Title: Trumans History in MCM
1Trumans History in MCM
- First entered 1989 - 3rd year of contest.
- Has participated every year since.
- 37 teams
- 14 awards (8 honorable mentions, 5 meritorious
awards, 1 winner)
2 - This presentation contains advice that I feel has
worked for me. I dont suggest that the advice I
give is the only way to advise a team or even the
best way to advise a team, but simply reflects my
personal approach and experience. - Steven J. Smith Truman State University Math
31. Recruiting a Team
- A. Posting signs around math classrooms
w/contest directions telling them to contact me
(especially early years of contest but still do
this to round out team). - B. Announcements by faculty in classes - my
classes and others especially early years of
contest. - C. Informally collect input of faculty -
especially from faculty who teach required
mid/upper level courses such as linear algebra,
analysis I algebra I followed up by me
talking to students in the hallways or by me
e-mailing students - D. They will find you if you run the contest
for a couple of years in a row. - E. Team members of incomplete teams can help
recruit remaining members
4- F. Contest Description to Students
- Hard (There are hundreds of teams of bright
students. However we have managed to win 14
awards, so it isnt impossible.) - Intense (4 straight days w/ long hours of work
and writing.) - Fun (If you like to be challenged. You get to
work as part of a team.) - Rewards creativity reasoning (Problems from
practical settings and are open-ended. You can
use books, journals, web software as resources.
Often practical assumptions need to be chosen by
team.) - All majors allowed (not just math).
- Luck is involved (perhaps a team member recently
studied related material on one of the two stated
contest problems). - Experience with programming and software is a
plus - Frustrating (Hard, intense activities usually
choose are frustrating. Plus, every once in a
while a good solution doesnt get chosen for an
award.) - Classes come first! (You have to work around your
classes.) - Check it out yourself (http//www.comap.com/under
52. An Ideal Team Member
- A. Bright, mathematically creative
hard-working. - B. Persevering and not easily intimidated by
math problems. - C. Humble.
- D. Works well in a group and isnt domineering.
- E. Has done the contest before (but not a
necessity). - F. Does at least one of the following writes
well, produces good documents, programs well or
knows software well.
63. An Ideal Team
- A. Has ideal members with complementary
strengths. - B. Has at least one CS major, or has a member
with the skills of a CS major. - C. Gets along with each other.
- D. Has at least one person who writes well.
- E. Has at least one person who can produce a high
quality document.
74. The First Meeting (Orientation)
- A. Pass out some old contest problems to team and
pose some questions concerning how to approach
them. - i. Does this problem require mathematical
reasoning and creativity combined with a degree
of simulation or is it a problem with a known
optimal technique?
8Mathematical Reasoning Creativity
- 2007 A Gerrymandering
- Gerrymandering The United States Constitution
provides that the House of Representatives shall
be composed of some number (currently 435) of
individuals who are elected from each state in
proportion to the states population relative to
that of the country as a whole. While this
provides a way of determining how many
representatives each state will have, it says
nothing about how the district represented by a
particular representative shall be determined
geographically. This oversight has led to
egregious (at least some people think so, usually
not the incumbent) district shapes that look
unnatural by some standards. - Hence the following question Suppose you were
given the opportunity to draw congressional
districts for a state. How would you do so as a
purely baseline exercise to create the
simplest shapes for all the districts in a
state? The rules include only that each district
in the state must contain the same population.
The definition of simple is up to you but you
need to make a convincing argument to voters in
the state that your solution is fair. As an
application of your method, draw geographically
simple congressional districts for the state of
New York.
9Known optimal technique
- 1989 A - The Midge Classification Problem
- Two species of midges, Af and Apf, have been
identified by biologists Grogan and Wirth on the
basis of antenna and wing length (see Figure 1).
It is important to be able to classify a specimen
as Af of Apf, given the antenna and wing length. - Given a midge that you know is species Af or Apf,
how would you go about classifying it? - Apply your method to three specimens with
(antenna, wing) lengths (1.24,1.80),(1.28,1.84),(1
.40,2.04). - Assume that the species is a valuable pollinator
and species Apf is a carrier of a debilitating
disease. Would you modify your classification
scheme and if so, how?
