Title: ICRF Resonance Locations in CMod at B0 4'5 T
1APS-DPP Meeting, Orlando, Fl, Nov. 10-14, 2002
ITB Studies with Two Frequency ICRH in Optimied
Shear Plasmas with Ip Ramp M. Porkolab, P.
Bonoli, D. Ernst, K. Fiore, A. Hubbard, Y.
Lin, E. Marmar, R. Parker, J. Rice, G.
Schilling (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory),
S. Wukitch, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion
Center In the present work we report on
experiments in Alcator C-Mod to form and control
Internal Thermal Barriers (ITB) in plasmas with
current ramp (1) and simultaneous injection of
two-frequency ICRH, at 70 and 80 MHz, near 4.5
T in the D(H) minority regime (2). In C-Mod, the
ITB with simultaneous application of on and
off-axis ICRH during the plasma current
flat-top phase collapses back into the EDA
H-mode when central ICRH power in excess of 1 MW
is applied (2). In addition, the internal ITB is
formed on top of an EDA H-mode with relatively
high edge density pedestal, which is not optimal
for off-axis LHCD for AT operation. Therefore it
is of interest to find alternate methods to form
more favorable target plasmas for AT plasma
operation. In previous studies in C-Mod it was
found that current ramp with central ICRH formed
Reversed Shear (RS) plasmas up to 0.2 s (5-6
Tau-E) which had relatively low edge densities
and high central temperatures (5 keV), but
without evidence of significant ITBs. In the
present work the goal is to control
micro-instabilities by RS (3) so that the
two-frequency ICRH driven ITB could be
maintained and controlled without limits on the
central heating power. 1. M. Porkolab et al,
Proc. 24th EPS , Vol. 21A, pp.569, 1997. 2.
S.J. Wukitch et al., Physics of Plasmas, Vol 9,
p. 2149, 2002. . D. Ernst, presented at the
Sherwood Conference, 2002, Rochester, NY.
Work supported by the US DOE.
2Introduction and Summary
- Goal of the experiments was to see if improved
performance, either H-mode or ITB can be formed
during ramp-up of current (Reversed or Optimized
Shear) in the presence of simultaneous on and
off-axis ICRH D(H) at Te Ti, ne 1020m-3,
BT4-6 T, before sawteeth set in - Two scenarios were tried (a) BT5.4T, 2MW
on-axis power at 80 MHz, and 1 MW off-axis (r/a-
0.5) power at 70 MHz and (b) BT4.5T, 1MW on
axis power at 70 MHz, and 2 MW off axis (r/a
-0.5) power at 80 MHz - Both ELM-free and ELMy H-modes were observed with
edge pedestal Te of 1 keV during rampup however,
no clear evidence of internal ITB was seen - Novel C-Mod diagnostics were used to look at
toroidal rotation (HIREX), fluctuations (PCE) and
q-profile (MSE) - Higher power experiments planned for the next
3ICRF Resonance Locations in C-Mod at B0 5.4 T
- f0 80 MHz ( 2 MW)
- XCH 1.7 cm (LFS)
- f0 70 MHz (1 MW)
- XCH 11.5 cm (LFS)
4ICRF Resonance Locations in C-Mod at B0 4.5 T
- f0 80 MHz ( 2 MW)
- XCH -9.6 cm (HFS)
- f0 70 MHz ( 1 MW)
- XCH -1.5 cm (HFS)
5EXAMPLE OF ELMy H-MODE Shot 1021025025
BT 5.4T
- RF is applied at 0.07-0.01 sec sawteeth delayed
to 0.30 sec H mode commences at 0.18 sec, well
into the current ramp when Te 3.5 keV,
ne1.3x1020m-3 as plasma is still limited on
inner divertor plate corner (up to 0.22 sec) then
diverted by 0.24 sec frequent ELMS from 0.18-23
sec, then less frequent elms in diverted phase H
factor enhancement relative to OHMIC value less
than that in ELM-free regime neutron rate
increases to 2.0x1013 just before sawteeth set in
at 0.30sec plasma parameters are ne2x1020 m-3,
