Title: Zak LiveAction Cartoon Sort Of
1Zak Live-Action Cartoon Sort Of
- Story and Text by Zak Starfighter
- Photography by The Chopper and Zak Starfighter
2This is the crew of an Arthonian Alliance
Mid-Bulk Passenger Transport Ship currently en
route back to the Jedi Temple.
Droid Technicians
5Zak Starfighter
6This is a Perthonian Boarding Party en route to
intercept the Alliance craft.
7With lightning speed, the party intercepts and
boards the craft, killing one of the passengers,
before anyone can react.
8The Duro Technician
Everyone who is able picks up a weapon and fights
back. Both droids go down early on, as does the
Duro technician.
9Pamo defeats the Dark Jedi clad in red, and
aides Zak against the other, while one of the
Stormtroopers takes down a technician.
10Taryyyl defeats the Trandoshan mercenary, eager
to help his friends against the Dark Jedi
11The Perthonian Android defeats his prey while a
technician temporarily gains the upper-hand.
12The co-pilot, finding a chance to leave his post,
saws through the androids neck, rendering it
13Only the Dark Jedi is left on the Perthonian
side, but he seems to be holding his own, even
against four worthy opponents.
14The Dark Jedi uses a Force Push, temporarily
incapacitating his rivals.
15One of the technicians challenges the Dark Jedi
16But he is, in the end, no match for the power of
the Dark Side.
17The gunner, with the Dark Jedi lowering his saber
at gunpoint, believes he is now the victor.
18But the Dark Jedi fools him and stabs him in the
chest as he pushes him to the ground.
19The pilot, being a Wookiee and much stronger than
the Dark Jedi, lifts him off his feet.
20The Wookiee slams the Dark Jedi to the ground,
nearly causing him to lose consciousness.
21The technician he had believed to be dead gets
the drop on him, killing him with a blast to the
22Though the Alliance was victorious in this
encounter, it did not come without a price. They
will mourn the loss of their comrades for years
23The End
- A Zak Starfighter production