10 111993 A - Optimal Composting An environmentally
conscious institutional cafeteria is recycling
customers' uneaten food into compost by means of
microorganisms. Each day, the cafeteria blends
the leftover food into a slurry, mixes the slurry
with crisp salad wastes from the kitchen and a
small amount of shredded newspaper, and feeds the
resulting mixture to a culture of fungi and soil
bacteria, which digest slurry, greens, and papers
into usable compost. The crisp green provide
pockets of oxygen for the fungi culture, and the
paper absorbs excess humidity. At times, however,
the fungi culture is unable or unwilling to
digest as much of the leftovers as customers
leave the cafeteria does not blame the chef for
the fungi culture's lack of appetite. Also, the
cafeteria has received offers for the purchase of
large quantities of it compost. Therefore, the
cafeteria is investigating ways to increase its
production of compost. Since it cannot yet afford
to build a new composting facility, the cafeteria
seeks methods to accelerate the fungi culture's
activity, for instance, by optimizing the fungi
culture's environment (currently held at about
120 F and 100 humidity), or by optimizing the
composition of the moisture fed to the fungi
culture, or both. Determine whether any relation
exists between the proportions of slurry, greens,
and paper in the mixture fed to the fungi
culture, and the rate at which the fungi culture
composts the mixture. if no relation exists,
state so. otherwise, determine what proportions
would accelerate the fungi culture's activity. In
addition to the technical report following the
format prescribed in the contest instructions,
provide a one-page nontechnical recommendation
for implementation for the cafeteria manager.
Table 1 shows the composition of various mixtures
in pounds of each ingredient kept in separate
bins, and the time that it took the fungi to
culture to compost the mixtures, from the date
fed to the date completely composted table
12(No Transcript)
13- ii. Is it essentially a simulation problem?
14Simulation Problem
- 1988 A - The Drug Runner Problem
- Two listening posts 5.43 miles apart pick up a
brief radio signal. The sensing devices were
oriented at 110 degrees and 119 degrees,
respectively, when the signal was detected and
they are accurate to within 2 degrees. The signal
came from a region of active drug exchange, and
it is inferred that there is a powerboat waiting
for someone to pick up drugs. it is dusk, the
weather is calm, and there are no currents. A
small helicopter leaves from Post 1 and is able
to fly accurately along the 110 degree angle
direction. The helicopter's speed is three times
the speed of the boat. The helicopter will be
heard when it gets within 500 ft of the boat.
This helicopter has only one detection device, a
searchlight. At 200 ft, it can just illuminate a
circular region with a radius of 25 ft. - Develop an optimal search method for the
helicopter. - Use a 95 confidence level in your calculations.
15 - iii. Which of the two stated problems look more
approachable/familiar/friendlier? (
Although this contradicts the advice of some who
have written on the contest, personally I feel it
is better for teams to attempt the more
approachable/friendlier problem as opposed to the
problem that looks more challenging/cool. The
contest is challenging enough by itself.)
16Friendly Problem (to a past team of mine).
- 2006 A - Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems
for Irrigation - There are a wide variety of techniques available
for irrigating a field. The technologies range
from advanced drip systems to periodic flooding.
One of the systems that is used on smaller
ranches is the use of "hand move" irrigation
systems. Lightweight aluminum pipes with
sprinkler heads are put in place across fields,
and they are moved by hand at periodic intervals
to insure that the whole field receives an
adequate amount of water. This type of irrigation
system is cheaper and easier to maintain than
other systems. It is also flexible, allowing for
use on a wide variety of fields and crops. The
disadvantage is that it requires a great deal of
time and effort to move and set up the equipment
at regular intervals. - Given that this type of irrigation system is to
be used, how can it be configured to minimize the
amount of time required to irrigate a field that
is 80 meters by 30 meters? For this task you are
asked to find an algorithm to determine how to
irrigate the rectangular field that minimizes the
amount of time required by a rancher to maintain
the irrigation system. One pipe set is used in
the field. You should determine the number of
sprinklers and the spacing between sprinklers,
and you should find a schedule to move the pipes,
including where to move them. - A pipe set consists of a number of pipes that can
be connected together in a straight line. Each
pipe has a 10 cm inner diameter with rotating
spray nozzles that have a 0.6 cm inner diameter.
