Title: SALE PREP 2003 WORKSHOP Designation by Description
1SALE PREP 2003WORKSHOPDesignation by Description
- NFMA and OGC Interpretation
- Pros and Cons of use of DxD
- Sale Prep and Sale Administration
- Example of Contract Provisions and Draft
- The National Forest Management Act of 1976 gives
us the authority to sell trees. It also has a
statutory limit on how they are designated. The
Act also states that designation must be done by
persons employed by the Secretary of Agriculture.
Such persons shall have no personal interest in
the purchase or harvest of such products.
- Office of General Counsel in 1993 further
reinforced NFMA due to concerns of sales used
for purchasers choice. - Litmus Test for on the ground results.
4Cons of DxD
- Most all sale administers prefer sales painted.
- Cruise of sale is well defined in cut vs. leave.
- Accountability in some cases may not be 100
there. - Learning curve of fallers both hand and
mechanical. - One size does not fit all units.
- Not always in best interest to sell by Tree
Measurement Sale method.
5Pros of DxD
- In thinnings the size and number of trees per
acre make marking very labor intense. - Cost of Paint. Orange is approximately 8 per
quart. - Health issue, real or not using paint.
- Very Efficient in sale preparation work. May
help reduce from a below cost sale to profitable
6Sale Prep
- Challenge to do the cruise design and production
cruise. - Challenge to explain the description in a simple
manner in the C-provision. This is the place we
mess up most. When you can interpret it two
ways, we lose. - Challenge to be assured all that is removed is
compensated or paid for. This true especially
when adding and deleting volume. - Make sure the Rx is met.
7Sale Admin
- Efficiency concern. With the use of mechanical
fallers we do not want the operator having to get
in and out of the rig. - Accountability. Are they cutting designated trees
or leaving designated trees. Most stumps are now
cut to practically ground level on small trees. - SAs and Harvest Inspectors will probably have to
spend more time on the ground checking
trees/stumps. - Are legal NFMA requirements met.
8DxD Examples
- Clear cuts
- Designation by diameter
- Combination of diameter, spacing, species
- Species
- Combination of some paint and description
9 C2.351 DESIGNATION BY SPACING. (7/01) Within
Subdivision(s) or cutting unit(s) ,
as shown on Sale Area Map, all 1/
trees, except trees designated by paint or
description to be left uncut, that meet the
Utilization Standards and one or more of the
following criteria are designated for cutting.
All 1/ shall be left as leave
trees. (a) The tree is within 2/ feet
of a 1/ tree that has a larger stump
diameter than it and the larger tree is not
designated for cutting. (b) The tree is within 2/
feet of a 1/ tree greater
than or equal to 3/ inches stump
diameter and this tree is not designated for
cutting. Distances are measured slope distance,
outside bark stump height to outside bark stump
height. Stump diameter is measured outside bark
at stump height in a horizontal plane. Additional
trees to be cut, if any, are designated for
cutting if Marked above and below stump height
with 4/ paint. No tree greater than
or equal to 3/ inches stump diameter
shall be cut unless Marked for cutting above and
below stump height with 4/ paint.
Cutting unit boundaries and trees that shall be
left uncut are Marked above and below stump
height with 4/ paint.
All which meet the minimum tree diameter
stated in A2 are designated for cutting.
Additional timber to be cut, if any, will be
designated for cutting in accordance with
B2.37. Trees, pursuant to B2.35 parts (a) and
(b), are not authorized to be cut and removed
without Forest Service approval.
(7/01) Trees that meet the Utilization Standards
are designated for cutting, as shown on the Tree
Designation Table and Sale Area Map, except trees
designated by paint to be left uncut. Stump
diameter is measured outside bark at stump height
in a horizontal plane. All 1/ shall
be left as leave trees. Tree Designation
Leave trees of the designated cut species, 2/
inches stump diameter or greater, must
be left to avoid leave tree spacing greater than
3/ feet. Additional trees to be cut,
if any, are designated for cutting if Marked with
4/ paint above and below stump
height. Cutting unit boundaries and trees that
shall be left uncut are Marked with 4/
paint above and below stump height.
Within Subdivision(s) or cutting unit(s)
, as shown on Sale Area Map, the following
criteria are used to designate trees and other
products for cutting and removal (a)
__________________________. (b) Additional trees
to be cut, if any, are designated for cutting if
Marked with 2/ paint above and below
stump height. (c) Cutting unit boundaries and
trees that shall be left uncut are Marked with 2/
paint above and below stump height.
Within Subdivision(s) or cutting unit(s)
, as shown on Sale Area Map, all 1/
trees meeting Utilization Standards located in
every 2/ row is designated for
cutting. The first row to be cut and removed is
designated 3/ . Subsequent rows to be
cut shall be established from the first
row. Additional trees to be cut, if any, are
designated for cutting if Marked with 4/
paint above and below stump height. Cutting
unit boundaries and trees that shall be left
uncut are Marked with 4/ paint above
and below stump height.
(1/93) All which meet the minimum
tree diameter stated in A2 are designated for
cutting. Additional timber to be cut, if any,
will be designated for cutting in accordance with
B2.35. 1/ All live unpruned Douglas-fir and
live unpruned Western Hemlock will be
cut inside Subdivisions 2, 4 and 5 If
it is within 9 feet of any of the
following a. a pruned conifer or b.
a Western Red Cedar with DBH 8.0 inches or
greater, or c. a live tree with a larger
stump diameter. (That live tree with a
larger stump diameter will remain standing after
logging is complete.) All skyline
corridors, processor /forwarder roads and
temporary roads and
landings clearing limits shall be identified and
approved per C6.42, prior
to this provision being implemented. Definition
s Distances are measured slope distance,
outside bark stump height to
outside bark stump height. Stump height is 4
inches on the high side of the tree. Stump
diameter is measured at stump height
perpendicular to the bole of
the tree. Pruned trees have branches removed
to 16 feet or higher.
