The progeny of binary white dwarf mergers extreme helium stars, R CrB stars and subdwarf B stars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The progeny of binary white dwarf mergers extreme helium stars, R CrB stars and subdwarf B stars


24, June 2002. white dwarf mergers. The progeny of binary white dwarf mergers; ... Progeny of WD WD mergers ? Extreme Helium stars. RCrB stars. subdwarf B stars ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The progeny of binary white dwarf mergers extreme helium stars, R CrB stars and subdwarf B stars

The progeny of binary white dwarf mergers
extreme helium stars, R CrB stars and subdwarf
B stars
  • Simon Jeffery, Armagh Observatory, N Ireland
    Hideyuki Saio, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
    The British Council

based on work published in MNRAS 313, 671 and
MNRAS 333, 121,and also MNRAS 321,111, AA 376,
497, .
  • white dwarf - white dwarf binaries
  • merged binary white dwarf models
  • HeHe
  • COHe
  • COCO
  • V652 Her as an HeHe merger
  • EHes and RCrBs as COHe mergers
  • sdB and sdO stars as mergers
  • Conclusions

white-dwarf white-dwarf binaries
  • Star Type P (h) Reference
  • WD0135-052 Saffer et al. (1988)WD2032248 Rin
    gwald (1988)WD0957-666 Bragaglia et al.
    (1990)PG1101364 Marsh (1995)WD1713332 Mars
    h et al. (1995)WD1241-010WD1317453WD2331290H
    S05070434 Jordan et al. (1998)PG0922162 Fin
    ley Koester (1997)WD0136768 Maxted et al.
  • Feige 55 Holberg et al. (1995)
  • CE315 Ruiz et al. (2001)HE1414-0848 Napiwotsk
    i et al. (2002)RX J0806.31527 Israel et al.
    (2002)RX J0439.8-6809 van Teeseling etal.
    (1997)RX J191424 Cropper et al. (1998)
  • X1850-087 Homer et al. (1996)G61-29 Nather
    et al. (1981)EUVE J143975.0 Vennes et al.
    (1999)LB 11146 Schmidt et al. (1998)

white-dwarf white-dwarf binaries
  • birth rate 0.05 yr-1 Galaxy-1 (Nelemans et
    al. 2001)
  • type 20 are COHe WD (Nelemans et al
  • number 2.5 108 Galaxy-1 (Nelemans et al.
  • period distribution(Nelemans et al. 2001,
    Maxted et al. 2002)
  • merger timescales ?m107 (P/h)8/3 ?-1
    (M/M?)-2/3 yr (Landau Lifshitz 1958)
  • COHe merger frequency ? ? 4.4 10-3 yr-1
    (Nelemans et al. 2001) ? ? 2.3 10-3 yr-1 (Iben
    et al.)

white-dwarf merger models
  • He-He (Nomoto Sugimoto 1977, Nomoto Hashimoto
    1987, Kawai, Saio Nomoto 1987, 1988, Iben 1990)
  • ? He ignition ? HeMS or sdB star ? CO WD
  • HeCO (Webbink 1984, Iben Tutukov 1984, Iben
  • ? RCrB star OR SNIa ?
  • COCO (Kawai, Saio Nomoto 1987, 1988, Nomoto
    Hashimoto 1987, Mochkovitch Livio 1990, Saio
    Nomoto 1998) ? C ignition ? ONeMg WD OR
    explosion ?
  • results critically sensitive to WD temperature
    AND accretion rate
  • what do the products look like between merger and

Hydrodynamic simulations
/109 cm
  • Benz et al. 1990, ApJ 342, 986, ApJ 348, 647
  • Segretain et al. 1997, ApJ 481, 355 SPH -
    0.90.6 M

Progeny of WDWD mergers ?
  • Extreme Helium stars
  • RCrB stars
  • subdwarf B stars
  • sdBWD / sdBdM / sdBG
  • sdB / He-sdB
  • subdwarf O stars
  • He-sdO
  • PG1159 stars?
  • H1504065 (Werner 2002)

HeHe WD merger
accretion turned off at selected final mass
shell burns inwards in series of mild flashes
lifts degeneracy
helium-burning shell forces star to expand to
yellow giant, 103 yr
Helium core-burning star (sdB?) formed as shell
reaches centre
helium ignites in shell at core-envelope boundary
Saio Jeffery 2000
V652 Her the pulsating helium star
CNO-processed surface Some H (1) M 0.7
MSun, L 103 Lsun, dP/dt ? rapid contraction
V652 Her
pulsation properties linear analysis of
evolutionary models gives fundamental pulsation
period dP/dt, derivative of period wrt time (or
dP/dn) also obtained evolution track through
P-dP/dn diagram looks good !
log dP/dt
V652 Her
COHe WD merger
0.6 M? , X0.001
accretion turned off at selected final mass
helium-burning shell forces star to expand to
yellow giant, 103 yr
0.5 M? CO-WD
helium ignites in shell at core-envelope boundary
Saio Jeffery 2002
Extreme Helium Stars
  • A and B supergiants
  • low mass
  • dimensions post-AGB stars
  • no planetary nebulae
  • no binaries
  • weak or absent hydrogen lines
  • strong carbon lines (most)
  • rare (3 in HD catalogue)

COHe merger model Test 2
COHe mergers solid 0.6M?COHe dashed
0.5M?COHe light accretion heavy
contraction EHes Baade radii from pulsating
EHes Masses from log g
(0.94 M?)
EHe stars
(0.79 M?)
COHe merger model Test 4EHe contraction
BD-9 4395
BD-1 3438
COHe merger model Test 5surface abundances
Abundances log ni c, ? log ?ini 12.15
Observational tests for merged binary white dwarf
not bad!
  • HeHe V652 Her
  • mass ?
  • radius ?
  • luminosity ?
  • pulsation period ?
  • dP/dt ?
  • composition ?
  • COHe EHe stars
  • absence of binaries ?
  • radii and masses ?
  • gravity measurements ?
  • contraction rates ?
  • surface abundances ?
  • number densities ?

sdB and sdO stars
  • Helium Main-Sequence stars
  • Some apparently single
  • Some extremely helium-rich

Helium-rich sdB stars and related objects
  • Ahmad, Jeffery Woolf 2002, poster paper

Helium-rich subdwarfs as WD mergers?
  • Ahmad, Jeffery Woolf 2002, poster paper

  • Stable or Unstable Mass Transfer ?
  • If q gt 0.6, the increase of stellar radius
    exceeds the increase of Roche radius.
  • M-R relation for WD is due to requirement of
    hydrostatic balance, hence radius will increase
    on a dynamical timescale (s), leading to runaway
    mass transfer. SPH calculations by Benz et al.
    (1990) show formation of thick disk around the
    more massive WD.
  • If q lt 0.6, stable mass transfer may produce an
    AM CVn type system
  • Conservation of Angular Momentum ?
  • When the surface velocity is close to the Kepler
    velocity, angular momentum is transported
    efficiently from the star to the disk so that
    accretion continues as long as matter around the
    star exists (Paczynski 1990, Pophan Naryan

  • The HeHe WD model provides a very good
    explanation for the origin of V652 Her. Some
    single sdB stars could be formed through this
  • The COHe WD model provides an excellent fit for
    the observed luminous Extreme Helium stars and,
    by association, the RCrB, luminous He-sdO and
    O(He) stars.
  • He-sdB and low-luminosity He-sdO stars may be
    formed either through HeHe or through OHe
    mergers. More work is needed.
  • Work is required to fully match the detailed
    surface abundances in all cases. The
    hydrodynamics of the merger event must also be
    explored fully.
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