Younger Members Convention 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Younger Members Convention 1


Only realistic reporters can use all amended (i.e. less onerous) valn rules ... reserve and WP portion of RMM - with benefit of less onerous reserving rules ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Younger Members Convention 1

Younger Members Convention - 1 2 December 2003
- GLASGOW Presenter James Mulrooney, FSA
  • Topic CP195 and regulatory developments in Life

Main Issues in CP 195
  • Original proposals in CP 143 - twin peaks
    approach for life insurers
  • Recent stockmarket falls put pressure on
    statutory solvency while insurers claimed
    realistic basis still strong
  • Tiner Waivers - FSA needed reassurance before
    granting these waivers- realistic basis was able
    to provide evidence of financial strength

Problems with current regime
  • Capital not very risk-sensitive
  • With-profits constructive liabilities (accrued
    final bonus) not in balance sheet
  • Capital hidden within prudent reserves
  • Approach may undervalue options
  • eg guaranteed annuities, MVA-free dates
  • Capital rules-based, not based on circumstances
    of the firm
  • No allowance for smoothing costs

Criteria for Realistic Reporting
  • Only applies to firms that are realistic
    reporters - with profit funds gt 500m
  • Smaller firms can opt in if they wish
  • Tiner waivers now proposed to be codified into
    Integ Pru Sourcebook for realistic reporting
  • Only realistic reporters can use all amended
    (i.e. less onerous) valn rules
  • Other waivers will be available to all firms -
    e.g. restriction on equity yield

Tiner Waivers - Overview
  • Original intention was to allow WP firms to
    retain equities and to avoid a downward spiral in
    equity prices
  • Weakened Rules must still meet EU Directive
    minima - UK can go no lower
  • Waivers should not create a risk to security of
    policyholder benefits
  • Full publicity of firms with waivers on FSA
    website creates a positive image - seen as a
    badge of strength

Rules Changed Statutory Reserves
  • Gross Premium Valuation for WP
  • Inclusion of prudent lapse assumption where
  • Removal of cap on maximum valn reinvestment yield
  • GAO reserving guidance weakened
  • Restriction on Earnings Yield for equity assets
  • Resilience reserve can now be held as a capital
    requirement no RMM element

Realistic Reporting - Overview
  • Applies to WP liabilities or firms with similar
    liabilities - deposit admin, etc.
  • Designed to better identify risks in firms and to
    determine strength of firms
  • Also should capitalise costs risks that
    currently are not included in stat
  • Will combine with stat valuation to ensure that
    adequate reserves are held
  • Uses of techniques used internally by firms -
    asset shares, stochastic models

Realistic Valuation Methods
  • Both asset share and prospective methods (e.g.
    bonus reserve valn) are acceptable for basic
    realistic reserve
  • For option reserves, 1 of 3 methods should be
    used - 1). Stochastic projection, 2). Replicating
    portfolio of derivatives assets or 3). Range of
    deterministic projections with assigned
  • Either asset share or BRV method is acceptable
    for basic policy benefits

Realistic Valn Methods - continued
  • Realistic reserves can factor in future
    management actions - changes to investment mix,
    bonus rate reductions
  • All future management actions must be consistent
    with treating customer fairly and the firms
    published PPFM
  • All bases, parameters documented
  • For option reserves, stochastic projections are
    preferred but

Realistic Valn Methods - continued
  • Replicating portfolio of derivatives can be
    effective in certain circumstances - known future
    benefits, fixed maturity date(s), little
    variation in asset mix, etc
  • Range of deterministic projections is least
    favoured option as option/gtee costs often
    understated using deterministic methods v
  • Size complexity of w-p business also a factor
    in which model to adopt

Twin Peaks Calculation - Reserves
  • Free assets on statutory basis cannot exceed free
    assets calculated on realistic basis
  • Statutory reserves are WP policy reserves, WP
    portion of resilience reserve and WP portion of
    RMM - with benefit of less onerous reserving
  • Realistic reserves are realistic reserves (incl.
    gtee smoothing costs) and RCM - risk capital

Twin Peaks Calculation - Assets 1
  • Statutory value of assets unchanged - asset
    admissibility rules as before
  • Realistic value of assets statutory value of
    assets (for w-p pols) assets (of admissible
    type) above counterparty and/or exposure limits
    realistic value of any NP business in firms WP
    fund e.g. EV of NP business
  • Example Value of Individual Property above 5 -
    OK Antiques - no value

Twin Peaks Calculation Other Issues
  • Implicit items are still valid (up to 2007/9) in
    stat surplus calculation but have no value in
    realistic surplus calcs
  • Cashless financing reinsurance (based on future
    WP surplus emerging) are proposed to have no
    value in stat valn
  • Fin re based on WP s/h transfers or np profits
    may still be permitted in stat
  • Each WP fund must meet WP realistic liabs from
    resources within WP fund

Twin Peaks Calculation - WPICC
  • WPICC - WP Insurance Capital Component
  • Designed to overlay realistic financial strength
    calcs on published (i.e. stat) financial strength
    - especially for firms that appear strong on
    statutory basis
  • WPICC Max(0, Statutory Surplus - Realistic
  • Positive WPICC must then be held as part of the
    firms capital requirement

Resilience Reserve Risk Capital Margin (RCM)
  • Resilience reserve - similar basis of calculation
    as before
  • Required Capital Margin made up of 3 elements
  • Market Risk - assumed equity property falls
    interest rate shockCredit Risk component -
    increase in spreads (versus gilts) and defaults
    upPersistency Risk component - less people
    lapsing policies

Risk Capital Margin (RCM)
  • Market risk test is designed to assess capital
    required to guard against market shock/crash
  • Credit risk test used to assess capital needs for
    a deterioration in credit standing - flight to
    quality, recession
  • Persistency risk designed to model p/holder
    behaviour of selectively NOT lapsing - increasing
    realistic reserves

Practical issues
  • Forward swap rate or current gilt yield for
    discounting future option liability costs (e.g.
    GAOs) - different approaches are being taken.
    Gilt yield may possibly be more correct but swap
    rates are based on a deeper market - issue still
    to be resolved
  • Approved Securities - definition of these assets
    includes some securities that are, arguably, not
    risk-free (unlike gilts) in CP97.

