Empirical Market Microstructure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Empirical Market Microstructure


Roughly 80% of ID trades are in the 'unwinding' direction. Roughly 65% of ID trades have both dealers 'unwinding' ... trades are used to unwind the inventory ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Empirical Market Microstructure

Empirical Market Microstructure
  • Rotman School Distinguished Lecture Series
  • March 2008
  • Ingrid M. Werner
  • Martin and Andrew Murrer Professor of Finance
  • Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State

Empirical tests of MM models
  • Dealer markets
  • Theory of Dealer Markets
  • Cross-sectional spreads
  • Inventory management
  • Interdealer trading
  • Asymmetric Information/Strategic Trading
  • Transaction Costs
  • Intraday patterns
  • Spread decomposition
  • Order processing
  • Inventory
  • Asymmetric information
  • Price process

The Inventory Control Hypothesis
  • Objective
  • To understand how market prices arise given the
    nature of order flow and the market-clearing
  • Focus
  • The liquidity provider
  • Specialist
  • Dealer
  • Market Maker (MM)

Garman (1976)Bankruptcy Risk
  • Can a market maker who posts bid and ask prices
    and faces random asynchronous arrival of buy and
    sell orders avoid bankruptcy?
  • That is, can he/she avoid running out of cash
    and/or stock?
  • How should he/she set bid and ask prices to
    maximize the chances of avoiding bankruptcy?
  • Gamblers ruin problem
  • Key insightA positive spread is necessary to
    avoid going bankrupt with probability one

Garman (1976)Bankruptcy Risk
  • Key assumptions
  • Single risk-neutral monopolistic dealer
  • sets the bid price, pb, and ask price, pa (only
  • receives orders
  • clears trades
  • holds stock and cash
  • Maximizes expected profits, tries to avoid
  • Order-arrival processes
  • one unit of stock
  • Poisson arrivals
  • Sells (?a(pa), ?a(pa) 0)
  • Buys (?b(pb), ?b(pb) 0)
  • Waiting time between order arrivals is
    exponentially distributed
  • Buy and sell orders are driven by independent
  • No herding or information driven trading
  • Black-box, only depends on price, p

Garman (1976)Bankruptcy Risk
  • Key insights
  • Order arrivals will affect both the inventory of
    stock and cash
  • Let Ic(0) be the initial inventory of cash and
    Is(0) be the inventory of stock.
  • Let R(t) (Q(t)) be the probability that the
    dealer will run out of stock (cash).
  • Note that pa gt pb is required for ?apa gt ?bpb
    and ?alt ?b to hold
  • The dealer has to post a positive spread to avoid
    failure with probability equals one.
  • No matter what prices the dealer sets, he will
    fail with probability gt 0.

Garman (1976)Bankruptcy Risk
  • How are prices set?
  • Raise ask and buy orders slow down
  • Raise bid and sell orders arrive more rapidly
  • To achieve zero-drift in inventories of cash and
    stock, the dealer needs to set prices such that
    arrival rates are equated
  • ?a(pe)?b(pe) ?e gt profits 0
  • ?a ?b ? gt profits gt 0
  • Shortcomings
  • Dealer cannot change prices over time
  • No link between prices and the inventory position
    of the dealer

Dealer seeks to maximize shaded area
Arrival rate
Amihud and Mendelson (1980) Inventory Management
  • Generalizes Garman (1976) by modeling a profit
    maximizing, risk neutral monopolistic dealer who
    changes prices over time.
  • Punt on the bankruptcy problem by assuming that
    inventory, I, is finite and bounded from below I
    in (-K, L), L lt 8.
  • Translate the Poisson arrival process of Garman
    (1976) into a birth and death process
  • This is a semi-Markov decision process where the
    state variable is the inventory of stock, Ij, at
  • The decisions are to set bid, pb(Ij), and ask,
    pa(Ij), prices.
  • Dealer controls the arrival rates directly as a
    function of the state variable, Ij.
  • Key insightsA positive spread arises due to
    dealer market power.Market prices will fluctuate
    in part due to dealer inventory control.