When put together the resulting pipe is 20 meters
long. At the water source, the pressure is 420
Kilo- Pascals and has a flow rate of 150 liters
per minute. No part of the field should receive
more than 0.75 cm per hour of water, and each
part of the field should receive at least 2
centimeters of water every 4 days. The total
amount of water should be applied as uniformly as
17Cool Problem (to same past team).
- 2006 B - Wheel Chair Access at Airports
- One of the frustrations with air travel is the
need to fly through multiple airports, and each
stop generally requires each traveler to change
to a different airplane. This can be especially
difficult for people who are not able to easily
walk to a different flight's waiting area. One of
the ways that an airline can make the transition
easier is to provide a wheel chair and an escort
to those people who ask for help. It is generally
known well in advance which passengers require
help, but it is not uncommon to receive notice
when a passenger first registers at the airport.
In rare instances an airline may not receive
notice from a passenger until just prior to
landing. - Airlines are under constant pressure to keep
their costs down. Wheel chairs wear out and are
expensive and require maintenance. There is also
a cost for making the escorts available.
Moreover, wheel chairs and their escorts must be
constantly moved around the airport so that they
are available to people when their flight lands.
In some large airports the time required to move
across the airport is nontrivial. The wheel
chairs must be stored somewhere, but space is
expensive and severely limited in an airport
terminal. Also, wheel chairs left in high traffic
areas represent a liability risk as people try to
move around them. Finally, one of the biggest
costs is the cost of holding a plane if someone
must wait for an escort and becomes late for
their flight. The latter cost is especially
troubling because it can affect the airline's
average flight delay which can lead to fewer
ticket sales as potential customers may choose to
avoid an airline. - Epsilon Airlines has decided to ask a third party
to help them obtain a detailed analysis of the
issues and costs of keeping and maintaining wheel
chairs and escorts available for passengers. The
airline needs to find a way to schedule the
movement of wheel chairs throughout each day in a
cost effective way. They also need to find and
define the costs for budget planning in both the
short and long term. - Epsilon Airlines has asked your consultant group
to put together a bid to help them solve their
problem. Your bid should include an overview and
analysis of the situation to help them decide if
you fully understand their problem. They require
a detailed description of an algorithm that you
would like to implement which can determine where
the escorts and wheel chairs should be and how
they should move throughout each day. The goal is
to keep the total costs as low as possible. Your
bid is one of many that the airline will
consider. You must make a strong case as to why
your solution is the best and show that it will
be able to handle a wide range of airports under
a variety of circumstances. - Your bid should also include examples of how the
algorithm would work for a large (at least 4
concourses), a medium (at least two concourses),
and a small airport (one concourse) under high
and low traffic loads. You should determine all
potential costs and balance their respective
weights. Finally, as populations begin to include
a higher percentage of older people who have more
time to travel but may require more aid, your
report should include projections of potential
costs and needs in the future with
recommendations to meet future needs.
18 - B. Explain to team that there are always two
problems One called the continuous problem and
one called the discrete problem. The continuous
problem is one in which aspects may look more
related to a calculus class or a differential
equations class, while the discrete problem is
one in which aspects may look more related to a
discrete math class.
