Title: Lowx Observables at RHIC with a focus on PHENIX
1Low-x Observables at RHIC (with a focus on
- Prof. Brian A Cole
- Columbia University
- Outline
- Low-x physics of heavy ion collisions
- PHENIX Et and multiplicity measurements
- PHOBOS dn/d? measurements
- High-pt hadrons geometric scaling ??
- Summary
2Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
- Run 1 (2000) Au-Au _at_ ?SNN 130 GeV
- Run 2 (2001-2) Au-Au, p-p _at_ ?SNN 200 GeV
- (1-day run) AuAu _at_ ?SNN 20 GeV
- Run 3 (2003) d-Au, p-p _at_ ?SNN 200 GeV
3Collision seen in Target Rest Frame
- Projectile boost ? ? 104.
- Due to Lorentz contraction gluons overlap
longitudinally - They combine producing large(r) kt gluons.
- Apply uncertainty princ.
- ?E kt2 / 2Px ? / 2 ?t
- Some numbers
- mid-rapidity ? x ? 10-2
- Nuclear crossing ?t 10 fm/c
- kt2 2 GeV2
- Gluons with much lower kt are frozen during
collision. - Target simply stimulates emission of pre-existing
4How Many Gluons (rough estimate) ?
- Measurements of transverse energy
(Et ? E sin?) in head on Au-Au collisions
give dEt / d? 600 GeV (see below). - Assume primordial gluons carry same Et
- Gluons created at proper time ? and rapidity y
appear at spatial z ? ?z? ? sinh y - So dz ? cosh y dy
- In any local (long.) rest frame ?z ? ?y.
- dEt / d3x dEt / d? / A? (neglecting y, ?
difference) - For Au-Au collision, A ? 6.82 ? 150 fm2.
- Take ? 1/kt , dEt kt dNg
- dNg /d3x 600 GeV/ 150 fm2 / 0.2 GeV fm 20
fm-3 - For kt 1 GeV/c, dNg / dA 4 fm-2
- Very large gluon densities and fluxes.
5Centrality in Heavy Ion Collisions
Impact parameter (b)
- Violence of collision determined by b.
- Characterize collision by Npart
- of nucleons that participate or scatter in
collision. - Nucleons that dont participate we call
spectators. - A 197 for Au ? maximum Npart in Au-Au is 394.
- Smaller b ? larger Npart , more central
collisions - Use Glauber formalism to estimate Npart for
experimental centrality cuts (below).
6Saturation in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Kharzeev, Levin, Nardi Model
- Large gluon flux in highly boosted nucleus
- When probe w/ resolution Q2 sees
multiple partons, twist expansion fails - i.e. when ?? gtgt 1
- New scale Qs2 ? Q2 at which ?? 1
- Take cross section ? ? ?s(Q2) / Q2
- Gluon area density in nucleus ? ? xG(x, Q2)
?nucleon - Then solve Qs2 constants ?s (Qs2) xG(x,
Qs2) ?nucleon - Observe Qs depends explicitly on ?nucleon
- KLN obtain Qs2 2 GeV2 at center of Au nucleus.
- But gluon flux now can now be related to Qs
- ? ? Qs2 / ?s (Qs2)
7Saturation Applied to HI Collisions
- Use above approach to determine gluon flux in
incident nuclei in Au-Au collisions. - Assume constant fraction, c, of these gluons are
liberated by the collision. - Assume parton-hadron duality
- Number of final hadrons ? number of emitted
gluons - To evaluate centrality dependence
- ?nucleon ? ½ ?part
- Only count participants from one nucleus for Qs
- To evaluate energy dependence
- Take Qs s dependence from Golec-Biernat Wüsthof
- Qs(s) / Qs(s0) (s/s0)?/2, ? 0.3.
- Try to describe gross features of HI collisions
- e.g. Multiplicity (dN/d?), transverse energy (dEt
/ d?)
8Low-x Observables in PHENIX
Charged Multiplicity Pad Chambers RPC1 2.5
m RPC3 5.0 m ?lt0.35, ??? Transverse
Energy Lead-Scintillator EMCal REMC 5.0
m ?lt0.38, ?? (5/8)? Trigger Centrality
Beam-Beam Counters 3.0lthlt3.9, ?? 2? 0º
Calorimeters h gt 6, Z18.25 m
Collision Region (not to scale)
9PHENIX Centrality Selection
- Zero-degree calorimeters
- Measure energy (EZDC) in spectator
neutrons. - Smaller b ? smaller EZDC
- Except _at_ large b neutrons carried by nuclear
fragments. - Beam-beam counters
- Measure multiplicity (QBBC) in nucleon frag.
region. - Smaller b ? larger QBBC
- Make cuts on EZDC vs QBBC according to fraction
of ?tot above the cut. - State centrality bins by fractional range of
?tot - E.g. 0-5 ? 5 most central
10Charged Particle Multiplicity Measurement
- Count particles on statistical basis
- Turn magnetic field off.
- Form track candidates from hits on two
pad chambers. - Require tracks to point to beamline and
match vertex from beam-beam detector. - Nchg ? number of such tracks.
- Determine background from false tracks by
event mixing - Correct for acceptance, ?
conversions, hadronic interactions in material. - Show multiplicity distributions for
0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20
centrality bins compared to minimum
Minimum bias
11PHENIX Et in EM Calorimeter
Sample M?? Minv Dist.
- Definition Et ? Ei sin?i
- Ei Eitot - mN for baryons
- Ei Eitot mN for antibaryons
- Ei Eitot for others
- Correct for fraction of deposited energy
- 100 for ?, ?0, 70 for ??
- Correct for acceptance
- Energy calibration by
- Minimum ionizing part.