Amihud and Mendelson (1980)Inventory Management
  • Optimal bid and ask prices are monotone
    decreasing functions of the dealers inventory
  • The dealer has a preferred inventory position, -K
    lt I lt L
  • The preferred inventory position is a function of
    the variability of order arrival rates (cushion)
  • Positive spread arises because of market power
  • The spread is increasing in the distance between
    the dealers current inventory and his desired
  • The mid-quote is not always equal to the true
    value of the stock!
  • The spread is wider than the spread that the
    Garman specialist would set.
  • Competition would drive this spread to zero
  • Empirically testable predictionsMarket prices
    will fluctuate in part because of inventory
    controlPrice effects of inventory imbalances are

I1 gt I2
Amihud and Mendelson (1980)Inventory Management
Stoll (1978)Inventory Risk
  • Dealer as a supplier of immediacy.
  • Dealers are regular risk-averse traders.
  • A dealer is a trader who voluntarily alters his
    portfolio away from the optimal portfolio to
    accommodate other traders demands.
  • Dealers require compensation for doing so.
  • The compensation for risk is the bid-ask spread.
  • Earlier work modeled risk-neutral traders (Amihud
    and Mendelson (1980) and Garman (1976)) and the
    spread was the result of monopoly power.
  • Key insightThe spread is compensation for the
    risk the dealer takes on by tilting his portfolio
    away from the optimal portfolio

Stoll (1978)Inventory Risk
  • Costs for providing immediacy
  • Holding costs associated with suboptimal
  • Order-processing costs.
  • Asymmetric information costs.
  • Dealer is assumed to have exogenous beliefs about
    the true price of the asset, and its true rate of
  • Returns are normally distributed.
  • Utility is negative exponential gt CARA
  • Dealer maximized terminal wealth.
  • Sets prices for one transaction (buy or sell).
  • Inventory is financed by borrowing/lending at the
    risk-free rate.
  • Market for supplying liquidity services is

Stoll (1978)Inventory Risk
  • Let Qi be the true value of a trade in stock i
    and Ci be the present dollar cost to the dealer
    of trading Qi
  • Expanding both sides (Taylor series expansion),
    dropping terms of order higher than two, setting
    Rf 0, and simplifying the resulting expression
    for the cost to the dealer of trading per unit of
    Q is

Stoll (1978)Inventory Risk
  • Where z is the dealers coefficient of relative
    risk aversion, Qp is the true dollar value of the
    dealers optimal inventory, sip is the covariance
    between the rate of return on stock i and the
    optimal portfolio and si2 is the variance of
    stock is return.
  • So, the cost function depends on
  • Dealer wealth and risk preferences
  • The level of the dealers optimal inventory
  • The size of the trade in stock i
  • The variance of the stock and its covariance with
    the dealers optimal inventory.

Stoll (1978)Inventory Risk
  • If the dealer quotes symmetric quantities on the
    bid and the offer, Qi, it is easy to show that
    the spread relative to the true price will be
  • The spread is thus linear in trade size.
  • The dealers inventory will affect where the bid
    and ask prices are placed, but not the spread.
  • Empirically testable predictionSpread is
    linearly increasing in trade size and in the
    volatility of the stock

Ho and Stoll (1981)Dynamic Model
  • Extends the intuition of Stoll (1978) to a
    multi-period framework in which both order flow
    (Poisson) and returns are stochastic.
  • Dealers are risk-averse and maximize utility of
    terminal wealth.
  • Model is solved using finite horizon dynamic
    programming to characterize the dealers optimal
    pricing policy.
  • Characteristics of the solution
  • The spread includes an adjustment for risk that
    depends on dealer risk aversion, the size of the
    transaction, and the risk of the stock.
  • Transactions uncertainty per se does not affect
    the spread.
  • In the limit there is only a risk-neutral
    (monopoly) spread.
  • Dealers optimal pricing depends on the time
    horizon (dealer becomes less risk averse over
  • The spread is independent of the inventory level.
  • Key insightThe spread arises due to market
    power plus an adjustment for inventory risk plus
    an adjustment for the risk from a suboptimal
    asset allocation.

