Title: Sending Email Blasts using the Association Management Database System
1Sending Email Blasts using the Association
Management Database System
- The Association Membership Database Training
2Why send emails using the Association Management
- The database system is updated on a continual
basis. - You do not have to maintain a list in Outlook or
Excel. - Email addresses are collected at the time of
enrollment and are updated by the member. - Members now have the ability to opt-out of email
3Training Outline
- Lesson 1 The Database
- Website address, User ID and password
- Lesson 2 Uploading Documents and Images
- Accessing and using the Site Admin File Manager
- Lesson 3 Creating the Email
- Managing the email content, linking documents and
inserting images. - Lesson 4 Sending the Email
- Sending a test email, choosing your email list
and the final send.
4Lesson 1 The Database
- At the end of this lesson you will be able to
- Log into the Association Management Database.
- Locate the different areas that you will be using
within the system.
5Accessing the site
In the address bar, type in website address or
URL listed.https//stage.facc.org/assn
6Enter the User ID and Password
Enter the User ID and Password here. You can
request this from Your Chapter President or from
FACC by sending an email to emailadmin_at_facc.org
7Press Enter Button
Press enter button to continue.
8Welcome Screen
The message only means that you do not have
permission to access the entire back office
features of the site.
9Site Admin
We will look at the Site Admin section in our
next lesson. We will learn about uploading
documents and images that you will be able to use
in your emails.
10Send Emails
Finally we will come back and learn how to choose
our email list and create an HTML email to blast
to our members.
11Lesson 1 Wrap-up
- Website address for the association database
- https//stage.facc.org/assn
- You should receive your User ID and password
from your Chapter President or send an email to - emailadmin_at_facc.orgThis User ID and password
is different from your member user ID and
12Lesson 2 Uploading Files
- Upload documents and images to the File Manager
At the end of this lesson you will be able to
13Site Admin
Click on the Site Admin link in the upper right
corner of the screen.
14Locate the File Manager
You are now in the back office of the AMS system
where we will access the file manager. Click on
the words File Manager to continue.
15Locate the Directory Listings
Scroll down until you see the Directory Listing
section with folders.
16Locate the Chapter Folder
Here you will see folders for Chapters,
Commissions and Regions. Choose the folder for
the appropriate area that you are working on. In
this example, we will choose Chapters.
17Locate your Chapter
Inside the Chapters folder you will see each of
the different chapters listed. Click on the
folder for your Chapter or your Commission if in
the Commissions folder.
18Check your directory upload path
Note the Current Directory URL listed above.
Always double check this to make sure that you
are in the correct folder. At the end of the URL
you should see the name of your chapter or
19Upload a Document
Now we will upload a document using the Upload
feature. First we will locate the document that
we want to upload. We do this by clicking on the
Browse button.
20Locate your Document
Your computer files will appear on the screen.
Locate the folder or area where your document is
21Locate your Document
Choose the folder where you document resides.
22File Manager Uploads
Choose your document and click the open button to
place it in the upload path.
23Upload your Document
Click the upload button to place the document in
your folder.
24Locate Your Uploaded Document
You may upload Word, Excel, Power Point and Adobe
PDF documents. Currently, Microsoft Office 2007
is not supported.
You will now see the document in your folder.
25Upload An Image
We will follow the same steps to upload an image.
Click on the Browse button now to find your
26Locate Your Image
Choose your image and click the open button to
place it in the upload path.
27Upload Your Image
Click the upload button to place the image in
your folder.
28Locate Your Uploaded Image
The Association Management Database only supports
the JPEG (.jpg) format. Other image formats such
as Bitmap (.bmp) will not appear in the selection
list when you attempt to attach them to your
Your image will appear in your folder. You may
continue to upload documents and images until you
are finished.
29Lesson 2 Wrap-up
- Double check your current directory before
uploading files and images. - The Association Management system is not
compatible with Microsoft 2007 files. - You may only use the JPEG (.jpg) format when
uploading images. - If you upload a document or image that you do not
want to appear in the file manager, please
contact emailadmin_at_facc.org with the name of the
file and a request to delete.
30Lesson 3 Creating and Sending Emails
- Create an email
- Attach documents and images
At the end of this lesson you will be able to
31Return to Association
After uploading your documents and images, scroll
back to the top of the page and locate the Switch
to Association Link. Clicking on this link will
take you back to the screen where we will create
our email content.