19Continuous Problem
- 1994 A - Concrete Slab Floors
- The U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) is considering constructing dwellings of
various sizes, ranging from individual houses to
large apartment complexes. A principal concern is
to minimize recurring costs to occupants,
especially the costs of heating and cooling. The
region in which the construction is to take place
is temperate, with a moderate variation in
temperature throughout the year. - Through special construction techniques, HUD
engineers can build dwellings that do not need to
rely on convection- that is, there is no need to
rely on opening doors or windows to assist in
temperature variation. The dwellings will be
single-story, with concrete slab floors as the
only foundation. You have been hired as a
consultant to analyze the temperature variation
in the concrete slab floor to determine if the
temperature averaged over the floor surface can
be maintained within a prescribed comfort zone
throughout the year. If so, what size/shape of
slabs will permit this? - Part 1, Floor Temperature Consider the
temperature variation in a concrete slab given
that the ambient temperature varies daily within
the ranges given Table 1. Assume that the high
occurs at noon and the low at midnight. Determine
if slabs can be designed to maintain a
temperature averaged over the floor surface
within the prescribed comfort zone considering
radiation only. Initially, assume that the heat
transfer into the dwelling is through the exposed
perimeter of the slab and that the top and bottom
of the slabs are insulated. Comment on the
appropriateness and sensitivity of these
assumptions. If you cannot find a solution that
satisfies Table 1, can you find designs that
satisfy a Table 1 that you propose? - Ambient Temperature Comfort Zone High 85 76 Low
60 65 Part 2, Building Temperature Analyze the
practicality of the initial assumptions and
extend the analysis to temperature variation
within the single-story dwelling. Can the house
be kept within the comfort zone? - Part 3, Cost of Construction Suggest a design
that considers HUD's objective of reducing or
eliminating heating and cooling costs,
considering construction restrictions and costs.
20Discrete Problem
- 1991 B - The Steiner Tree Problem
- The cost for a communication line between two
stations is proportional to the length of the
line. The cost for conventional minimal spanning
trees of a set of stations can often be cut by
introducing "phantom" stations and then
constructing a new Steiner tree. This device
allows costs to be cut by up to 13.4 ( 1-
sqrt(3/4)). Moreover, a network with n stations
never requires more than n-2 points to construct
the cheapest Steiner tree. Two simple cases are
shown in Figure 1. For local networks, it often
is necessary to use rectilinear or
"checker-board" distances, instead of straight
Euclidean lines. Distances in this metric are
computed as shown in Figure 2. - Suppose you wish to design a minimum costs
spanning tree for a local network with 9
stations. Their rectangular coordinates are
a(0,15), b(5,20), c(16,24), d(20,20), e(33,25),
f(23,11), g(35,7), h(25,0) i(10,3). You are
restricted to using rectilinear lines. Moreover,
all "phantom" stations must be located at lattice
points (i.e., the coordinates must be integers).
The cost for each line is its length. - Find a minimal cost tree for the network.
- Suppose each stations has a cost wd(3/2), where
ddegree of the station. If w1.2, find a minimal
cost tree. - Try to generalize this problem
21 22- C. Explain to team sometimes you get the lucky
problem (a problem related to a class that at
least one team member recently completed).
23Lucky Problem (to person who just took PDEs)
- 1990 A - The Brain-Drug Problem
- Researches on brain disorders test the effects of
the new medical drugs -- for example, dopamine
against Parkinson's disease -- with intracerebral
injections. To this end, they must estimate the
size and the shape of the spatial distribution of
the drug after the injection, in order to
estimate accurately the region of the brain that
the drug has affected. The research data consist
of the measurements of the amounts of drug in
each of 50 cylindrical tissue samples (see Figure
1 and Table 1). Each cylinder has length 0.76 mm
and diameter 0.66 mm. The centers of the parallel
cylinders lie on a grid with mesh 1mm X 0.76mm X
1mm, so that the cylinders touch one another on
their circular bases but not along their sides,
as shown in the accompanying figure. The
injection was made near the center of the
cylinder with the highest scintillation count.
Naturally, one expects that there is a drug also
between the cylinders and outside the region
covered by the samples. - Estimate the distribution in the region affected
by the drug. - One unit represents a scintillation count, or
4.753e-13 mole of dopamine. For example, the
table shows that the middle rear cylinder
contains 28353 units. - Table 1. Amounts of drug in each of 50
cylindrical tissue samples. Rear vertical
section 164 442 1320 414 188 480 7022 14411 5158
352 2091 23027 28353 13138 681 789 21260 20921
11731 727 213 1303 3765 1715 453 Front vertical
section 163 324 432 243 166 712 4055 6098 1048
232 2137 15531 19742 4785 335 444 11431 14960
3182 301 294 2061 1036 258 188
24 25 - D. Explain to team that sometimes two very
different solutions to the same problem can both
be correct. (In the problem that follows, two
separate solutions that won awards were both
wedges but they pointed in opposite directions
and worked very differently.)