Ho and Stoll (1983)Multiple Dealers
  • How do dealers decide on optimal prices in a
    setting with competition (e.g., Nasdaq, Forex,
    OTC markets)?
  • Extension of Ho and Stoll (1981) to a setting
    with multiple competitive dealers that can trade
    with the public as well as with each other
    (interdealer trading).
  • Public orders go to dealer with the best price,
    and are randomly allocated if several dealers
    quote the best price.
  • The order size is fixed.
  • Dealer wealth and inventories are public
  • Inventory is more risky than if the dealer had an
    exclusive franchise.
  • Each dealers strategy depends on the strategies
    of all other dealers. Need symmetry to
    facilitate solution.
  • Key insight (English auction)Optimal strategy
    is for the dealer who is the most eager to sell
    (buy) to place his ask e above (bid e below) the
    second most eager dealer to sell (buy).The
    market spread depends on risk aversion, order
    size, and riskiness of the stock and on the
    distribution of inventories.

Ho and Stoll (1983)Multiple Dealers
  • As in previous models, the inventory will play a
    key role.
  • Inventories dictate the reservation values for
    each dealer, i.e., they determine the prices
    (pa1ar, pb1-br) at which the dealer is
    indifferent between trading and not trading.
  • Since inventories are public information,
    everyone knows each others reservation values.
  • It is possible to order dealers in terms of their
    eagerness to buy (lowest inventory) and to sell
    (highest inventory).

Ho and Stoll (1983)Multiple Dealers
  • It is not necessarily optimal to quote
    reservation values.
  • Suppose we order inventory levels (public
    information) from the lowest to the highest I1
    lt I2 lt lt IN-1 lt IN
  • It follows from our reservation quotesb1 lt b2 lt
    lt bN-1 lt bNaN lt aN-1 lt lt a2 lt a1

Dealer N shades her ask by aN-1-aN -e
Dealer one shades his bid by b2-b1 -e
If you are the marginal dealer on either side,
set prices e away from the reservation quotes of
the second most desperate dealer..
Ho and Stoll (1983)Multiple Dealers
  • There is no guarantee that the optimal policy we
    just derived will result in a market ask price
    that exceeds the bid!
  • It depends on the support of the inventory
    distribution, and on the other parameters (A, s2,
  • Introduce a round of interdealer trading prior to
    customer order arrival

Dealer N shades her ask by aN-1-aN -e
Dealer one shades his bid by b2-b1 -e
Absent interdealer trading, optimal spread would
be negative, leavingroom for arbitrage by
Ho and Stoll (1983)Multiple Dealers
  • Implications (Empirically testable)
  • As long as there are more than 2 dealers,
    interdealer trading may occur.
  • Dealers will use interdealer trades to reduce
    some of the discrepancies in inventories by
    trading with each other.
  • They will then compete with each other for the
    arriving customer orders (second price auction)
  • Quotes will be less spread out in the public
    market than if we do not allow interdealer
  • Market spread is declining in the number of
  • Problems
  • The assumption of full transparency of
    inventories is unrealistic!
  • Dealers also need to know A, subjective s2, etc
  • Model is static and order flow is naïve

Biais (1993)Incomplete Transparency/Fragmentation
  • In practice, we cannot easily track dealer trades
    or when a particular dealer quotes get hit
  • Can the model of Ho and Stoll (1983) be relaxed
    to deal with incomplete transparency?
  • How would dealers optimally set their quotes if
    they do not know each others inventories?
  • Biais (1993) assumes that dealers do not know
    each others inventories, but they do know the
    distribution from which each dealers inventory
    is drawn.
  • Quotes are sealed-bid Dutch auction
  • Key insightsDealers will act strategically and
    shade their prices.The spread is wider than
    under full transparency.Competition will reduce
    the room for strategic behavior gt spreads
    narrow when there are more dealers.

