Title: Fort Monroe: An Update on the Environmental Cleanup
1Fort MonroeAn Update on the Environmental
Presented to theFort Monroe Federal Area
Development AuthorityJuly 17, 2008
- Introduction
- An Overview
- BRAC Environmental Cleanup Requirements
- Primary Partners in Environmental Cleanup
- Consulting Partners in Environmental Cleanup
- Responsibilities of Environmental Partners
- The Role of a Reuse Plan in Environmental Cleanup
- The Road to Environmental Cleanup
- Environmental Contamination Concerns
- Conventional Environmental Sites to be
Investigated - MEC Sites to be Investigated
- Schedule for Future Work
- Questions and Discussion
3BRAC Environmental Cleanup Requirements
- Base Realignment and Closure Acts of 1988 and
1990 - Outlines general requirements for the BRAC
disposal process - Stipulates compliance with environmental laws
- Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) - Additional Federal and State Environmental
Regulations - Department of Defense must fund environmental
investigation and cleanup
4 Primary Partners in Environmental Cleanup
Commonwealth of Virginia
5 Consulting Partners in Environmental Cleanup
The Public (i.e. Restoration Advisory Board)
Commonwealth of Virginia
Additional TBD Agencies
6Putting Faces and Names to the Cleanup Effort
- Bill Armbruster Conover Hunt, FMFADA
- Julie Carver, Steve Young Richard Satkin,
Matrix Design Group - David Knisely, Garrity Knisely
- Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Rick Weeks, Durwood Willis, Eric Salopek Pat
McMurray - Jim Pastorick, UXO Pro
- US Army
- Jennifer Guerrero Robin Mills, Fort Monroe DPW
- Elaine Anderegg Jay Foster, BRAC
- Roger Walton, AEC
- Contracted Support
- Virginia Department of Historical Resources
- Ethel Eaton
7VDEQ Munitions Contractor Support w/UXO Pro
- Background Experience
- Former U. S. Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Officer - Project Manager of Munitions and Explosives of
Concern (MEC) investigation/cleanup projects for
10 years - Technical MEC Project Consultant to State
regulators for 10 years - Assisted States in similar high-profile BRAC
projects - Naval Air Station Adak, Alaska Vieques Naval
Training Range, Puerto Rico Millville Bombing
and Gunnery Range Palmyra Gunnery Range, New
Jersey Governors Island, New York Ft.
McClellan, Alabama
8Responsibilities of Environmental Partners
- Commonwealth of Virginia
- Accept reversionary property from the US Army
- Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority
- Develop Base Reuse Plan (6/30/08) and Homeless
Accommodation Plan - Redevelop the property to meet community needs
- Ensure that cleanup is coordinated with Reuse
Plan implementation - Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Protect human health and the environment
- Provide regulatory oversight of environmental
cleanup - Consider Reuse Plan when determining cleanup
9Responsibilities of Environmental Partners
- Virginia Department of Historic Resources
- Advise assist on historic preservation issues
during environmental cleanup - US Army
- Protect Human Health and the Environment
- Conduct environmental investigation and cleanup
pursuant to CERCLA, applicable environmental
federal laws, and DoD policies - Consider Reuse Plan in remedial action selection
- Ensure monitoring or adequate controls are in
place for post-transfer environmental
requirements - Respond to any post-transfer discovery of
contamination that poses an unacceptable risk
and is attributed to DoD activity - Respond, per DoD policy, to requests for support
of explosives or munitions emergency
10The Role of a Reuse Plan in Environmental Cleanup
- The Reuse Plan
- Identifies future land plans
- Considers community goals and economic objectives
- Provides suggestions for redevelopment
progression - Will be used to prioritize environmental cleanup
sequence - Environmental Cleanup Requirements
- Areas of concern must be adequately investigated
so that environmental cleanup decisions can be
made - Evaluate risk as it relates to future reuse
- Considers environmental condition of property in
planning future use
11 The Fort Monroe Reuse Plan
