Title: Using Doubles in Math
1Using Doubles in Math
2 2
21 1 2
- One dog plus one more dog equals two
- dogs in all.
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How many dogs would I have if I added 3 more dogs?
31 1 1 1 1 5
5 Dogs in all
Next Problem
42 2 4
- Two feet plus two feet equals four feet in all.
How many feet would I have if there were 3 more
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52 2 2 2 2 10
10 feet in all
Next Problem
63 3 6
- Three wheels plus three wheels equals six wheels
in all.
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How many wheels would I have if I added one more
73 3 3 9
9 wheels in all
Next Problem
84 4 8
- Four legs plus four legs equal eight legs
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How many elephant legs would there be if you had
4 elephants?
94 4 4 4 16
- 4 elephants with 4 legs each equals 16 legs
16 legs in all
Next problem
105 5 10
- Five fingers plus five fingers is ten fingers in
How many fingers would there be if you saw 5
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115 5 5 5 5 25
- Count by 5s to find the answer the easy way
5 10 15 20 25
25 fingers in all
Next Problem
126 6 12
- Six cans of pop plus six cans of pop is twelve
cans of pop in all
How many cans of pop would there be if you added
6 more cans?
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136 6 6 18
18 cans of pop altogether
Next Problem
14 7 7 14
- Seven aliens plus seven more equals fourteen
aliens in all
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How many aliens would there be if one more showed
15 7 7 1 15
15 aliens in all
Next Problem
168 8 16
- 8 pencils and 8 pencils is a total of 16 pencils
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How many pencils would I have if I received 2
178 8 2 18
Next Problem
189 9 18
- Nine dice plus nine more dice is equal to
eighteen dice.
How many dice would I have if I took 9 dice away?
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1918 9 9
9 dice left
Next problem
2010 10 20
- Ten jewels plus ten more jewels equals twenty
jewels in all.
A jewel thief takes two jewels. How many are left
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2120 - 2 18
Click to review your math facts
22How fast can you say the answers?
- Doubles
- 2 2 44 88
- 11 99 33
- 55 66 44
- 1010 11 77
- 66 44 22
23Standards Addressed
- Benchmark 4 - Computation
- The student will(1) 4.4.01 use manipulatives to
demonstrate joining, separating, and the inverse
operation of addition and subtraction of sets
through 18.(1) 4.4.02 ? N demonstrate addition
and subtraction fact strategies, including the
following a. addition doubles,
doubles 1, counting on, make a ten, relation
between addition and subtraction.