Questions before we Start

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Questions before we Start


Piet Mondrian Art 'Turtle' Graphics. VectorExercise. 4. 2-dimensional boolean array ... Piet Mondrian is a famous 20th century painter. So called 'Modern Art' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Questions before we Start

Questions before we Start?
  • Any questions on HW?
  • HW 5--3 classes (PayrollApp (client), Payroll,
    Employee). Gave you 90 of PayrollApp.

Week 06 - a
  • Nested Loops
  • Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Computer Graphics
  • Vectors

Sample Programs Referenced(code located in
course folder)
  • java arrays.BoolArrayLab
  • Multiplication Table
  • Magic Triangle
  • Eight Queens
  • Sudoku (handout)
  • Piet Mondrian Art
  • "Turtle" Graphics
  • VectorExercise

2-dimensional boolean array(AnimatedIllustrations
  • java arrays.BoolArrayLab

Nested for Loops
  • Nested loops frequently used to process
    two-dimensional arrays
  • Often body of inner loop is where the main
    computation is done
  • Example
  • for (i 0 i lt m i)
  • before inner loop
  • for (j 0 j lt n j)
  • body of inner loop
  • after inner loop

Nested Loops
Multiplication Table Problem
  • A Java program to produce a multiplication table
  • Let the user specify the largest number
  • See Multiplication Table Project

Dependent for Loops
  • Sometimes the extent of the inner nested loop
    will depend on the index value of the outer loop
  • What is the result of the following code?
  • for (i 0 i lt 3 i)
  • System.out.print("i " i " j ")
  • for (j 0 j lt i j)
  • System.out.print(" " j)
  • // end of "j" loop
  • out.println()
  • // end of "i" loop

Nested Loop Contained inOther Statements
  • What would be printed by the following?
  • "Volunteer" to the Board
  • for (int i 1 i lt 10 i)
  • if (i 2 0) // i even
  • for (int j 1 j lt i/2 j)
  • System.out.print()
  • else // i odd
  • for (int k 1 k lt 5 i/2 k)
  • System.out.print()
  • System.out.println()


Magic Triangle
  • Input a word (say GISMO), print out in a
  • G
  • I I
  • S S S
  • M M M M
  • O O O O O
  • Need spaces to decrease before printing each row
  • Print a space between letters
  • Try running the project (enter ABRACADABRA)

Magic Triangle Code
  • public static void main()
  • String word JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    "Please enter a magic word.")
  • int size word.length()
  • for (int row1 rowltsize row)
  • char ch word.charAt(row-1)
  • for (int colrow colltsize col)
  • System.out.print(" ")
  • for (int col1 colltrow col)
  • System.out.print(ch" ")
  • System.out.println()
  • // end of "row" loop
  • // end of main program

Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Used to store tabular data
  • Declaration and allocation similar to one
    dimensional arrays
  • Need to specify both the number of rows and
    columns during allocation
  • Example
  • final int COLS 6, ROWS 5
  • double someTable
  • someTable new doubleROWSCOLS
  • or
  • double someTable new doubleROWSCOLS

Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • Sample
  • Other examples?
  • Several HW scores for list of Students
  • 52 weeks of Pay for 150 Employees

Arrays of Arrays
  • Writing
  • someTable new doubleROWSCOLS
  • is shorthand for
  • someTable new doubleROWS
  • for (int i 0 i lt ROWS i)
  • someTablei new doubleCOLS

PopulatingTwo-Dimensional Arrays
  • final int ROWS 4, COLS 3
  • String someTable new StringROWSCOLS
  • int r, c
  • // reads strings needed to fill
  • // someTable one row at a time
  • for (r 0 r lt ROWS r)
  • for (c 0 c lt COLS c)
  • someTablerc JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
  • What value would you enter 1st? 2nd? 3rd? 6th?
  • How many values would we have to read from the
  • Later in the term we will see how to read data
    from a file

Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays
  • double energyTable
  • 18.9, 19.4, 34.2, 3.9, 5.7, 0.3,
  • 19.1, 19.3, 33.6, 3.0, 6.2, 0.2,
  • 18.8, 19.6, 32.9, 3.1, 6.6, 0.2,
  • 18.9, 20.3, 33.5, 2.8, 6.7, 0.2,
  • 19.6, 20.8, 33.8, 3.1, 6.5, 0.2

Computing Row Totals
Computing Row Totals
  • double rowTotals new doubleROWS
  • for (r 0 r lt ROWS r)
  • // compute total for row r
  • rowTotalsr 0.0
  • for (c 0 c lt COLS c)
  • rowTotalsr rowTotalsr
  • How would you compute column totals?