(1/93) All which meet the minimum
tree diameter stated in A2 are designated for
cutting. Additional timber to be cut, if any,
will be designated for cutting in accordance with
B2.35. 1/ Subdivision/Unit 2, 4d, 4e, 4h, 4k
and 4l live trees not marked with orange paint
that are within 40 feet slope distance of a
double-banded, numbered orange painted tree are
designated for removal. Live trees within 25
feet slope distance of other orange painted trees
(not including boundary designated trees) within
the unit are designated for removal. After the
above criteria are met the following designate by
description is implemented as follows Live
Douglas-fir, live Western Hemlock and live true
firs will be cut if it is within 11 feet slope
distance of a live tree with a larger stump
diameter. (That live tree with the larger stump
diameter will remain standing after logging is
16Definitions Distances are measured slope
distance, outside bark stump height to
outside bark stump height.
Stump height is 4 inches on the high side of
the tree. Stump diameter is measured at stump
height perpendicular to the bole of
MIXED WITH PAINT Example Seven Jump Timber Sale
(Logged 99) Late Successional
Reserve 75 yr fire regenerated
Df, WH, with minor amounts of NF, WP, and WRC
Helicopter Yarding
Prescription Leave dominant tree in sparse
clumps to encourage multi-story
stand and grow old growth. Variable thin
remainder of area. Overall 40
crown closure. What we did Double banded
dominant tree with orange paint. Cut trees
within 40 feet of the
double banded tree.
Single band other dominant and co-dominants and
cut trees within 25 feet.
Designate by Description remaining area using 11
feet spacing. Dominant
pods were created at 1 per 2 acres.
Fixed Plot Cruised
17(No Transcript)
18C2.35 - Individual Tree Designation. (1/93) All
1/ which meet the minimum tree diameter stated
in A2 are designated for cutting. Additional
timber to be cut, if any, will be designated for
cutting in accordance with B2.35. 1/ All trees
in Units 1 and 2 if it is within 10 feet of a
live tree with a larger stump diameter. That live
tree with the largest stump diameter will remain
standing after logging is complet All trees in
Unit 3 if it is within 15 feet of a live tree
with a larger stump diameter. That live tree with
the largest stump diameter will remain standing
after logging is complete. No trees shall be cut
if they are larger than the maximum stump
diameter measured at 4 inches above the ground on
the high side of the tree as shown in the
following table
19(No Transcript)
All live trees designated by description 1/ in
Harvest Units 6, 7, 8, 17 and 18, all live trees
not marked with orange paint above and below
stump height in Harvest Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10,
12, 13, 15, 16, 20 and 25, and live trees marked
with blue paint above and below stump height in
Harvest Unit 14 which meet the minimum tree
diameter stated in AT2 are designated for
cutting. Additional timber to be cut, if any,
will be designated for cutting in accordance with
BT2.35. 1/ The following trees shall be left and
are expressly not designated for cutting and/or
removal a) Dead trees. b) Trees marked with
orange paint above and below stump height. c)
Trees with stumps 24 or larger in diameter. d)
Shasta red fir, sugar pine and western white
pine. Of the remaining trees, these are
designated for cutting and removal a) Lodgepole
pine and white fir. b) Trees with stumps within
35 feet of a live ponderosa pine or sugar pine
stump 24 or larger in diameter. c) Trees with
stumps within 12 feet of a stump of an orange
marked live ponderosa pine. d) Trees with stumps
within 12 feet of a live larger-stump-diameter
ponderosa pine that is not designated for
cutting. Definitions/clarifications a) Distances
are measured slope distances, outside bark stump
height to outside bark stump height. b) Stump
height diameter measurements will be considered
as 4 inches on the high side of the tree. c)
Stump diameter is measured at stump height
perpendicular to the bole of the tree. d) Harvest
Unit boundary trees will not be used in spacing
218 SF
10 SP
15 WP
26 LP
10 PP
21 WF
24 PP
24 LP
22 PP
16 LP
28 SP
20 PP
28 WF
12 PP
10 LP
15 PP
9 PP
30 PP
14 PP
22 PP
11 PP
10 PP
10 PP
23 PP
24 PP
22DXD Recommendations
- Mark skyline roads ahead of DxD
- When mechanized equipment is used purchaser can
use paint (no stump marks needed) so operator can
see trees to be cut - Offer a tour to prospective purchasers to show
how DxD works - Go over DxD in pre work meeting
- When do you check DxD (as they are marking,
falling, yarding) Final acceptance is after
completion of logging
23- Document mistakes (too many trees left, cut too
many trees) - Show mistakes to purchaser rep or appropriate
person - How will you handle fork trees (2 trees or 1)
- For prune trees that you want saved you can cut a
larger tree as long as the desired prune tree
remains - Mix paint with DxD for complicated Rx
- How to cruise, tree or area based. In cruise
plot establish leave or cut trees
24DxD Conclusion
- With the Appropriations Act for FY 03 giving
Stewardship contracts 10 year approval, DXD is
allowed without NFMA restraints. Regular timber
sales will meet NFMA requirements. The National
timber program must be subsidized. However we
still must be cost efficient. - Smaller trees more ground to cover.
- Time efficient.
- What about combining weight sales and DxD less
cruising . - Another tool to add to help the field.