Title: Overview of Autism
1Overview of Autism
- Symptoms
- Incidence
- Genetics vs. Environment?
- Behavior Therapy
- Biomedical Testing/Treatment
3These PowerPoint slides were made available from
the Autism Research Institute www.Autism.comARI
s Toll-Free Resource Call Center 866.366.3361
4A Word of Thanks
- These slides were adapted with permission from a
presentation developed by James B. Adams, Ph.D. - Dr. Adams has a teen-age daughter with autism
and is a Full Professor in the Department of
Chemical and Materials Engineering at Arizona
State University. Dr. Adams currently serves as
president, Greater Phoenix Chapter of Autism
Society of America and a Board member of the
Autism Research Institute.
5Personal background
- (presenter enter your background)
6This information is for educational purposes
only and is not intended as medical advice. For
medical assistance, please consult a
knowledgeable healthcare professional
7Core symptoms
- Major impairments
- Social Skills/Relationships
- Communication
- Stereotypical Behaviors
- Desire for Sameness
- Autism is a spectrum disorder
- Autism / PDD-NOS/ Asperger Syndrome key
impairment in social skills is common to all
8How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
- DSM-IV Criteria for an Autism Diagnosis
- A. A total of six (or more) items from (1),
(2), and (3), with at least two from (1), and one
each from (2) and (3)
9How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
DISORDER AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING - Marked impairments in the use of multiple
nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze,
facial expression, body posture, and gestures to
regulate social interaction - Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate
to developmental level
10How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
- A lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment,
interests, or achievements with other people,
(e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or
pointing out objects of interest to other
people) - Lack of social or emotional reciprocity (note in
the description, it gives the following as
examples not actively participating in simple
social play or games, preferring solitary
activities, or involving others in activities
only as tools or "mechanical" aids )
11How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
DISORDER AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING - Delay in, or total lack of, the development of
spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to
compensate through alternative modes of
communication such as gesture or mime) - In individuals with adequate speech, marked
impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain
a conversation with others
12How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
- Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or
idiosyncratic language - Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or
social imitative play appropriate to
developmental level
13How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
DISORDER- AT LEAST ONE OF THE FOLLOWING - Encompassing preoccupation with one or more
stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest
that is abnormal either in intensity or focus - Apparently inflexible adherence to specific,
nonfunctional routines or rituals
14How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
- Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g
hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex
whole body movements) - Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
15How do they diagnose full-syndrome?
- Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of
the following areas, with onset prior to age 3
years - social interaction
- language as used in social communication
- symbolic or imaginative play
- D. The disturbance is not better accounted for by
Rett's Disorder
16How do they diagnose Asperger Syndrome?
- Same Social and Behavioral Issues as Autism
- (III) The disturbance causes clinically
significant impairments in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning.
17How do they diagnose Asperger Syndrome?
- (IV) There is no clinically significant general
delay in language (E.G. single words used by age
2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3
18How do they diagnose Asperger Syndrome?
- (V) There is no clinically significant delay in
cognitive development or in the development of
age-appropriate self help skills, adaptive
behavior (other than in social interaction) and
curiosity about the environment in childhood.
19Diagnostic tools
- Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised
(ADI-Revised) 2-4 hour interview with parents
of childs history - Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS)
one-hour structured and unstructured interaction
with child - Childhood Autism Ratings Scales (CARS)
- E-2 Diagnostic Checklist Parents checklist
scored for no charge. Download pdf file from
20Early onset vs. regression
Source Autism Research Institute
21Genetic or environmental cause?
- Studies of identical twins reveal
- Co-occurrence is 40-80 if 100, then only due
to genes so genes are important, but so are
unknown environmental factors - 5-10 chance siblings of ASD children will have
autism - 25 chance of major speech delay so carefully
monitor siblings
22No straight lines from genes to behavior
- Genetic vulnerability environmental exposure
- Remember
- Genes alone produce proteins not behaviors
23Which Genes?
- Many genetic studies of autism, but they
generally disagree too few subjects and too many
genes - Probably 10-20 genes involved in complex manner
- Translational Genomics (TGen) plans largest study
ever (1000 subjects) - In two similar conditions, Fragile X and Retts
Syndrome, a single gene has been identified for
24Which Environmental Causes?
- No general agreement
- Possible causes with limited scientific data
include - High levels of heavy metals (e.g., mercury, lead,
aluminum) due to limited excretion because of low
glutathione - Excessive oral antibiotic usage (gut damage
poor health and neurodevelopment due to poor
digestion of nutrients) - Vaccine damage (especially MMR)
- Exposure to pesticides
- Lack of essential minerals (iodine, lithium)
- Other unknown factors
25Rapid increase in incidence
- 1970s 2-3 per 10,000
- 2007 1 per 150 (U.S.) 1 per 58 (U.K.)
- In the U.S., affects 1 in 80 boys, since 41
boygirl ratio - In California (which has best statistics), autism
now accounts for 45 of all new developmental
disabilities - YOUR STATE (get the stats from DDD if you can)
- 1996
- 1999
- 2003
- 2005
26Why rising rate of autism?