Two-Dimensional Arrays and length
  • someTable.length is number of rows in someTable
  • someTablei.length is number of columns in row i
    of someTable
  • In Java rows can be of different lengths!
  • Example
  • int someTable new doubleROWS
  • for (int i 0 i lt someTable.length i)
  • someTablei new inti 1
  • out.println("Length of row "i" is "
  • someTablei.length)
  • Draw a diagram

Chess Queen Attack ProblemBlueJ
Queen Attack Client
  • public static void main(String args)
  • QueenAttack board new QueenAttack()
  • int row Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInput
  • "Row 1-8 on which to place
  • int col Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInput
  • "Column 1-8 on which to place
  • board.placeQueen(row,col)
  • board.display() // could display as text or
  • // end of main method

QueenAttack class(top-down approach)
  • public class QueenAttack
  • private char gameBoard new char88
  • public void placeQueen(int row, int col)
  • System.out.println("placeQueen on row "row
    " col "col)
  • // end of placeQueen method
  • public void display()
  • System.out.println("display gameBoard")
  • // end of display method
  • // end of EightQueens class

placeQueen Method
  • public void placeQueen(int row, int col)
  • for (int r1 rlt8 r)
  • for (int c1 clt8 c)
  • if (rrow ccol
    Math.abs(r-row) Math.abs(c-col))
  • gameBoardr-1c-1 'x'
  • gameBoardrow-1col-1 'Q'
  • // end of placeQueen method

display Method
  • public void display()
  • for (int row 1 row lt 8 row)
  • for (int col 1 col lt 8 col)
  • System.out.print(" "gameBoardrow-1col-1
  • System.out.println()
  • // end of row loop
  • // end of display method

Volunteer to the Board...
  • Solve the Sudoku Puzzle

Computer Graphics
  • Computer Graphics is the study of methods of
    representing and manipulating images
  • A two-dimensional array can be used to represent
    the image to be displayed
  • This array is called a frame it has one entry
    for each pixel giving its color
  • Applets have this Graphics display area created
    for them
  • The number of pixels in the frame is the
    resolution the display device

Computer Art
  • Piet Mondrian is a famous 20th century painter
  • So called "Modern Art"
  • Several paintings consisted of abstract black
    lines on a white canvas with red, blue or yellow
  • Mondrian Project is running on Course Schedule
    web page
  • Click for new painting
  • Paintings are for sale proceeds will benefit the
    "CS Professors' Pizza Fund" ?

Turtle Graphics(related to Lab 8)
  • Interactive Applet
  • Again, the drawing box is being used as a
    2-dimensional array.
  • Turtle can move up/down, left/right
  • 7-pixel steps in the direction it is heading
  • Turtle Code at end of today's lecture notes
  • Talk about it more once we have covered "Button"

Traverse a Maze
  • Classic 2-dimensional program
  • See CSc-105 Home Page (with Maze)
  • More on Mazes after we cover Recursion

Arrays vs. Vectors
  • Arrays
  • Used to store collections
  • Must allocate a fixed number of cells
  • Can store either primitive values or objects
  • All elements must be same data type
  • Difficult to insert/remove values in the middle
  • Must move other elements manually
  • Dont behave like classes
  • Vectors
  • Used to store collections
  • Can grow or shrink as needed (dynamic)
  • Can only store objects
  • Elements may be of different data types
  • Provide methods to add, retrieve, insert, or
    remove elements in the middle of a vector
  • Regular Java class - part of the java.util library

Declaration and Allocation
  • Declaration syntax
  • Vector name
  • Note the data type of the objects that will be
    stored in the vector is not specified. (All are
    assumed to be of type Object.)
  • Allocation syntax
  • name new Vector()
  • Note no size needed (can be specified)
  • Declaration and allocation
  • Vector name new Vector()

Methods that Insert Objects into a Vector
  • addElement(Object obj)
  • Appends the object obj to the end of the vector
    and increases its size by 1
  • insertElementAt(Object obj, int i)
  • Inserts the object obj at index i and shifts all
    the elements above location i up by 1. Also
    increases the size by 1
  • setElementAt(Object obj, int i)
  • Replaces the object at location i with the object
  • NOTE All of the above methods are of type void

Exercise"Volunteer to Board"
  • Draw a diagram showing the contents of memory
    after each of the following statements are
  • Vector x new Vector()
  • x.addElement(Mary)
  • x.addElement(Tom)
  • x.insertElementAt(Ann, 0)
  • x.setElementAt(Fred, 1)