Biais (1993)Incomplete Transparency/Fragmentation
  • Game
  • Traders decide whether or not to become a dealer
  • Dealers receive inventories I in -R, R, iid
  • Market order arrives, B/S with equal probability,
  • Best quotes gets the order
  • Final value of the asset is realized
  • Solution is by backwards induction
  • Lucky for us, it starts with Ho and Stoll (1981,
    1983) solution for reservation quotes.
  • Difference is that the dealer does not know the
    reservation values of his/her competitors (since
    inventories are not public information)
  • Dealer needs to figure out the probability that
    his ask (bid) price is lower (higher) than that
    of all other dealers (could get the trade)
  • Bayes-Nash equilibrium concept

Biais (1993)Incomplete Transparency/Fragmentation
  • Assume that the inventory distribution is
  • Optimal bid (1-bi) and ask (1ai) quotes are

Dealers shade their quotes Shading is increasing
in A, s2, R Shading is decreasing in the
numberof dealers Dealer spreads are decreasing
in the number of dealers
Dealer will post an ask price as if his
inventory is Ii lt Ii
(Ii-(-R)) divided by N determines shading
Empirical Predictions Inventories
  • Predictions from theory
  • Arrival rate of orders is price elastic
  • Quotes should reflect inventory position of
  • The rate at which dealer trade inventory
    imbalances depends on
  • risk aversion
  • the number of dealers
  • risk of the stock
  • time
  • There is a target inventory level and spreads
    widen as we move away from this target inventory
  • The market spread should be increasing in the
    size of the customer trade
  • The market spread should be increasing in the
    volatility of the stock
  • The market spread should be decreasing in the
    number of dealers

Stoll (1978)Cost of Trading on Nasdaq
Order ProcessingCosts
  • Sample of 2,508 stocks for 6 trading days
  • Median dealers is 5
  • Median spread is 3-4
  • The number of dealers is increasing in liquidity
  • Not all registered dealers are actively trading
  • Empirical model for spreads (log-linear)
  • Spreads are declining in dealers and liquidity!
  • Spreads are increasing in proxy for adverse

Avg. daily inventory change
Concentration ratio
MM Residual
Stoll (1976)Nasdaq Dealer Inventory
  • Start with our model of dealer spreads (Ho and
    Stoll (1978))
  • Add order processing and information costs (ad
  • Assume a lot of symmetry and perfect competition
  • Let ?Q be the change in aggregate inventory
    (proxy order imbalance)
  • Let P be the midquote and r the midquote return
  • Use data on 5 days for 2,052 stocks

lt0 Suggests passive inventory adjustment rgt0 gt
?Q lt 0 stabilizing
lt0 Suggests mean Reversion gt 8-10 days to
reverse Q gt Inventory risk
Dealers get taken by informed traders
Hasbrouck and Sofianos (1993)Trades of NYSE
  • Inventory is sometimes negative (short positions)
  • There is no obvious drift or divergence
  • Patterns suggests rather tight inventory
  • The mean inventory is near zero
  • Overnight positions are small Dealers tend to go
    home flat
  • Liquid stock
  • Large market capitalization

Hasbrouck and Sofianos (1993)Trades of NYSE
Discrete jump Offsetting position in other
stock?Options/derivatives? Overseas
traded? Illiquid stock Small capitalization
Wandering inventory Offsetting position in other
stock?Options/derivatives? Overseas
traded? Illiquid stockSmall capitalization
Hasbrouck and Sofianos (1993)Trades of NYSE
  • Stationary? They have to be (at least mean
  • Noisy data
  • Misinterpreted
  • Horizon not long enough
  • How fast do specialists get rid of inventory
    positions? Slow

Madhavan and Sofianos (1993)Trades of NYSE
  • Why is the mean reversion so slow?
  • Measurement issues?
  • Study days with extreme price changes
  • Evidence shows that specialists reverts large
    inventory shocks quickly
  • 24/40 cases one day
  • 36/49 cases by fourth day
  • Hedging
  • Evidence suggests not commonly used
  • Correlated securities
  • Correlation of inventories across stocks is on
    average positive for 41 out of the 50 specialists
  • Speculation
  • Would mess up our estimates?

