Title: International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE)
1International Air Cadet Exchange (IACE)
- Selection Process, Escorting, Hosting and Myths
- Lt Col Beverly L. Scoggins Mr. Steven J. Trupp
- IACE Activity Director CAP NHQ Program Manager
2IACE Overview
- The IACE Ambassador Mission -
- To promote international fellowship and goodwill
through a shared interest in aviation. - With a common value -
- leadership development with a global
3Overview Continued
- Cadet Selection Process
- Escorting
- Hosting
- Common Myths
4Cadet Selection Process
- Requirements
- At least 17 years old by 1 July, but not over 21
years old by 5 August of the activity year. - Earhart Recipient by date of application
- Selection Process
- Applications go through the normal NCSA
application process - A special selection board scores the supplemental
questions - Applicants are notified in mid-March
5Escort Selection Process
- Requirements
- At least 25 years old by 1 July
- Documented CP Experience (e.g., CP Senior Rating)
- Must be physically fit in order to take part in
all group activities - Selection Process
- Applications go through the normal NCSA
application process - A special selection board scores the supplemental
questions - CAP National Commander personally approves escorts
6Common Issues
- Passports Alcohol
- Paperwork Deadlines
7Duties of an Escort
- Escorts serve as liaison officers between the
organization of the host county and the group of
cadets. - Escorts may be called upon to assume
responsibility of the group under the authority
of host in charge of the exchange. - Escorts must cop with emergencies that might
arise. - Escorts must ensure each CAP cadet projects a
favorable image as a US citizen.
8Wing Hosting Requirements
- The ability to seek out the best of your state
and communities - A dedicated project officer and staff
- Support from your wing leadership
- Support from local squadrons
9Hosting Notes
- Host Families Priority
- CAP Senior Members (not single households)
- CAP Cadets in household, parents not members
- USAF members
- Know nonmembers
- One cadet, one bed (Not shared beds, sleeping
bags or on the floor)
10Hosting Administration
- NHQ provides 50 a day per participant
- Remainder of funds needs to be raised locally
(real dollars or in-kind/discounts) - Can share the responsibility with another Wing
(splitting the time between two states)
- You can only become an escort if you know
someone. - You have to be a Spaatz cadet in order to get a
slot as a cadet. - Canada is a consolation prize.
- It costs too much money to attend.
- IACE is nothing more than a party.