Accessing Elements in a Vector
  • Method elementAt(int i)
  • Returns an Object type reference to the element
    at index i of the vector
  • Example of use
  • Object y x.elementAt(2)
  • Why Object? What is Object?
  • Experiment with Vector Exercises project

Other Methods of theVector Class
  • int size()
  • Returns the number of elements in the vector
  • NOTE not length()!
  • void removeElementAt(int i)
  • Removes element at index i
  • Moves the rest of the elements down one
  • Decreases the size by 1
  • String toString()
  • Returns a String representation of the vector
    enclosed in brackets
  • Uses the toString methods of the individual
  • Puts commas between

  • Trace the following code
  • for (int i 0 i lt x.size() i)
  • Object y x.elementAt(i)
  • System.out.println(y.toString())
  • Is toString needed? Could we just print y?
  • We know that the elements are Strings can we
    store the result in a String
  • Review and try in Vector Exercises project

The Need for Casting
  • Suppose we want to store the reference returned
    by elementAt to an object of the correct
    (specific) type
  • E.g. String y x.elementAt(i)
  • Compiler error ? - why?
  • We can use casting
  • Specify the data type in parentheses
  • E.g. String y (String) x.elementAt(i)
  • Again, try in Vector Exercises project

Wrapper Classes
  • Vectors can store objects but not primitives
  • What if we want to store integers in a vector?
  • Wrapper classes encapsulate primitive values in
  • Java wrapper classes
  • Boolean
  • Character
  • Integer
  • Double
  • Have used the class method Integer.parseInt()

Methods of the Integer Class
  • Integer(int n) constructor
  • Integer a new Integer(3)
  • Integer(String s) constructor
  • Integer b new Integer(3)
  • int intValue() returns the integer wrapped in
    the object
  • int c a.intValue() // parseInt for String
  • Boolean equals(Object obj) returns true if the
    "wrapped" integers have the same value
  • a.equals(b)

Using Wrapper Classeswith Vectors
  • Trace the code
  • Integer a new Integer(3)
  • Integer b new Integer("3")
  • System.out.println(a.equals(b))
  • int c a.intValue()
  • System.out.println("c " c)
  • x.addElement(a)
  • x.addElement(b)
  • System.out.println(x has " x.size() "
  • int d ((Integer) x.elementAt(1)).intValue()
  • System.out.println("d " d)

To the Computers...PreLab 6
  • Try drawing your initials by maneuvering the
    Turtle around the screen
  • Linked from course home page

Initializing the Turtle(more on implements soon)
  • public class Turtle extends Applet implements
  • Button leftButton, moveButton, rightButton
  • Point startPoint
  • Point points
  • int direction 0, numPoints 0, stepDist 7
  • public void init()
  • startPoint new Point(200,200)
  • points new Point1000
  • resize(400,400)
  • leftButton new Button("Left")
  • moveButton new Button("Move")
  • rightButton new Button("Right")
  • add(leftButton)
  • add(moveButton)
  • add(rightButton)
  • leftButton.addActionListener(this)
  • moveButton.addActionListener(this)
  • rightButton.addActionListener(this)
  • // end init method

Checking Turtle Action
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • Object btn evt.getSource()
  • if (btn leftButton)
  • direction (direction3) 4
  • if (btn moveButton)
  • turtleMove()
  • if (btn rightButton)
  • direction (direction1) 4
  • repaint()
  • // end actionPerformed

turtleMove Method
  • private void turtleMove()
  • int newX, newY
  • if (numPoints 0)
  • newX startPoint.x
  • newY startPoint.y
  • else
  • newX pointsnumPoints-1.x
  • newY pointsnumPoints-1.y
  • switch (direction)
  • case 0 newX stepDist break
  • case 1 newY stepDist break
  • case 2 newX - stepDist break
  • case 3 newY - stepDist break
  • // end of direction switch
  • pointsnumPoints new Point(newX,newY)
  • numPoints
  • // end turtleMove method

Turtle paint Method
  • public void paint(Graphics g)
  • int oldX startPoint.x
  • int oldY startPoint.y
  • g.setColor(
  • for (int p0 pltnumPoints p)
  • g.drawLine(oldX, oldY, pointsp.x,
  • oldX pointsp.x oldY
  • // next point
  • g.setColor(
  • g.fillOval(oldX-5,oldY-5,10,10) // body
  • switch (direction) // head
  • case 0 g.fillOval(oldX6,oldY-2,4,4)
  • case 1 g.fillOval(oldX-2,oldY6,4,4)
  • case 2 g.fillOval(oldX-10,oldY-2,4,4)
  • case 3 g.fillOval(oldX-2,oldY-10,4,4)
  • // end of switch for head
  • // end paint method
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