- electron E/p matching
- ?0 mass peak
- Plot Et dists for 0-5, 5-10, 10-15,
15-20 centrality bins compared to minimum bias.
12Et and Nchg Per Participant Pair
PHENIX preliminary
PHENIX preliminary
Beware of suppressed zero !
- Bands (bars) correlated (total) syst. Errors
- Slow change in Et and Nchg per participant pair
- Despite ?20 change in total Et or Nchg
13Et Per Charged Particle
- Centrality dependence of Et and Nchg very
similar _at_ 130, 200 GeV. - Take ratio Et per charged particle.
- ? perfectly constant
- Little or no dependence on beam energy.
- Non-trivial given ?s dependence of hadron
composition. - Implication
- Et / Nchg determined by physics of hadronization.
- Only one of Nchg, Et can be saturation
PHENIX preliminary
14Multiplicity Model Comparisons
HIJING X.N.Wang and M.Gyulassy, PRL 86, 3498
(2001) Mini-jet S.Li and X.W.Wang
Phys.Lett.B52785-91 (2002) EKRT K.J.Eskola et
al, Nucl Phys. B570, 379 and Phys.Lett. B 497,
39 (2001) KLN D.Kharzeev and M. Nardi, Phys.Lett.
B503, 121 (2001) D.Kharzeev and E.Levin,
Phys.Lett. B523, 79 (2001)
- KLN saturation model well describes dN/d? vs
Npart. - Npart variation due to Qs dependence on ?part
(?nucleon). - EKRT uses final-state saturation too strong
!! - Mini-jet soft model (HIJING) does less well.
- Improved Mini-jet model does better.
- Introduces an Npart dependent hard cutoff (p0)
- Ad Hoc saturation ??
15Multiplicity Energy Dependence
- ?s dependence an important test of saturation
- Determined by s dependence of Qs from HERA data
- KLN Saturation model correctly predicted the
change in Nchg between 200 and 130 GeV. - And the lack of Npart dependence in the ratio.
- Compared to mini-jet (HIJING) model.
16dN/d? Measurements by PHOBOS
- PHOBOS covers large ? range w/ silicon detectors
h-ln tan q/2
- Total Nchg (central collision)
- 5060 250 _at_ 200 GeV
- 4170 210 _at_ 130 GeV
- 1680 100 _at_ 19.6 GeV
17dN/d? Saturation Model Comparisons
Kharzeev and Levin Phys. Lett. B52379-87, 2001
- Additional model input
- x dependence of G(x) outside saturation region
- xG(x) x-? (1-x)4
- GLR formula for inclusive gluon emission
- To evaluate yield when one of nuclei is out
of saturation. - Assumption of gluon mass (for y ? ?)
- M2 Qs 1 GeV
- Compare to PHOBOS data at 130 GeV.
- Incredible agreement ?!!
dN/d? per part. pair
18Classical Yang-Mills Calculation
Krasnitz,Nara,Venugopalan Nucl. Phys. A717268,
- Treat initial gluon fields as classical fields
using M-V initial conditions. - Solve classical equations of motion on the
lattice. - At late times, use harm. osc. approx. to obtain
gluon yield and kt dist. - Results depend on input saturation scale ?s.
- Re-scaled to compare to data.
- No absolute prediction
- But centrality dependence of Nchg and Et
reproduced. - But Et /Nchg sensitive to ?s.
19Saturation Bottom-up Senario
- BMSS start from identical assumptions as KLN
but - Qs (b0) ? 0.8 GeV.
- Argue that resulting value for c, 3, is too
large. - Then evaluate what happens to gluons after
emission - In particular, gluon splitting, thermalization.
- Nchg no longer directly proportional to xG(x,Qs)
- Extra factors of ?s
- Agrees with (PHOBOS) data.
- Faster decrease at low Npart than in KLN (?)
- More reasonable c, c lt 1.5
Baier, Mueller, Schiff, and Son Phys. Lett.
B50251, 2001. Baier, Mueller, Schiff, and Son
Phys. Lett. B53946-52, 2002
20High-pt Hadron Production
Ratio Measured/expected Points data, lines
PHENIX ?0 pt spectra
No dE/dx
with dE/dx
- High-pt hadron yield predicted to be suppressed
in heavy ion collisions due to radiative energy
loss (dE/dx). - Suppression observed in central Au-Au data
- ? x 5 suppression for pt gt 4 GeV
- Consistent with calculations including dE/dx.
- What does this have to do with low x ?
21Geometric Scaling _at_ RHIC ?
- Argument
- Geometric scaling extends well above Qs
- May influence pt spectra at high pt
- Compare saturation to pQCD at 6, 9 GeV/c
- Saturation x3 lower in central collisions.
- Partly responsible for high-pt suppression ?
- Testable prediction
- Effect ½ as large should be seen in d-Au
collisions. - Data in few months
Kharzeev, Levin, McLerran (hep-ph/0210332)
Yield per participant pair
- Saturation models can successfully describe
particle multiplicities in HI collisions at RHIC. - With few uncontrolled parameters Qs(s0), c.
- Closest thing we have to ab initio calculation
- They provide falsifiable predictions !
- Connect RHIC physics to DIS observables
- ?s dependence of dN/d? ? saturation in DIS .
- Geometric scaling ? high pt production _at_ RHIC
- Already going beyond simplest description
- e.g. bottom-up analysis.
- But, there are still many issues (e.g.)
- What is the value for Qs ? Is it large enough ?
- Is Qs really proportional to ?part (A1/3)?
- How is dn/d? related to number of emitted gluons
? - How do we conclusively decide that saturation
applies (or not) to initial state at RHIC ?