Hasbrouck and Sofianos (1993)Trades of NYSE
  • Are NYSE specialists profitable?
  • On average, profits are negative
  • Short and medium term profits are positive
  • Long term profits are negative and very noisy
  • Specialists make profits from the spread, but
    there is also some evidence of profitable
    speculation (informed trading)
  • Prices, trades, and inventories
  • Most of the quote dynamics are attributable to
    trades, with inventories contributing little
    explanatory power.
  • Positions are not managed by adjustment of
    publicly quoted bids and offers.
  • But, how is then inventory management done?
  • Selective nonpublic quoting
  • Interdealer trading
  • Market specific rules that allow dealers to
    participate in trades without publicly signaling
    through their quotes (NYSE).

Madhavan and Smidt (1993)Inventories and Quotes
of NYSE Specialists
  • Develop a structural model to estimate
  • Mean reversion of inventories, ß
  • ß -1 implies inventories reversed in one day
  • Desired inventory level, Id
  • Results
  • ß is negative and significant for 8 out of 16
  • ß is on average -0.05 which implies a half life
    of 49 days (even slower than HS (1993))
  • Desired inventory is positive and significant for
    12 out of 16 stocks!
  • Bad news
  • Structural model did not manage to eliminate the
    slow mean reversion
  • Allow for shifts in desired inventory
  • ß is negative and significant for 13 out of 16
  • ß is on average -0.134 which implies a half life
    of 7.3

Madhavan and Smidt (1993)Quotes and Inventories
of NYSE Specialists
  • Half lives vary significantly across stocks.
  • Midquote-updates are modeled as a function of
  • Shocks to order imbalances ()
  • Inventory adjustment (-)
  • If there is a positive shock to (buy) order
    imbalances, midquotes increases gt Information?
  • If inventory levels increase, midquotes decrease
  • Thus, MS (1993) find a strong link between
    quotes and inventories

Madhavan and Sofianos (1998)NYSE Specialist
  • How does dealer activity vary across stocks?
  • Liquidity
  • Off-exchange competition
  • Tick size (tick/P high gt more specialist
  • Specialist participation rate (SP) is defined as
    specialist purchases and sales, divided by total
    purchases and sales.
  • Level SP(Liquidity (-), Off-exchange competition
    (-), Tick/P (-), )
  • What affects specialist trading over time in an
    individual stock?
  • Inventory
  • Spread
  • Trade size
  • Momentum
  • Signed SP(Inventory(-), Spread (-), Trade Size
    (), Momentum (-), )

Madhavan and Sofianos (1998)NYSE Specialist
Madhavan and Sofianos (1998)NYSE Specialist
Hansch, Naik, and Viswanathan (1998)Dealer
Inventories in London
  • Study normalized inventories
  • Over 50 of large trades are taken by dealer with
    extreme inventory
  • Dealers posting at the BBO attract more than
    their expected share of order flow
  • There is a strong (?) link between quotes and

Hansch, Naik, and Viswanathan (1998)Dealer
Inventories in London
  • Model mean reversion as a piece-wise linear
  • There is considerable variation in the speed of
    mean reversion depending on how extreme the
    position is in the first place.
  • Mean reversion is still relatively slow!
  • One sigma shock
  • Half-life 5 days (All)
  • Half-life 3.5 days (Non-ADR)
  • Five sigma shock
  • Half-life 1.3 days (All)
  • Half-life 1.2 days (Non-ADR)
  • Problems
  • Variable transformation
  • Pre-arranged trades

