Title: Welcome to the Tosa East Math Department
1 Welcome to the Tosa East Math Department!
- Sara Cortichiato
- Department Chair
- corticsa_at_wauwatosa.k12.wi.us
- 414-773-2175
2Where do you see yourself after high school?
- Employment (8)
- College/University (78)
- Technical College (14)
3Important Facts
- Almost all Colleges and Universities require
Advanced Algebra or higher! - Two-year colleges require at least two years of
math students with more are better prepared
4Options for Seniors
- Advanced Algebra
- Pre-Calculus
- College Prep
- Statistics Discrete Math
- AP Calculus (AB or BC)
- Statistics Discrete Math
- New Electives being discussed
5Options for Juniors
- Geometry
- Advanced Algebra
- Accelerated Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus
6Options for Sophomores
- Accelerated Advanced Algebra
- Advanced Algebra
7Options for Freshmen
- Accelerated Geometry
- Geometry
8Side by Side Comparison
9Math Support Systems
- Math Emphasis
- Tutoring by Mu Alpha Theta
- Help from teachers before and after school, study
10Summer School Options
- Algebra A
- Algebra B
- Advanced Algebra
- Summer Transition Program
Keep this in the back of your mind, as an option
if your student fails a course.
11Regent Admission Index Calculator (Iowa )
Test score ACT SAT Composite score  Â
High school rank Position in class Size of
class Grade-point average   out of
Number of completed core courses Regent
Admission Index Formula(2 x ACT composite score)
(1 x high school rank) (20 x high school
grade-point average) (5 x number of high school
courses completed in the core subject areas)
Score http//www2.state.ia.us/regents/rai/index.h
tml Want greater than 245 for admission