Title: Taking stock initiatives for vulnerable children and families
1Taking stock initiatives for vulnerable
children and families
2Vulnerable children and families are on
everyones radar
Whole of government policy
National reform initiatives
Building human capital by addressing disadvantage
Translating the science of child development into
policies services
Common clients, demand management
Other service initiatives
Child, youth and family services
3Translating the science into policy outcomes as
the common ground
Confident Capable Families
4A coherent approach to monitoring outcomes
5Right now our report card might read
- What is going well
- Committed skilled workforces
- Improvements in system indicators
- Local exemplars
- Areas for improvement
- Levelling the playfield for vulnerable children
- Preventing cumulative harm
- Scaling good practice
- Meeting childrens needs through universal,
secondary and tertiary services
6Delivering better outcomes Science-Policy-Deliver
Best Interests Principles
7Inclusion early childhood reforms
8Integration, innovation earlier intervention
9Meeting more complex needs
10Priority populations
12Sector development
- Family and Placement Services Sector Development
Plan - Family services model review
- Aboriginal capacity building project
- Joint training between Child Protection and CSOs
13Where to from here Leading the way.
- "We must be the change we wish to see.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â -- Mahatma Gandhi