Reiss and Werner (1998)London Interdealer Trading
Reiss and Werner (1998)London Interdealer Trading
Reiss and Werner (1998)London Interdealer Trading
  • Does risk-sharing motivate interdealer trading
    (Ho and Stoll (1983))?
  • Methodology
  • Inventory cycles
  • Prepositioned/Anticipated trades
  • ID trading represents roughly 25 percent of
  • Active inventory management compared to HNV
  • One (FTSE) to two days (non-FTSE)
  • ID trading conforms to Ho and Stolls (1983)
  • ID are used to reduce inventory imbalances
  • Roughly 80 of ID trades are in the unwinding
  • Roughly 65 of ID trades have both dealers
  • Dealers in ID trades have extreme inventories
  • Position taking is profitable, and profits are
    larger if customer trades are used to unwind the

Additional Research on Dealer Inventories
  • Naik and Yadav (2003) study London dealers
    trading multiple stocks and find that dealers do
    not seem to take a portfolio approach to their
    risk exposure.
  • Lyons (1995) study one FOREX dealer and finds
    strong evidence of inventory control.
  • Manaster and Mann (1996) study futures markets
    and find patterns consistent with inventory
  • Chakravarty and Li (2003) study futures markets
    and find rapid mean reversion in the personal
    inventory of dual traders.
  • Kavajez and Odders-White (2001) study NYSE
    specialists and find no evidence that specialists
    revise their price schedules in response to
    changes in their inventory.

Inventory Empirics Conclusion
  • Spreads do seem to be consistent with models of
    dealer markets in the cross-section
  • Mean reversion of inventories seems surprisingly
    slow in many markets
  • Link between quotes and inventories is
    surprisingly weak
  • Why is dealer inventory management so difficult
    to measure?
  • Dealers have complex objectives
  • Off-exchange trading
  • Order preferencing, payment for order flow, soft
    dollars, etc

Dealer Market References
  • Theory
  • OHara, M., 1995, Market Microstructure Theory,
    Chapter 2.
  • Hasbrouck, J., 2007, Empirical Market
    Microstructure, Chapter 11.
  • Amihud, Y., and H. Mendelson, 1980, Dealership
    markets Market making with inventory, Journal of
    Financial Economics 8, 31-53.
  • Biais, B., 1993, Price formation and equilibrium
    liquidity in fragmented and centralized markets,
    Journal of Finance 48, 157-185.
  • Garman, M., 1976, Market microstructure, Journal
    of Financial Economics 3, 257-275.
  • Ho, T., and H. Stoll, 1981, Optimal dealer
    pricing under transactions and return
    uncertainty, Journal of Financial Economics 9.
  • Ho, T., and H. Stoll, 1983, The dynamics of
    dealer markets under competition, Journal of
    Finance 38, 1053-1074.
  • OHara, M., and G. Oldfield, 1980, The
    microeconomics of market making, Journal of
    Financial and Quantitative Analysis 21, 361-376.
  • Stoll, H., 1978, The supply of dealer services in
    securities markets, Journal of Finance 33,

Dealer Market References
  • Empirical
  • Bacidore, J. and G. Sofianos, 2002, Liquidity
    provision and specialist trading in NYSE-listed
    non-U.S. stocks, Journal of Financial Economics
    63, 133-158.
  • Hansch, O., Naik, N., and S. Viswanathan, 1998,
    Do inventories matter in dealership markets?
    Evidence from the London Stock Exchange, Journal
    of Finance 53, 1623-1656.
  • Hasbrouck, J., and G. Sofianos, 1993, The trades
    of market makers An empirical analysis of NYSE
    specialists, Journal of Finance 48, 1565-1593.
  • Madhavan, A., and S. Smidt, 1993, An intraday
    analysis of daily changes in specialist
    inventories and quotations, Journal of Finance
    48, 1595-1628.
  • Manaster, S., and S. Mann, 1996, Life in the
    pits competitive market making and inventory
    control, Review of Financial Studies 6, 953-975.
  • Lyons, R., 1993, Test of microstructure
    hypotheses in the foreign exchange market,
    Journal of Financial Economics 39, 321-351.
  • Reiss, P., and I.M. Werner, 1998, Does risk
    sharing motivate interdealer trading? Journal of
    Finance 53, 1657-1703.
  • Stoll, H., 1976, Dealer inventory behavior An
    empirical investigation of Nasdaq stocks, Journal
    of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 11,
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