA 16 use post-launch
    time-dependent PWL calibration coefficients based
    on Heidinger et al. calibration data.
  • PWL calibration coefficients are available on
    CCRS calval web page http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/c
  • A new set of BRDF correction coefficients must be
    created from a full season of data.
  • New product algorithm coefficients specific to
    NOAA 16 need to be derived because of spectral
    band differences between NOAA satellites.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • AVHRR SST Product
  • While Geocomp-n and ABC3V2 can generate land
    surface temperature (LST) products CCRS doesn't
    have an operational sea surface temperature (SST)
    product. PCI does provide limited support for the
    SST product in XPACE computed from NOAA 9, 12 and
    14 data. The PCI model NOAA_SST.mod was built at
    CCRS to compute SST for NOAA 9, 11, 12 and 14 and
    will run in PCI V6.3.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • NATAS Historical Data
  • CCRS plans are to retrieve 1993-1998 NATAS data
    from the PASS archive to process through
    Geocomp-n and ABC3V2.
  • PASS is recovering historical NOAA data (from HDDT and creating a NATAS exabyte archive.
    The NATAS data are sent to the CCRS AVHRR ftp
    site as zip files. The browse images and CUFs are
    sent to CEOCat.
  • NOAA data from 1990-1993 with almost complete
    seasonal coverage are now in CEOCat and the EMS
    Data Holdings.
  • In support of the 1-km global mapping initiative
    by the USGS EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls,
    Dakota, year-round acquisition of NOAA 11 and 14
    data occurred from April 1992 until October 1997
    notwithstanding the data gap between the demise
    of NOAA 11 in September 1994 and the start-up of
    NOAA 14 in March 1995 (?).
  • The data going back to 1983 are much sparser but
    all 10-bit historical data will be archived in
    CEOCat in time.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • AVHRR Space Counts
  • Instead of assuming that the calibration offsets
    (based on pre-launch values for NOAA 15 and 16)
    as specified in the GeoComp-n radiometric
    calibration file are the correct ones the space
    counts or offset can be read directly from the
    raw image files generated by NATAS.
  • GeoComp-n doesn't retrieve space counts for the
    non-thermal channels for inclusion in the PCIDSK
  • A Perl script was created to extract the space
    counts from the suffix (calibration sample) data
    in the NATAS image file and write them to a text
    file. The space count records were imported into
    an Excel file to view the time-dependent

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • AVHRR Solar Contamination
  • As NOAA satellites drift into a later orbit, the
    sun impinges on the AVHRR instrument for part of
    the orbit, which results in thermal fluxes in the
    blackbody cavity that affect the PRT readings of
    the blackbody temperature. The rapidly changing
    thermal calibration coefficients can result in
    brightness temperature errors on the order of
    several degrees Kelvin.
  • Trishchenko, A.P., Z. Li. 2001. A method for the
    correction of AVHRR onboard IR calibration in the
    event of short term radiative contamination.
    IJRS, vol. 22, no. 17, pp. 3619-3624.
  • Trishchenko, A.P. 2002. Removing unwanted
    fluctuations in the AVHRR thermal calibration
    data using robust techniques. Journal of
    Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (submitted).
  • Trishchenko, A.P., G. Fedosejevs, Z. Li and J.
    Cihlar. 2002. Trends and uncertainties in thermal
    calibration of AVHRR/NOAA-9 to 16. Journal of
    Geophysical Research Atmospheres (submitted).

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • NDVI Spectral Conversion
  • Alex Trichtchenko wrote a journal article
    describing the spectral dependency of NDVI
    between NOAA satellites, which included empirical
    fits between NOAA 14 TOA NDVI values and those
    from other NOAA satellites. Models that were
    created for NOAA 14 need to apply a spectral
    conversion to NOAA 16 data. The spectral
    conversion is target reflectance dependent.
  • Reference
  • Trishchenko, A.P., J. Cihlar, Z. Li. 2002.
    Effects of spectral response function on surface
    reflectance and NDVI measured with moderate
    resolution satellite sensors. Remote Sensing of
    Environment , vol. 81, pp. 1-18.

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
Maximal detectable temperature in ch.3B
Maximal detectable temperatures for NOAA-14
(HRPT scenes from PASS)

  • CCRS provides complete support for NOAA AVHRR
    data to users
  • Web access to quick look images
  • COFUR access to raw data
  • Near real-time access to composite data by
  • Web access to free historical enhanced data

AVHRR Data Flow at CCRS
  • References
  • Adair, M., J. Cihlar, B. Park, G. Fedosejevs, A.
    Erickson, R. Keeping, D. Stanley, and P.
    Hurlburt. 2001. GeoComp - n, an advanced system
    for generating products from coarse and medium
    resolution optical satellite data. Part 1 System
    characterization. Canadian Journal of Remote
    Sensing, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-20.
  • Cihlar, J., J. Chen, Z. Li, G. Fedosejevs, M.
    Adair, W. Park, R. Fraser, A. Trishchenko, B.
    Guindon, and D. Stanley. 2001. GeoComp-n, an
    advanced system for the processing of coarse and
    medium resolution satellite data. Part 2
    biophysical products for the northern ecosystem.
    Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 28, no.
    1, pp. 21-44.
  • Cihlar, J., Latifovic, R., Chen, J., Trishchenko,
    A., Du, Y., Fedosejevs, G., and Guindon, B. 2002.
    Systematic corrections of AVHRR image composites
    for temporal studies. Remote Sensing of
    Environment (in press).

  • Gunar Fedosejevs
  • Data Acquisition Division
  • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
  • 588 Booth Street
  • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0Y7
  • E-mail Gunar.fedosejevs_at_ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca
  • URL http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/ccrs/
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