Health Psychology Chapter 15: Eating - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Psychology Chapter 15: Eating


rapid weight loss pace originally that slowed to a crawl'- had to cut under half ... not fast to change... suggests we have individual levels of weight we ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Health Psychology Chapter 15: Eating

Health PsychologyChapter 15 Eating Dieting
  • Mansfield University
  • Dr. Craig, Instructor

The Digestive System
  • Human body converts foods (plant and animal
    tissue) into usable components (fats, proteins,
    carbohydrates, vitamins minerals).
  • Materials transported through bloodstream to need
    areas or to be stored
  • Salivary glands- part of taste sensation,
    contains enzyme to break down starches
  • Peristalsis-rhythmic contraction and relaxation
    of muscles lining digestive tract starting in
  • in the stomach it moves food and mix with gastric
    secretions (high acidity) such as pepsin which
    works on proteins.

Digestion Continued
  • Small Intestine
  • balance pH of stomach mix by secreting
    alkalinic pancreatic juices that also help digest
    CHO and fats
  • absorption of starches
  • fats broken down by bile salts stored in gall
    bladder and made in liver
  • fluids absorbed and nutrients/electrolytes
  • Large Intestine
  • further absorption of H20 and manufacture some
  • The Brain
  • Hypothalamus and hyper insulin secretion--
  • Cholecystokin (CCK)- satiety Leptin- reduced
    food intake, increased activity levels

Weight Maintenance
  • Weight flux calories burned calories consumed
  • Consumed
  • CHO (sugar, starches) 4 kcals/gram
  • Proteins 4 kcals/gram
  • Fats 9 kcals/gram
  • Alcohol 7 kcals/gram
  • Fats highest concentration of kcals, alcohol
    most selectively taken by system
  • Burned
  • daily metabolism
  • activities of daily living
  • exercise
  • metabolism varies individually, and under
    different conditions
  • consider weight loss and gain research!!

Experimental Starvation
  • Ancel Keys Research on Normals
  • Design-
  • 3 months as usual eating
  • Reduce ration until 75 of current weight
  • 3 months refeeding
  • Results
  • rapid weight loss pace originally that slowed to
    a crawl- had to cut under half rations to lose
  • irritable, aggressive, neglectful of hygeine
  • food obsessed
  • during refeeding, most men over ate and gain more
    than previous normal weight
  • many did not return to previous mood state

Experimental Overeating
  • Sims Research- to gain 20-30 pounds
  • population of prisoners
  • Findings
  • initial weight gain with the doubling of diet.
    After that a slow down in weight gain requiring
    even more.
  • Food became repulsive
  • after study.. Most returned quickly to normal

  • What can these experiments tells us about common
    perceptions of eating and obesity?
  • Metabolism changes with eating not fast to
    change suggests we have individual levels of
    weight we naturally maintain.
  • Measuring Obesity
  • weight-- muscle, bone and adipose tissue (fat)
  • key is to measure fat and not other components
  • difficult to to with out expensive equipment
  • CAT scan, MRI, Dual-Xray, Ultrasound
  • How can we know then?

Measuring Obesity- Useful measurement
  • Skinfold technique- /-3.5
  • Water Immersion- the archimedes principle
  • Waist-hip Ratio- relative distribution of fat,
    but not fatness though
  • carry fat high (apple) or low (pear)
  • Body Mass Index- kg /m2-- a measure of body
    density relative to height. (See also 15.1 in
  • 27.8 women 27.3 men
  • who doesnt this work well for?
  • Met Life Height-Weight charts (15.2)

Obesity on the Increase
  • Overall obseity in US has increased by 1/3 in the
    past 20 years
  • People (more women) increasingly conscious of and
    dissatisfied with bodies even if weight is
  • On diet even if BMIlt25
  • Dieter have 50 more weight flux than non-dieters
  • Increasing use of dangerous dietary methods.

Explanatory Models of Obesity
  • Why are some people obese?
  • Set-Point Model- weight regulated by a preset
    internal standard
  • studies on experimental starvation and dieting
    are consistent with this.
  • Metabolism changes to counter extreme changes
  • Problems--
  • why may some peoples set-point be at obesity
  • twin studies suggest genetics are a component
    (more so for women apparently)
  • People can/do become obese from overeating
  • Why has obesity increased drastically in recent
  • a set point not consistent with evolutionary

Explanatory Models of Obesity
  • Positive Incentive Model- the positive
    reinforcers of eating have important consequences
    for weight maintenance
  • people learn to regulate their eating
  • Power of incentive varies with
  • personal pleasure in eating
  • social context
  • biological factors
  • Explain variability in obesity
  • food abundance/availability/ VARIETY (research)
  • advertising programs

Obesity Health (See research summary 15.4)
  • Complex question Is obesity in and of itself,
    bad for ones health
  • moderately overweight-- probably not
  • severely (morbid obesity BMI40)-- definitely
  • healthiest BMIs are around 27
  • The U-Shaped Relationship for weight health for
    all-cause mortality.
  • Relationship between weight and CVD risk tends to
    disappear after 65 years (why do you think?)
  • Yo-Yo dieting/Weight Cycling/Weight Loss gt20 lbs
  • more predictive of mortality (even if weight loss
    intentional, why do you think?)
  • Weight Distribution- Apple (2.3X risk) Pears
  • Is dieting healthy? Look above!! Some gain
    actually may be healthy! (Andres, 1995)

Getting Fatter and Dieting More in the USA
  • Why are more people gaining weight than ever?
  • research shows people are less active than ever
    (CATV,videos etc) more likely to eat fast food
    than ever. (Jeffrey French,1998)
  • reduced fat intake (?) but this savings has been
    exchanged for marked increase in simple sugars.
  • Dieting has become big business in a fatter USA
  • we are highly weight conscious
  • 1960s- 10 of adults overweight were dieting
  • 2000- between 50-70 of adults are/have
    moderated dietary behavior even for those not
    morbidly obese
  • 70 of high school girls 20 of boys

Losing Weight
  • 1. Restricting type and amount of intake
  • smaller portions, different types of food
  • Low Carb- High Fat and Protein
  • Sugar Busters and Atkinss Diet
  • potentially dangerous diet not based on many
    experts claim is based on inaccurate readings of
  • High Carb- Very Low Fat (15 or less)
  • Ornish Diet and many vegetarian diets
  • difficult and extreme diet leaving little room
    for fudging
  • good evidence that it reverses atherosclerotic
  • Liquid diets-
  • nutritionally balanced, but very boring! Often
    administered typically in hospital settings for
    morbidly obese (VLCD)

Losing Weight
  • 2. Changing Eating Behaviors
  • Behavior modification approaches- eating and
    craving diaries kept, table behaviors (slow down,
    leave food, chew etc.), awareness training of
    what and when certain foods are eaten.
  • reinforcement of good eating habits, not weight
  • 3. Exercise
  • speeds up metabolism, counters metabolic slowdown
    during dieting alters distribution of fat
  • 4. Drastic Methods- lipo, drugs, stomach
    surgery, VLCD

Success and Failure in Dieting
  • Maintaining weight loss is very difficult but
    odds are improved with
  • formal programs with post treatment programs
  • include social support, exercise outlets,
    continued therapist contact
  • Perri et al, 1988-
  • 17 non- post treatment maintained
  • 67 post treatment maintained
  • self-efficacy
  • Obese children who lose weight are more likely to
    keep it off
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