26Differently Approached Problem
- 2003 MCM ProblemsPROBLEM A The Stunt Person
- An exciting action scene in a movie is going to
be filmed, and you are the stunt coordinator! A
stunt person on a motorcycle will jump over an
elephant and land in a pile of cardboard boxes to
cushion their fall. You need to protect the stunt
person, and also use relatively few cardboard
boxes (lower cost, not seen by camera, etc.). - Your job is to
- determine what size boxes to use
- determine how many boxes to use
- determine how the boxes will be stacked
- determine if any modifications to the boxes would
help - generalize to different combined weights (stunt
person motorcycle) and different jump heights - Note that, in "Tomorrow Never Dies", the James
Bond character on a motorcycle jumps over a
27 - E. Explain to team that sometimes we turn in a
good solution, but it doesnt win an award. The
competition is tough and there are many good
28Good solution with no award problem
- Radio Channel Assignments
- We seek to model the assignment of radio channels
to a symmetric network of transmitter locations
over a large planar area, so as to avoid
interference. One basic approach is to partition
the region into regular hexagons in a grid
(honeycomb-style), as shown in Figure 1, where a
transmitter is located at the center of each
hexagon. -
- Figure 1
- An interval of the frequency spectrum is to be
allotted for transmitter frequencies. The
interval will be divided into regularly spaced
channels, which we represent by integers 1, 2, 3,
... . Each transmitter will be assigned one
positive integer channel. The same channel can be
used at many locations, provided that
interference from nearby transmitters is avoided.
Our goal is to minimize the width of the interval
in the frequency spectrum that is needed to
assign channels subject to some constraints. This
is achieved with the concept of a span. The span
is the minimum, over all assignments satisfying
the constraints, of the largest channel used at
any location. It is not required that every
channel smaller than the span be used in an
assignment that attains the span. - Let s be the length of a side of one of the
hexagons. We concentrate on the case that there
are two levels of interference. - Requirement A There are several constraints on
frequency assignments. First, no two transmitters
within distance 4s of each other can be given the
same channel. Second, due to spectral spreading,
transmitters within distance 2s of each other
must not be given the same or adjacent channels
Their channels must differ by at least 2. Under
these constraints, what can we say about the span
29Requirement B Repeat Requirement A, assuming the
grid in the example spreads arbitrarily far in
all directions. Requirement C Repeat
Requirements A and B, except assume now more
generally that channels for transmitters within
distance 2s differ by at least some given integer
k, while those at distance at most 4s must still
differ by at least one. What can we say about the
span and about efficient strategies for designing
assignments, as a function of k? Requirement D
Consider generalizations of the problem, such as
several levels of interference or irregular
transmitter placements. What other factors may be
important to consider? Requirement E Write an
article (no more than 2 pages) for the local
newspaper explaining your findings.
30 - F. Discuss How to Use the Internet.
- i. Lost or unsure on how to start on problem?
Try typing key words into internet search engine.
- ii. Books and journals make better references
than web pages see if you can use internet to
find a useful journal article/book. Dont just
use web pages as source.
31 - G. Discuss Role of Software
- i. Mathematica, SPSS, Matlab, SASare all
potential valuable resources. - ii. Inform them of location of all computer
manuals/reference books Ive gathered from
32 - H. Explain that their classes are their first
priority and the contest works around their
classes and their obligations for class.
However, in order to do well in the contest,
their best effort after completing their class
obligations will be necessary.
33 - I. Pass out two old contest problems. Their
assignment is to meet with their team members
over the weekend and brain storm approaches to
the problems. The results of that exercise are
part of the discussion at the next meeting.
345. Pre-contest meetings.
- A. Discuss results of brainstorming on the two
dry-run problems. - B. Provide them with a letter from me explaining
to instructors that the contest is time intensive
and any arrangements they can make postponing
assignments tests for team members is
appreciated. They can choose to use the letter
if they prefer.
