- How much is this coin worth?
- What happens if I mix my coins together?
2A quarter is worth 15 cents.
3What color is a penny?
4A nickel is worth
- 10 cents
- 25 cents
- 5 cents
5A dime is worth 0.10.
6A ¼ of a dollar or a quarter is worth..
7If I have 7 pennies 7 cents
8If I have 1 thumb, how much money do I have?
9If I have a whole hand, how much money do I have?
- 10 cents
- 25 cents
- 5 cents
10I want to buy a transformer for 25 cents, what
coins make the correct amount?
- 5 pennies
- 2 nickels
- 3 dimes
- 1 quarter
111 dime 2 pennies 0.12
12If I have both of these coins, how much do I have?
13This coin is worth 5 cents
14If I have these coins how much money do I have?
15I can exchange 5 pennies for 1 nickel.
16How many nickels or fingers are in a quarter?
17What coin is this?
18What coin can I use to
count by 5s?
19How much is our calendar worth today?
- 11 cents
- 10 cents
- 20 cents
20What coin can I use to count by
21Yeah, you are all done!!Kiss your brain?