Te4.0 keV, (Ti not analyzed yet but expect 2.8
keV) edge pedestal parameters during H mode
phase are Te1.0 keV, ne1.5x1020m-3
(Question do frequent ELMS stop at current
ramp cessation?) - H mode saturates (Wmhd, Te, Ti) at 0.30 sec due
to impurity accumulation and collapses at 0.32
sec into L mode and then back to ELM-free H mode
at 0.45 sec
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8EXAMPLE OF ELM-Free H-MODEShot 1021025005 BT
- RF is applied at 0.07-0.01 sec sawteeth delayed
to 0.33 sec H mode commences at 0.22 sec, near
end of current ramp when Te4keV, Ti1.8 keV,
ne1.5x1020m-3 as plasma is pulled away from
inner divertor plate corner (0.22 sec) to
diverted discharge (0.24 sec) after a few ELMS,
plasma shifts to ELM free H-mode regime with H
factor doubling relative to OHMIC value neutron
rate increases to 3x1013 just before sawteth set
in plasma parameters are ne2x1020m-3, Te4.7
keV, Ti3.0 keV Edge pedestal parameters during
H mode phase are Te1.0 keV, ne1x1020m-3(Questi
on do ELMS stop due to current ramp cessation?) - H mode saturates (Wmhd, Te, Ti) at 0.35 sec due
to impurity accumulation and collapses at 0.4 sec
into L mode
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17EXAMPLE OF ELMy H-MODEShot 1021025026 BT5.4T
- Similar to previous shot to 025 ELMy H-mode
followed by L Mode which is followed by ELM-free
H-mode - Extensive PCI measurements of turbulence during
rampup and high frequency modes during ELM event
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27ICRF Resonance Locations in C-Mod at B0 4.5 T
- f0 80 MHz ( 2 MW)
- XCH -9.6 cm (HFS)
- f0 70 MHz ( 1 MW)
- XCH -1.5 cm (HFS)
28EXAMPLE OF ELMy H-MODE Shot 1021025032
BT 4.5 T
- RF is applied at 0.07-0.01 sec sawteeth delayed
to 0.25 sec weak H mode commences at 0.15 sec
(?), well into the current ramp when Te 1.3 keV,
ne1.0x1020m-3 as plasma is still limited on
inner divertor plate corner frequent ELMS from
0.15-0.23 sec, then revert back to L mode at 0.25
sec power starved in center (1.1 MW RF), no
significant H factor enhancement relative to
OHMIC value neutron rate increases to 6.0x1012
just before sawteeth set in and radiate power
approaches input power and collapse to L-mode
follows plasma parameters are unimpressive (Te
1.7 keV) edge pedestal parameters during H mode
phase (0.21 sec) are Te0.5 keV, ne1.0x1020m-3 - Scenario is not as good as the 5.4 T case would
need to increase central power (70 MHz) to at
least 2.0 MW to compare will do it next campaign
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32Summary and Conclusions
- Two-frequency ICRF brought significant
improvement in performance during current ramp-up
as compared to the single frequency experiments
in 1996 - H-modes are obtained both with and without ELMs,
before sawteeth set in - High edge pedestal temperatures and densities
(Te 1.0 keV, ne1.5x1020m-3 ) and high central
temperatures and densities (Te 5 keV, Ti 3.0
keV, ne2.5x1020m-3) are obtained with 3 MW RF
power - Impurity accumulation terminates ELM-free H
modes, and cessation of current ramp terminates
Elmy H modes - Higher power ICRF experiments, as well as further
optimizations with off-axis mode conversion
current drive (MCCD) will follow in the Spring
campaign - In 2004 off-axis LHCD will be added in these
target plasmas
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34J. Davies and J. Rice
35J. Davies and J. Rice
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