- Partly due to better awareness/diagnosis, but
that is only modest effect (per study by MIND
Institute) - Not due to genetics gene pool changes slowly
- So, primary reason is most likely increased
exposure to environmental factors (mercury,
antibiotics, MMR, pesticides, iodine deficiency,
- Two major lifetime studies
- Autism 90 of adults unable to work, unable to
live independently, -
- Asperger (50 with college degrees)
- Similar prognosis social skills, limited use
of intellectual abilities - Grim prognosis if untreated, but many treatments
now available, and there is MUCH more hope
28Autism is TREATABLE!
- Many children now greatly improve, and some even
recover, due to evidence-based behavioral and/or
biomedical interventions, primarily - Behavioral Therapies
- Biomedical Therapies
29Behavioral therapies
- ABA most widely accepted/implemented evidence
based well documented results - Pivotal Response Training
- Carbone method
- Floortime
30Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Pioneered by Dr. Ivar Lovaas at UCLA in the
1960s. - Research study (1987) evaluated 19 young autistic
children ranging from 35 to 41 months of age.
Children received over two years of intensive,
40-hour/week behavioral intervention by trained
graduate and undergraduate students. - Nearly half of the children improved so much they
were indistinguishable from typical children, and
they went on to lead fairly normal lives. - Of the other half, most had significant
improvements, but a few did not improve much.
31ABA Today
- Several variations today, but general agreement
that - Usually beneficial, sometimes very beneficial
- Most beneficial with young children, but older
children can benefit - 20-40 hours/week is ideal
- Prompting, as necessary, to achieve high level of
success, with gradual fading of prompts - Therapists need proper training and supervision
- Regular team meetings needed to maintain
consistency - Most importantly keep the sessions interesting
to maintain childs attention and motivation - In YOUR STATE, (insert ABA policy)
- Example In Arizona every child diagnosed with
AUTISM (not PDD-NOS) can receive ABA services
from DDD (Arizona Division of Developmental
32Other Evidence-Based Therapies
- Speech Therapy
- Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Sensory Integration
- Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT)
- Vision Therapy
- Prism lenses
- Irlen lenses
33Rationale for the Biomedical ApproachEndorsed by
- Improve Diet
- Food Allergies
- GFCF Diet (no gluten, no casein/dairy)
- Vitamin/Mineral Supplements
- High-Dose Vitamin B6 and Magnesium
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Amino Acids
- Gut Treatments
- Thyroid Supplements
- Sulfation
- Glutathione
- Detoxification
- Anti-Viral Treatments
- Immune System Regulation
34Improving the Diet
- Consume 3-4 servings of nutritious vegetables and
1-2 servings of fruit each day. - Consume at least 1-2 servings/day of protein
- Greatly reduce or avoid added sugar (soda, candy,
etc.) - Avoid junk food cookies, fried chips, etc.
(even if GF/CF, etc) - Greatly reduce or avoid fried foods or foods
containing transfats - Avoid artificial colors, artificial flavors, and
preservatives - Go organic
35Detecting Food Allergies
- Look for
- Red cheeks
- Red ears
- Dark circles under eyes
- Changes in behavior
- Keep a diet log
- Look for patterns between symptoms and foods
eaten in the last 1-3 days - Order IgE and IgG blood tests
- IgE related to an immediate immune response
- IgG relates to a delayed immune response.
A study by Vojdani et al. found that many
children with autism have food allergies. Immune
response to dietary proteins, gliadin and
cerebellar peptides in children with autism.
Nutr Neurosci. 2004 Jun7(3)151-61.
36Allergies or not Gluten-/Casein-free Diet
- Rationale T. Buie at Harvard Medical School
found that many children with autism have
defective and/or few digestive enzymes or few
enzymes means food doesnt break down. This is
different from a food allergy. Large proteins
like gluten and casein cause problems in the
bloodstream. - Recommendations
- Requires 100 avoidance of all gluten products
and all dairy products (and often soy, corn and
rice as well) - Give digestive enzymes with food
- Caution need calcium supplement unless on
excellent diet
Autism Network for Dietary Intervention
37Using Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
- Rationale
- A double-blind, placebo-controlled study
(published by Adams et al.) found that a strong,
balanced multi-vitamin/mineral supplement
resulted in improvements in children with autism
in sleep and gut function, and possibly in other
areas. - Recommendation
- Use an allergen-free multi-vitamin. There are
many formulas specifically for ASD.
- RationaleMethyl-B12 is closely allied with the
folic acid biochemical pathway and is necessary
for detoxification. Unfortunately, many autistic
children have a defect in this enzyme. - RecommendationsMB-12 is only by prescription.
For approximately 85 of children 64.5
mcg/kg/every 3 days works well.
39Giving High Dose Vitamin B6 Mg
- Rationale Over 20 studies on efficacy of B6
with Magnesium - 45-50 of children and adults with autism
benefited from high-dose supplementation of B6
with magnesium. - Vitamin B6 is required for production of
serotonin, dopamine, and others and glutathione. - Magnesium helps curtail hyperactivity caused by
B6 alone. - Recommendations
- 8 mg/pound of vitamin B6 (maximum of 1000 mg)
- 4 mg/pound magnesium
40Using Essential Fatty Acids Fish Oil, etc.
