Title: Website Development
1Website Development Management
MIS 3353 -- Fall 2002
- Macromedia Flash, Some Exercises
Instructor John Seydel, Ph.D.
2First, an Assignment
- Try to complete the rest of the exercises already
assigned - Then, on your own, try to build the complete
application in Chapter 11 - Your AITP accounts will remain active
- For a few weeks if you dont request any
extension - Indefinitely if youd like to keep them available
- Consider building your AITP website into a
portfolio - Personalize
- Try new things
3Note What We Have Not Covered
- Meta tags
- Keywords
- Refresh (redirect)
- Design concepts (except in passing)
- Functionality/navigability
- Aesthetics
- Frames
- Java, ActiveX
- Other server-side technologies (CGI, PHP, Cold
Fusion) - Site management tools (FrontPage, DreamWeaver . .
. ) - . . . ?
- And, . . . , a very important emerging
technology Flash (whos worked with it / heard
of it?)
4Images and Editing
- Image types for use on the Web
- Bitmap
- Uncompressed BMP (dont use!)
- Compressed
- JPEG loads line at a time (more colors, 24 bit)
- GIF loads increasing levels of clarity
(interlacing) - Vector (e.g., Flash)
- Often much smaller
- Much more scalable
- However, need player (but vast majority of users
already have Flash Player installed) - Bandwidth is a major concern (still!)
5Now, Some Flash
- Whats Flash? Consider some examples
- CoB
- EconDSci
- FKAuto
- Topics to be addressed
- Flash anatomy
- Basic drawing shapes and fills
- Animation
- The traditional way
- Using tweening
- Incorporating Flash graphics into web pages
- A small project rollover buttons
6Whats the Big Deal About Flash?
- Many good graphics/animation packages exist
- Most create bitmap images .bmp, .jpg, .gif
- Every pixel mapped out
- Files get large quickly
- Flash incorporates vector graphics
- Not a bitmap but a set of formulae instead
- Formulae can refer to
- Vectors
- Bitmaps
- Considerably smaller files
- But user agent needs Flash player (ActiveX)
- Consider a simple circle pixel data or formula?
7Basic Flash Anatomy
- Start Flash
- Initially tutorials screen
- Cancel (click on X in top right corner)
- To retrieve later, click on Help Tutorials
- Note
- Menu bar
- Stage
- Toolbar
- Timeline
- Panels (especially, Properties)
- Popup menus
8Setting Up for the Exercises
- Prepare file
- Open new file
- Save it as basics
- Note file extensions
- basics.fla (work version)
- basics.swf (export for viewing)
- Prepare stage
- Set zoom to 75
- Close all panels
- Drag top, right, and bottom borders as far as
possible from center - Enable grid
- View Grid Show Grid
- View Grid Snap to Grid
9Basic Drawing Look at the Tools Available
- Drawing lines line, pencil, pen
- Creating shapes ellipse, rectangle, paint
brush - Filling/outlining paint bucket / ink bottle
- Text tool
- Selection tools arrows lasso
10Drawing Lines (Try It!)
- Straight lines
- Select line tool
- Click anywhere, drag, and release
- Line segment snaps to nearest intersection
- Freehand lines
- Turn off Snap to Grid
- Select pencil tool (not pen)
- Click, drag in curvy manner, note preview of
line, release and note smoothing of line
11Drawing Shapes (Try It!)
- Ellipses circles
- Turn on Snap to Grid
- Select ellipse tool
- Click anywhere, drag, and release
- Oblong if horizontal and vertical differ
- Otherwise circle drawn
- Rectangles
- Use the rectangle tool
- Works similarly to ellipse tool
- See what happens when you hold down the Shift key
while drawing ellipses and rectangles
12Fills Strokes
- By default, ellipses and rectangles have
- Fills (color)
- Outlines have stroke defaults
- Type
- Color
- Weight
- All attributes can be changed before or after
initial drawing - Note Options (at bottom of toolbar) upon tool
selection - Or use Properties panel (i.e., window)
- At bottom of screen
- May need to be maximized
13Drawing Text
- Text tool
- Click and start typing
- Box expands without wrapping
- Note text attributes (in Properties panel)
- Font
- Style
- Size
- Color
- Modifying text attributes
- Can be done when typing or later
- If later, select text and then use Properties
panel - Use handle to expand/contract/wrap
14Additional Setup for the Exercises
- Start applications
- Windows Explorer
- Internet Explorer (course website)
- Visual Studio (no projects)
- Open blank web page in VStudio
- Save as flash.htm
15Lets Create a Logo
- Refer to the example
- www.clt.astate.edu/jseydel/mis3353/flash.htm
- Open new file turn off snap (View Snap to
Objects) - File New
- Save as FKAuto.fla File Save As FKAuto )
- Resize stage to 250 x 50
- Steps
- Draw rectangle (any size)
- Draw text
- Draw symbol
16A Logo The Rectangle
- Stroke colormaroon width3l
- Fill color red
- Change properties (use arrow tool to select)
- Size 250 x 50
- Position 0, 0
- Frame rate for the stage 10 fps
17A Logo The Main Text
- Content Flybai-Knight
- Display
- Font is Comic Sans MS
- Size is 18 point
- Color is white
- Bold
- Dont worry about placement
- Draw anywhere
- Select with main arrow tool and move using cursor
18A Logo The Symbol
- At the proper location, draw an ellipse
- Edit properties
- Use main arrow tool
- Click on border
- Stroke maroon, 3 point
- Fill white
- Add text (FKAuto) to the ellipse
- Size 12 point
- Color blue