32Manage Content
Click on the Emails link and then click on Manage
33New HTML Email
Click on the New HTML Email link to begin editing
your email content.
34Addressing the Email
Type in the subject of your email, the from name
and the email address where you want responses
and bounce back emails to return.
36From Name
From Name (Your name or XYZ Chapter Officers)
37From Address
From Name (Your name or XYZ Chapter Officers)
From Address (You may enter your address, however
we recommend that you create an email address
alias as you may receive a large number of
incorrect email address or out of office replies).
38Email Editor
The tool bar looks and works just like Microsoft
Word,however we must abide by two rules 1.
Use Shift Enter to create a new paragraph2.
Use the Delete key to remove unwanted words or
39Toolbar Help
Click the Question Mark Icon if you need help or
information on individual icons.
40Toolbar Help Menu
41Creating Email Content
Just as in word you will have different paragraph
headings, fonts and font sizes.
42Add Opt-Out Message
Please add the following line to the bottom of
all emails. If you do not wish to receive future
emails and further announcements from FACC please
send an email to emailadmin_at_facc.org.
43Attaching a Document
44Click on Downloadable Files Icon
After highlighting your text, click the
Downloadable Files Icon.
45Downloadable Files Screen
46Locate your Group Folder
47Locate your Chapter Folder
48Locate your Document
49Check your Document URL
Verify that the correct document has been chosen
and then click the Insert button below.
50Note the Hyperlinked Text
Highlighted text appears as a hyperlink.
51Insert an Image
Move your cursor to the location where you would
like the image to appear and click to mark the
52Click on Insert Image Icon
Click on the Insert Image Icon.
53Locate your Image
Click on the Main folder for your group
(Chapters), then click on your individual chapter
folder and you should then see this screen
containing your images. Check the box next to
the image that you would like to upload.
54Resize your Image
Note the original width and height of the image.
Resize the image by changing the numbers in the
box. In this example, we have lowered the width
to 302. The height will automatically change
with the width as long as the Constrain
Proportions box is checked.
55Attaching a Document to an Image
When attaching a document to an image, select the
image by clicking on it and then click on the
downloadable file icon.
56Document Attached to Image
Once you have completed the steps to attach the
document, the image will turn gray.
57Save The Email
Scroll down the page and click the Save button to
save your work.
58Lesson 3 Wrap-up
- It is suggested that you create an alternate
return email address for responses, incorrect
email address and out of office replies. - Use the Shift Enter keys to create a new
paragraph. - Use the delete key or highlight the incorrect
word or sentence and type over it to correct a
mistake. - Resize images by using the width/height boxes in
the Insert image editor. Do not resize them in
the email itself. - Add opt-out message to the bottom of every email.
59Lesson 4 Sending Emails
- Send a test email
- Select your email list
- Send the final email
At the end of this lesson you will be able to
60Click on Hyperlinked Text and Image
Now that we have saved the email, we can click on
the hyperlinked text and image to check that they
bring up the appropriate file.
61Click on Send
Once you have verified that your hyperlinks work,
click on the send link at the top of the screen.
62Change the Group Label
It is recommended that you change the Email Group
label to the name of the subject of your email.
63Send Test Email
Click the radio button next to Send Email to the
following Test Address. Enter your email address
into the blank field.
64Press Go
Press Go Button to send Test Email
65Test Message Sent
66Select Email List
Click on arrow of drop down menu to choose the
appropriate email list.
67Commission Email Lists
Commissions can reside in of four choices.
Therefore, when sending emails to your
commission, you must choose each list separately.
68Email Addresses
Once page refreshes after selecting email list,
the option to send the email to your selected
list appears.
List contains only active members with email
addresses listed on their profile.
69Send Email to Selected List
Select the radio button and then click the Go
button to send email to your selected list.
Click here to edit email before sending.
70Check Your Inbox
Test email that we sent earlier. This is how
your email will appear to your members. You may
make modifications to the email prior to sending
it from the Send Email page.
71Lesson 4 Wrap-up
- Check hyperlinks to make sure they work.
- Change Email Group Label to name of Subject
- Trustees and College Presidents will be opted out
of email unless otherwise informed. - Send Test Email.
- Email list contain only those active members who
have an email address on their profile. - To send emails to each chapter in your region,
you must choose each college individually and
send separate emails.
72For More Information or Questions
- Email the Member Information and Database
Manager at - emailadmin_at_facc.orgor call
- 850-222-3222