35 - C. Discuss the importance of the write-up.
- i. The write-up is as important as the actual
solution. - ii. The summary page is more important than the
solution. I suspect papers with a poor summary
page never have more than the summary page read
by a judge.
36 - iii. The instructions provide a preferred format
for the paper. Do not stray from that format - Restatement Clarification of the Problem - state
in your own words what you are going to
do.Assumptions with Rationale/Justification -
emphasize those assumptions that bear on the
problem. List clearly all variables used in your
model. - Model Design and justification for type model
used/developed. - Model Testing and Sensitivity Analysis, including
error analysis, etc. - Discuss strengths and weakness to your model or
approach. - Provide algorithms in words, figures, or flow
charts (as a step by step algorithmic approach)
for all computer codes developed.
- Each page of the solution should contain the team
control number and the page number at the top of
the page we suggest using a page header on each
page, for example Team 321 Page 6 of 13. ( I
now require all my teams to know how to do this
before contest starts). - iv. Provide them with a copy of one of our best
past papers along with a copy of a former contest
winner to help them design the write-up of their
solution. - v. Warn them against padding their paper with
statements that attempt to boost the mathematical
prowess by discussing techniques/concepts they
did not come close to using (avoid trying to snow
the judges, they know better). - vi. Inform them that graphs and figures which
help explain ideas are generally well-received
and preferred over long, long blocks of texts.
38 D. Explain Sensitivity, Stability and Error
Analysis in Modeling. Included in my discussion
of these topics are examples taken from former
winning papers or good papers of my own past team
39E. Discuss suggested time frame (admittedly my
stated deadlines are later than some others I
have seen suggested but seem more realistic to
me). i. Problem selection Friday noon at
latest, Thursday midnight preferred. ii. Basic
model developed Saturday early afternoon at
latest (refined model and possibly alternate
model by Sunday early evening). iii. Write-up
begin by Sunday afternoon. Immediately after
basic model developed is preferred, then write as
you go. iv. Summary page Introduction
Monday afternoon, but plan on devoting time and
care on this part. Dont attempt to write these
parts until solution is completed. v. Paper
submitted to advisor One hour before deadline
to be on the safe side.
40 - F. Discuss division of labor.
- i. Different duties can be undertaken at the
same time for team members. For example, one
member might work on refining the model, while
another is writing code and the other could be
writing the document. - ii. All three members dont have to contribute to
each basic duty of the project. Perhaps one will
not write code, or perhaps one will not
contribute to the writing or producing the actual
document. Each team member can use their own
41- G. Explain arrangements with Public Safety
concerning access to buildings and rooms 24 hours
per day.
426. Post-Contest Meeting.
- A. Usually about 2 weeks after contest, giving
them some time to rest up and catch up in
classes. - B. Main purpose is to have fun.
- C. Gives them a chance to find out what the other
team did and to talk about what they worked so
hard on. - D. Gives me a chance to critique their work in
person, thank their contribution and find out
what they did that worked and what didnt work.
437. Last Comments
- A. Beyond my current job as a math professor,
Ive previously worked as an instructor and also
as a coach. My role as MCM advisor has been more
like that of a coach, providing advice,
encouragement and resource in addition to
information and knowledge. - B. You can learn a lot by reading the judges
commentary that is included with the printing of
the outstanding papers. - C. I feel any team that has given their best
effort, learned math and possibly submitted a
solution has had a successful contest. When our
teams have gone beyond this level of success, I
feel two of the largest factors have been how
bright and hard-working our students have been
and how well our faculty as a group have
taught/inspired these students in their math
courses throughout their entire time at the
44- D. Be clear and upfront about the nature of the
contest when recruiting team members, you are
more likely to end up with a dedicated team that
will have a rewarding experience. - E. For some students who have done this
contest, it is the highlight of their
college experience. The significance of the MCM
lies in the influence it has upon the contestants
and as founder Ben Fusaro has noted,
45- "the confidence that this experience engenders.