Title: Pay Attention http:t4'jordan'k12'ut'ust4contentview22135
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2Pay Attentionhttp//t4.jordan.k12.ut.us/t4/conten
3Expanding our Boundaries- Embracing the Edge
Pushing Our AssumptionsWelcome to the 21st
- Changes and Transitions-- Change and tension
are constant in the life of school professionals - Some change is from observation of a need
- Some our the results of outside trends
economic, societal, demographics - We need to be internally focused and externally
4Changing Learning Landscape
Trend 1 Social and intellectual capital are the
new economic values in the world economy. This
new economy will be held together and advanced
through the building of relationships. Unleashing
and connecting the collective knowledge, ideas,
and experiences of people creates and heightens
value. Educators will need to stay abreast of the
developments in society so they will know what
knowledge and skills their students will need to
be prepared for the future.
SourceJournal of School Improvement, Volume 3,
Issue 1, Spring 2002http//www.ncacasi.org/jsi/20
5Changing Learning Landscape
Trend 4 Education Will Shift from Averages to
Individuals. (Standardization to Personalization)
The trend toward standards and high-stakes
testing will likely incite a movement toward
ensuring that support is provided for individual
students to reach high levels of learning.
Demand will grow for personalization rather
than a system often driven by prescribed
high-stakes tests that produce averages, demand
uniformity, and sustain a scoreboard mentality.
6Changing Learning Landscape
Trend 7 Technology will increase the speed of
communication and the pace of advancement or
decline. Using participatory media educators
will help todays students shape tomorrows
world. Teachers will become partners with
students- using learning communities to open the
classroom to the world. They will deal with real
world problems and opportunities while gaining a
global perspective.
7"The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going
no one knows where. We must prepare our children,
not for the world of the past. Not for our world.
But for their world. The world of the future."
Learning by doing. Learning through real and
authentic experiences.
John Dewey in 1940
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9Rethinking Teaching and Learning
- Multiliterate
- Change in Pedagogy
- Change in the Way Classrooms are Managed
- Everyone is an Active Content Creator
- Collaboration and Communication Inside and
Outside the Classroom -
10Flawed Assumptions
- That educators naturally understand how to
transfer what you learn here and in other PD
experiences to the classroom. - That teachers need to practice technology on
their own without fear of embarrassment and then
it will transfer to the classroom. - That teachers learn best in inservices and
conferences where as the organizer and presenter
of content they then take what they learned and
apply it. - Good ideas with no ideas on how to implement them
are wasted ideas." - Michael Fullan
11Best Place for Teacher Learning to Take Place
- Professional development should take place in
the Classroom - Place of practice is the best place to learn to
do the work. Situate the learning where you will
be using itin your classroom.
Seymour Papert The teacher should be learning
at the same time as the kids and with the kids.
Etienne Wenger Design of learning environments
cant be a based on a division of labor based on
learners and nonlearners or between those who
organizing the learning and those who realize it.
12Students should be part of the support system for
teacher learning. Students make up 92 of the
population in most schools. We are going to put
92 of school population to work in helping to
solve implement change.
Shift from teacher centered to ones that focus on
enhancing learning process. Strategies
Include Collaboration- peer mentoring- reversed
mentorship.. students provide just in time help
for the teacher and each other. Kids need to
realize that not knowing is where we all
start. We need to make them feel that their
contributions are accepted and valued.
13Personal Learning Networks
- Model how to develop PLNs for your students.
- Look at students not just as colearners in the
curriculum but as co-learners in the effort to
use technology in a constructivist classroom. - Try new things in front of the kids and talk
about what they are doing--model risk taking.
Twitter Ustream K12Online
15Classrooms of the 21st Century are Collaborative,
student centered, project/problem based, student
choice, experiential, democratic, construction of
knowledge is a shared , encourage risk taking--
mistakes are allowed and seen as normal on the
path. Students are active participants in own
learning not seen as an object to be acted
on. Preview of what is to come http//abpc.wikis
16That said.. What are you ideas? What obstacles
do you see to implementing this Shift? Do you
find reversed mentorship threatening? What about
Year 3 excites you the most? What about year 3
scares you? Are you willing to change your
classroom practice?