Practical issues - continued
  • For the credit risk test under CP195, should non
    risk-free assets that are approved securities
    be included?

Risk Management
  • New regime is akin to what best practice should
    be for insurers
  • Firms may re-assess a number of aspects of their
    business - reinsurance, capital (support),
    hedging, bonus policy, etc.
  • Systems and control weaknesses may be addressed
    by Enhanced Cap Reqt
  • Sometimes capital may not be appropriate -
    systems overhaul, etc

FSA Annual Returns - Forms 18 19
  • Two new forms are proposed to be included in FSA
    Annual Returns - Form s 18 19 are only required
    to be completed for realistic reporting firms
  • Form 18 is the realistic balance sheet
  • Form 19 compares statutory and realistic surplus
    to determine if the value for WPICC - I.e. zero
    or higher
  • Any requirement to hold a (gt0) WPICC will be a
    capital requirement on Form 9

Stage 1 standard regulatory basis - all life
Free capital 25
RMM 25
Resilience reserve 20
Admissible assets 750
Non-profit liabilities 100
With-profit liabilities 580
Stage 2 With-profits business only
Peak 1
Peak 2
Free capital- realistic basis 76
Free capital 95
Market, credit and persistency risk capital 29
Admissible assets 644
Realistic assets 675
RMM 21
Resilience reserve 18
Realistic liabilities 570
With-profits liabilities 510
Final presentation under proposed approach
All life business- ECA
Free capital 76
RMM 25
Market risk capital 20
Policyholder liabilities 610
Capital measures for life insurers
EU minimum with-profits capital component
resilience capital component
EU minimum resilience capital component
Stress and scenario testing
Capital Requirements - Pillars 1 2
  • Increases to Pillar 1 capital being implemented
    from 1 Jan 2004 - PS181
  • Enhanced Pillar 1 - Realistic Reporting and
    requirement to hold WPICC (gt0) - end 2004
  • Pillar 2 Individual Capital Requirement - based
    on intrinsic risks individually assessed on
    firm-by-firm basis - should be more
  • Much of this information not public

Individual Capital Adequacy Standards
  • Firms assess own capital requirement
  • based on own business and risks
  • Incentive for better risk management
  • To enhance consumer protection and market
    confidence through reduced risk of financial
  • Applies to all insurers
  • Firms to carry out stress and scenario testing
  • Firms to hold adequate fin resources

  • CRR Capital Resource Requirement
  • MCR Min Capital Requirement - I.e.
  • Capital Req,ment based on Stat Valn
  • LTICR RMM resilience reserve (RCR) for both WP
    NP liabs
  • ECR Enhanced Capital Requirement LTICR RCR
    WPICC (which may be 0)
  • ICA Individual Capital Assessment
  • ICG Individual Capital Guidance

ICAS areas to be considered
  • Guidance in Handbook on factors to be taken into
  • Business risk factors
  • market and credit risk
  • securitisation risk
  • residual risk
  • concentration risk
  • high impact, low probability risk
  • cyclical and business planning
  • Control risks factors systems controls

ICAS Reporting
  • No regular requirement
  • Firm to retain analysis/reports for possible
    review by FSA
  • FSA review as part of supervisory programme
  • Not public information - between FSA and
    regulated firm exclusions may apply - auditors,
    (external) appointed actuary, etc

Individual Capital Guidance (ICG)
  • Initial exercise
  • review of firms ICA
  • issue ICG to firms
  • Thereafter
  • part of Arrow process
  • frequency of review based on risk assessment

Content of ICA
  • Amount of ICA
  • Background of firm
  • Environment, business strategy, plan and sources
    of new capital
  • Risk assessment
  • Stress and scenario tests
  • Other risks
  • Capital models

Results of ICG process
  • May
  • confirm pillar 1 capital (not public)
  • give guidance for increased capital (not public)
  • allow waiver to reduce capital requirements
  • May impose requirement if guidance not accepted
    (in public domain) - variation of permission(s),
    in extreme

Change to Appointed Actuary regime
  • Next year, appointed actuary replaced by
    actuarial function head and with profits actuary
    (for WP)
  • Head of Act Fn carries on many of the roles of AA
  • WP Actuary must certify that realistic reserves
    for WP business have been calculated consistent
    with TCF
  • Reviewing Actuary must also certify being content
    with realistic basis calcs

Reporting and audit- realistic basis
  • New forms to show realistic liabilities plus
    disclosure of basis on which assessed
  • Audit scope to include realistic basis
  • Reviewing actuarys opinion to include realistic
    liabilities and capital requirement
  • Directors certificate will cover realistic basis
    capital requirements
  • All in public domain with rest of annual returns

Audit requirements Role of Actuaries
  • FSA Annual Returns - directors must now have
    regard to opinion of reviewing actuary
  • Reviewing actuary must be independent of firm but
    may be an employee of audit firm
  • With profit actuary also required to produce
    report to w-p policyholders - WP actuary can be
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