- Rationale
- Most people in the US do not consume enough
omega 3s. Two studies found that children with
autism have lower levels of omega 3 fatty acids
than do typical children. - Recommendations
- Omega 3 20-60 mg omega 3/kg-bodyweight, from
fish oil - Omega 6 ¼ as much omega 6 as omega 3
- Evening primrose oil or borage oil
41Supplementing Amino Acids
- Rationale
- Some children with autism have digestive
problems and self-limited diets that are low in
protein. - This can lead to amino acid deficiency,
depriving the brain of neurotransmitters,
hormones, enzymes, antibodies, immunoglobulins,
glutathione, etc. - Recommendations
- Test Fasting plasma amino acids, or 24 hr urine
(NOTE unusually high levels in urine may
indicate wasting) - Increase protein intake
- Use digestive enzymes
- Give a customized amino acid
42Using Digestive Enzymes
- Rationale
- T. Buie at Harvard Medical School found that
many children with autism have defective and/or
few digestive enzymes or few enzymes means food
doesnt break down. - Recommendations
- A Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis can
reveal if some types of foods are not being
digested well, suggesting a problem with specific
digestive enzymes. - Use allergen-free digestive enzymes to aid in
breaking down food and facilitation better
nutrient absorption - Enzymes come in capsule form (but can be
sprinkled on food) - Give with every meal.
43Yeast in the Gut
- Rationale
- Many anecdotal reports of yeast overgrowth in
children with autism, and limited research
evidence. Suspect some yeast toxins (alcohol) can
have major effect on behavior/aggression. - Recommendations
- Probiotics 30-500 billion CFUs
- Antifungals Nystatin, Diflucan
- Low-sugar diet
- Stool analysis for gut bacteria/yeast
44Thyroid Disorders
- Rationale Perhaps 10 of general population
has low thyroid levels, and at least that many
children with autism also may have that problem. - One study found that children with autism have
unusually low iodine levels - Low iodine is the major cause of mental
retardation worldwide (over 80 million cases) -
becoming more common in US (decreased use of
iodinized salt). - Recommendations
- Testing
- Measure body temperature before waking
- Measure iodine levels
- Thyroid test (caution re. reference ranges being
too broad in some cases) - Treatment
- Iodine supplementation if low
- Thyroid supplements, preferably natural animal
extracts caution re. overdosing
45Treating Thyroid Problems
- Testing
- Measure body temperature before waking
- Measure iodine levels
- Thyroid test (caution re. reference ranges being
too broad in some cases) - Recommendations
- Iodine supplementation if low
- Thyroid supplements, preferably natural animal
extracts caution re. overdosing
46Treating Sulfation Problems
- Rationale Many children with autism have
excess loss of sulfate in their urine, resulting
in a low level of sulfate in their body. - Recommendations
- Testing Urine testing of free and total sulfate
is useful to check for excessive loss of sulfate.
Blood testing can be used to check for levels of
free and total plasma sulfate. -
- Treatments
- Oral MSM (500-2000 mg depending on size and
sulfate level) - Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate) baths 2 cups of
Epsom salts in warm/hot water, soak for 20
minutes, 2-3x/week. -
47Glutathione Deficiency
- Rationale
- Studies show low glutathione (critical
antioxidant) in children with autism due to
abnormalities in their methionine pathway. - Recommendations
- Testing Measure level of glutathione (fasting
plasma or RBC). - Treatment Oral glutathione is poorly absorbed
(perhaps 15). Alternatives include IV
glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine, 500 mg vitamin C,
DMSA therapy.
48Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Rationale Low/inactive glutathione results in
less excretion of mercury and toxic
metals/chemicals, resulting in a higher body
burden. - Also, many children with autism had increased
use of oral antibiotics in infancy, which alter
gut flora and thereby almost completely stop the
bodys ability to excrete mercury.
49Recommendations for Detoxification
- Testing Urinary porphyrins reveal presence of
mercury and other toxic metals by evaluating
steps in porphyrin pathway. - Nataf et al, Porphyrinuria in childhood autistic
disorder implications for environmental
toxicity. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2006 Jul
15214(2)99-108. - Treatment DMSA (FDA-approved for lead
poisoning in infants) or DMPS. See DAN! consensus
report at www.autismresearchinstitute.com
50Immune System Regulation
- Rationale
- Several studies found altered immune system in
autism, generally with shift to Th-2, and some
evidence for auto-immunity - Recommendations
- Treatments include IVIG Gupta et al., found
IVIG benefited 4 of 10 children, with 1 case of
marked improvement. - ACTOS Open study of ACTOS in children with
autism found substantial improvements. - Antiviral therapies (Valtrex, acyclovir)
51Take Home MessageAutism Is Treatable
- There are many individual differences among
autistic individuals A treatment that is
effective for one autistic child may have little
or no benefit for another autistic child.