12 The Road to Environmental Cleanup
13Discovery of Contamination
- Preliminary Assessment (PA)
- Historical records review
- Regulatory agency file search
- Interview
- Site walk
- Site Inspection (SI)
- Initial field investigation
- Geophysical investigation
- Collection analysis of soil, sediment, and
water samples to determine nature of
14Investigation Activities
- Remedial Investigation (RI)
- Detailed site characterization to determine
nature and extent of contamination - Human health and ecological risk assessments
- Feasibility Study (FS)
- Development of cleanup goals
- Development of remedial alternatives costs
- Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Removal
Action - Immediate threat to human health and the
environment - Streamlined process which may be substituted for
RI/FS activities under appropriate regulatory
15Decision Activities
- Proposed Plan
- Selection of proposed remedy
- Public comment
- Decision Document (DD)
- Selection of final remedy
- Detailed description of land use controls
- Legally enforceable remedy agreement
16Remedial Activities
- Remedial Design (RD)
- Based on the selected remedy
- Includes the preparation of detailed engineering
plans, specifications, and cost estimates for
remedy - Remedial Action (RA)
- Implementation of remedy selected to protect
human health and the environment
17Post Remedial Activities and Site Closeout
- Land use controls
- Deed restrictions
- Fencing, access restrictions, and other security
measures - Long-term monitoring
- Groundwater
- Landfill caps
- Site Closeout
- No Further Action (NFA) issued by VDEQ
18Environmental Contamination Concerns
- Conventional Environmental Sites Areas of
Interest - Landfill with Incinerator Ash Disposal Area
- Rifle, Pistol Skeet Ranges
- Auto Boat Maintenance Areas
- Machine Shop
- Gasoline Filling Station Petroleum Hydrocarbon
Releases - Photo Graphic Aids Labs
- Medical/Dental Clinic
- Fire Fighting Training Area
- Pesticide Release Area
- Open Storage Areas and Railroad
- Storm sewer outfalls and Moat
- Site wide Sediments
19Environmental Contamination Concerns
- Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC)
- Munitions Firing Points
- Target Impact Area
- MEC Burial
- Discarded Military Munitions
20 Conventional Environmental Sites to be
- Agreement reached in 2007 that 25 sites would
undergo initial field investigation - Site Inspection (SI) work conducted in Aug/Sept
2007 - Draft SI Report completed Feb 2008
- Agreed with Draft SI Report conclusion that no
further action was required at 6 of 25 sites
investigated - US Army requested funds for follow-on
investigation of 19 remaining SI sites in May 2008
21 Conventional Environmental Sites to be
- Of the 19 SI sites requiring further
investigation - Removal Action may be undertaken at 3 4 sites
to mitigate risk - 4 sites show ecological risk only additional eco
risk assessment needed - Remaining sites to be carried forward in CERCLA
process - Additional sites for SI level work under
22 MEC Sites to be Investigated
- Agreement reached in 2007 that 9 general
Munitions Response Site (MRS) areas on land at
Fort Monroe would be investigated - Discussions are continuing between the US Army
and VDEQ regarding the need for a MEC
investigation in Mill Creek
23 U. S. Army Schedule for Future Work
- Conventional Environmental Sites
- Follow-on Site Investigation work to be conducted
in late 2008 to early 2009 - In June 2008, a discussion of cleanup priorities
began. Assumptions being recreational areas are
the highest priority in the environmental cleanup
sequence - RI/FS work scheduled in 2009 and 2010
- DoDs goal is to have all cleanup work completed
in 2010 - US Army has programmed all cleanup work to be
completed in support of DoD goal
24 U. S. Army Schedule for Future Work
- MEC Sites
- US Army to issue Request for Proposal for
selection of MEC consultant in July 2008 - US Army to award contract for MEC consultant in
late 2008 - Draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Workplan and RI
field work to be initiated in 2009 - RI Report in 2010
25Questions and Discussion
- Fort MonroeAn Update on the Environmental