- Draw anywhere and then move into place
19Now, Animate the Logo
- Dont forget to save your work periodically
- Working with the timeline
- Use arrow tool
- Click on frame 10
- Click on Insert Keyframe
- Click on any blank area on stage
- Click on red area and then change fill color
- Repeat
- Inserting keyframes at 20, 30, and then 30
- Change some color for each
- Add final keyframe (same as previous)
- Play the animation
- Click on Control Loop Playback
- Click on Control Play
20Adding Flash Objects to Web Pages
- Must first use File Export
- Animations select Movie (.swf)
- Other select Image
- SWF (Shockwave Flash)
- Try all three
- Then, in HTML, use the element
- Works similarly to the element
- Has both brief and extended specifications
- Add to your page flash.htm and compare results
- Flash movie
- Images
- JPEG file
- GIF file
21Animation Basics
- Traditional (tedious, large file sizes)
- Relies upon keyframes (where motion changes)
- Example bouncing ball
- Create a 3x3 circle near top left
- Use the Timeline
- Click on frame 10
- Then Insert Keyframe
- Move circle to bottom and slightly to right
- Continue for frames 20, 30, 40, and 50, dampening
the bounce - Run the animation (Window Toolbars
Controller) - Improvement additional intermediate frames
- Better approach tweening
- Motion
- Shape
22An Exercise A Rollover Button
- Open new file, set zoom, and turn on grid
- Create basic button
- Rectangle at 36 x 180 (2 x 10 on grid)
- Rounded corners (20 pixels)
- Stroke 10 pixels and red
- Fill red gradient
- Add text (Home)
- Size 24 point
- Font Arial
- Color White
- Convert to symbol
- Rectangular select
- Click on Insert Convert to Symbol
- Name btnHome and check Button box
- Assign URL Window Actions BrowserNetwork
getURL - Create rollover effects
23Button Rollover Effects
- Open button in symbol editor
- Note difference in timeline
- Only four frames Up, Over, Down, Hit
- Create mouseover effect
- Select Over frame and then Insert Keyframe
- Modify button
- Repeat for Down frame
- Preview (click on Control Enable Simple
Buttons) - Return to Scene 1 (standard editor) and modify
location and stage size - Save for web use (File Export Movie)
- Test/modify the web page
24Now, What?
- Add code to FKAuto page (at bottom)
- Logo
- Button
- Result will be rollover button linking to your
websites home page
26Meta Elements
- Meta means about (more or less)
- Metadata data about data
- tag refers to meta information, i.e.,
information about information - Typical formats
- or
- http-equivactiontype
- contentswhatever
- /
- Positioning between and
- Multiple tags typically used
27Meta Elements Keywords
- Purpose improve chances of being listed by
search engines - Example
- namekeywords
- contentstatistics Excel math
- /
28Meta Elements HTTP Header Info
- Keeping content current
- http-equivexpires
- content1 January 2001
- /
- http-equivrefresh
- content120
- /
- Redirect from expired page
- http-equivrefresh content10,newhome.htm
- /
29HTML for Incorporating Flash Objects
Sample markup for incorporating Flash
objects width"_WWW_" height"_HHH_"
id"_YYY_" align"" quality"high"
player" / You must, of course, replace the
following _XXX_ with the Flash object's
folder/file name (e.g., ../images/FKAuto.swf)
_YYY_ with a reasonable unique identifier label
(e.g., imgFKAuto) _WWW_ with the width of the
object _HHH_ with the height of the object
30Additional Stuff (If Time)
31Basic Shape Tweening Exercise
- Open new file and
- Turn on grid/snap
- Zoom to 75
- Create circle near center (red stroke gradient
fill) - On timeline, select frame 10
- Click on Insert Blank Keyframe
- Press Onion Skin icon
- Use line tool to draw triangle slightly larger
than circle (black stroke) - Use bucket tool to fill triangle with gray
gradient fill - Select frames 2-9 (press Control key and then
drag) - Turn off onion skinning
- Run the animation
- With control bar (Window Toolbars Controller)
- Or drag playhead on timeline
32Some Enhancements
- Turn on looping (Control Loop Playback)
- Reverse the action
- Copy frame 10 to frame 11
- Copy frame 1 to frame 20
- Tweening is automatically copied!
- Now, run the animation
33Intersecting Objects
- Draw several objects
- Use stroke widths of 5 pixels
- Set fill to None
- Make sure objects intersect/overlap
- Now, use selection tool (solid arrow) and click
on any of the objects - Note that only part of the object is selected
- Intersecting objects on the same layer are
automatically broken apart - Try playing with the subselection tool (the other
arrow) - Drag the points around
- Play with the paint bucket also
- Use selection tool (arrow)
- Straighten/Smooth lines shapes
- Note how pointer changes for points and curves
- Click and drag
- Right-click
- Scale
- Rotate
- Try it
- Smooth curves
- Extend lines
- Other adjust curvature, scale, rotate
35Importing Other File Formats
- Consider ASU logo
- File Import
- Can then edit and save as
- Flash file
- Other format (Export)
- Can also transform to vector Modify Trace
Bitmap - Can build into animations
- Be careful files become large in a hurry
- Demonstration
- Frame 1 import ASU logo and then convert to
vector - Frame 10
- Insert Blank Keyframe
- Import and convert ASU, then re-size
- Frames 2-9 Control select
- Properties Tween Shape
- Run animation